Boys & Girls Complete

Licensed to Down East Sports Timing - Contractor License
                                        HY-TEK's Meet Manager 2/2/2013 03:42 PM
                         SMAA Indoor Track - 2/2/2013                          
                        2013 Southwestern Championship                         
Girls 55 Meter Dash JUNIOR DIVISION
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Lauren Magnuson              South Portland          7.66       7.64q  1 
  2 Tori Daigle                  Thornton                7.67       7.67q  2 
  3 Anna Mehlinger               Thornton                7.86       7.85q  3 
  4 Abigail Goodrich             Cheverus                7.80       7.87q  3 
  5 Kristin Benson               Gorham                  7.91       7.88q  2 
  6 Matti Marcello               Windham                 7.94       7.98q  1 
  7 Darious Zagon                Deering                 7.98       8.02q  1 
  8 Claire Kirby                 Portland                8.09       8.04q  3 
  9 Alana Cobb                   Windham                 8.06       8.08   2 
 10 Sydney Onos                  South Portland          8.27       8.18   1 
 11 Kayleigh Smith               Gorham                  8.34       8.19   2 
 12 Madison Bolduc               Portland                8.24       8.25   1 
 13 Edita Isakovic               South Portland          8.34       8.26   3 
 14 Abby Perkins                 Gorham                  8.21       8.29   3 
 15 Julia Preston                Windham                 8.27       8.30   2 
 16 Makayla Lauritsen            Bonny Eagle             8.59       8.33   3 
 17 McKenzie Pepin               Windham                 8.24       8.37   2 
 18 Allie Pandora                Windham                 8.30       8.38   3 
 19 Victoria Beaulieu            South Portland          8.63       8.40   3 
 20 Antonia Karageorge           Scarborough             8.42       8.43   1 
 21 Hannah Tyson                 Cheverus                8.47       8.46   1 
 22 Joyce Valenzuela             Deering                 8.48       8.48   2 
Girls 55 Meter Dash JUNIOR DIVISION
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals 
  1 Lauren Magnuson              South Portland          7.64       7.60  
  2 Tori Daigle                  Thornton                7.67       7.74  
  3 Anna Mehlinger               Thornton                7.85       7.77  
  4 Abigail Goodrich             Cheverus                7.87       7.92  
  5 Matti Marcello               Windham                 7.98       7.98  
  6 Darious Zagon                Deering                 8.02       8.00  
  7 Claire Kirby                 Portland                8.04       8.04  
  8 Kristin Benson               Gorham                  7.88       8.05  
Girls 200 Meter Dash JUNIOR DIVISION
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Tori Daigle                  Thornton               27.34      27.69   3 
  2 Kristin Benson               Gorham                 27.96      28.32   3 
  3 Matti Marcello               Windham                28.74      28.58   3 
  4 Anna Mehlinger               Thornton               28.48      28.74   3 
  5 Milena Opielowski            Cheverus               29.36      28.90   2 
  6 Kayla Griffis                Scarborough            29.87      29.28   1 
  7 Aly Atherton                 Scarborough            29.10      29.36   3 
  8 Alana Cobb                   Windham                29.37      29.38   2 
  9 Meagan Johnson               South Portland         28.81      29.58   3 
 10 Edita Isakovic               South Portland         29.81      29.78   1 
 11 Abby Perkins                 Gorham                 29.72      29.83   2 
 12 Claire Kirby                 Portland               29.31      30.08   2 
 13 Hannah Fields                Noble                  29.42      30.38   2 
 14 Makayla Lauritsen            Bonny Eagle            31.50      30.81   1 
Girls 400 Meter Dash JUNIOR DIVISION
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Lauren Magnuson              South Portland       1:03.63    1:02.52   3 
  2 Katherine Kirk               Scarborough          1:03.70    1:03.24   3 
  3 Brittney Arsenault           Westbrook            1:03.76    1:03.30   3 
  4 Sarah Mount                  Cheverus             1:05.47    1:04.58   3 
  5 Aly Atherton                 Scarborough          1:05.46    1:04.58   3 
  6 Maggie Redman                Massabesic           1:06.36    1:06.02   2 
  7 Janey Blackwell-Orr          South Portland       1:07.09    1:06.65   2 
  8 Jenessa Corbett              Westbrook            1:06.94    1:06.88   2 
  9 Kayla Griffis                Scarborough          1:08.38    1:06.91   2 
 10 Hannah Fields                Noble                1:07.94    1:07.52   2 
 11 Brittney Upton               South Portland       1:09.57    1:07.53   1 
 12 Andrea Dumont                Cheverus             1:08.52    1:08.08   1 
 13 Alexa Lynham                 Westbrook            1:09.88    1:08.29   1 
 14 Makayla Lauritsen            Bonny Eagle          1:09.94    1:09.11   1 
 15 Hayley Grover                Westbrook            1:09.75    1:10.50   1 
 16 Katie Farrell                Deering              1:05.21    1:11.16   3 
 17 Allie Pandora                Windham              1:09.93    1:11.66   1 
 -- McKenzie Pepin               Windham              1:07.62         DQ   2 
Girls 800 Meter Run JUNIOR DIVISION
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Kialeigh Marston             Bonny Eagle          2:29.01    2:28.40  
  2 Georgia Caso                 Cheverus             2:40.91    2:30.78  
  3 Halee Phelps                 Westbrook            2:32.09    2:32.34  
  4 Emma Koukos                  Scarborough          2:38.10    2:35.14  
  5 Joelle Bockus                Windham              2:33.98    2:35.97  
  6 Gabrielle Johnson            Massabesic           2:35.60    2:39.12  
  7 Sydney Onos                  South Portland       2:41.34    2:39.13  
  8 Kathleen LeBlanc             Thornton             2:41.21    2:39.75  
  9 Olivia Libby                 Thornton             2:40.85    2:42.73  
 10 Lizzy Fowler                 Deering              2:42.07    2:43.55  
 11 Jenna Douglas                Scarborough          2:44.42    2:48.14  
 12 Emma Lynch                   Scarborough          2:49.21    2:48.98  
 13 Megan Violette               Deering              2:47.81    2:49.62  
 14 Brooke Shaw                  Westbrook            2:47.11    2:50.35  
 15 Heather Hills                Deering              2:50.86    2:51.34  
 16 Ashley Harriman              Westbrook            2:51.63    2:53.28  
 17 Maquila Dimastrantonio       Massabesic           2:37.36    2:58.47  
Girls 55 Meter Hurdles JUNIOR DIVISION
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Tori Daigle                  Thornton                8.96       8.96q  1 
  2 Laurine German               South Portland          9.49       9.35q  2 
  3 Brayden Costa                Thornton                9.53       9.42q  2 
  4 Sarah Rinaldi                Scarborough             9.52       9.58q  3 
  5 Abigail Goodrich             Cheverus                9.50       9.70q  3 
  6 Chantrea El                  Deering                 9.83       9.70q  1 
  7 Olivia Libby                 Thornton                9.77       9.84q  1 
  8 Claire Kirby                 Portland                9.90      10.04q  2 
  9 Meg Knights                  Windham                10.15      10.18   2 
 10 Emma Russell                 South Portland         10.50      10.46   1 
 11 Megan Bailey                 McAuley                10.56      10.57   1 
 12 Alexa Lynham                 Westbrook              10.64      10.61   3 
 13 Cassidy Sirois               Biddeford              10.87      10.69   1 
 13 Sarah Mount                  Cheverus               10.00      10.69   3 
 15 Rebecca McNamara             McAuley                10.80      10.75   1 
 16 Meghan Neyer                 Massabesic             10.68      10.80   2 
 17 Allie Pandora                Windham                11.01      10.86   2 
 18 Samantha Richard             Bonny Eagle            10.57      10.87   2 
 19 Katie Farrell                Deering                 9.91      11.01   3 
 20 Karaghan Curran              Thornton               11.05      11.23   3 
 21 Katie Hunter                 Windham                11.48      11.43   1 
 22 Lincoln Anderson             Thornton               11.21      11.51   3 
Girls 55 Meter Hurdles JUNIOR DIVISION
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals 
  1 Tori Daigle                  Thornton                8.96       8.81  
  2 Laurine German               South Portland          9.35       9.29  
  3 Brayden Costa                Thornton                9.42       9.35  
  4 Abigail Goodrich             Cheverus                9.70       9.58  
  5 Chantrea El                  Deering                 9.70       9.66  
  6 Olivia Libby                 Thornton                9.84       9.68  
  7 Sarah Rinaldi                Scarborough             9.58       9.70  
  8 Claire Kirby                 Portland               10.04       9.85  
Girls 4x200 Meter Relay JUNIOR DIVISION
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Scarborough High School  'A'                      1:55.77    1:55.28   2 
  2 South Portland High School  'A'                   1:54.46    1:57.10   2 
  3 Cheverus High School  'A'                         1:59.41    1:57.42   2 
  4 Gorham High School  'A'                           1:57.41    1:57.46   2 
  5 Westbrook High School  'A'                        2:00.56    1:58.77   1 
  6 Thornton Academy  'A'                             1:56.95    1:59.72   2 
  7 Windham high School  'A'                          2:01.64    2:03.07   1 
  8 Bonny Eagle High School  'A'                      2:04.10    2:04.64   1 
  9 McAuley High School  'A'                          2:09.21    2:08.56   1 
 10 Massabesic High School  'A'                       2:06.00    2:11.36   1 
 -- Deering High School  'A'                          1:58.12         DQ   2 
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Sarah Rinaldi                Scarborough          5-02.00    5-00.00  
  2 Lizzy Fowler                 Deering              4-10.00    4-10.00  
  3 Meagan Johnson               South Portland       4-10.00   J4-10.00  
  4 Lili Kien                    Deering              4-06.00    4-08.00  
  5 Emma Russell                 South Portland       4-10.00   J4-08.00  
  5 Aly Atherton                 Scarborough          4-10.00   J4-08.00  
  7 Milena Opielowski            Cheverus             4-08.00    4-06.00  
  8 Edita Isakovic               South Portland       4-06.00   J4-06.00  
  9 Maura Gallagher              Windham              4-06.00    4-04.00  
  9 Anna Luke                    Noble                4-04.00    4-04.00  
 11 Emma Hornbrook               Noble                4-04.00    4-02.00  
 11 Rebecca McNamara             McAuley              4-02.00    4-02.00  
 13 Heather Bailey               Westbrook            4-04.00    4-00.00  
 13 Jillian Smith                Westbrook            4-00.00    4-00.00  
 -- Lincoln Anderson             Thornton             4-02.00         NH  
 -- Cassidy Sirois               Biddeford            4-02.00         NH  
 -- Laura Nicolo                 Noble                4-02.00         NH  
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Milena Opielowski            Cheverus            15-07.50   16-00.50  
  2 Anna Mehlinger               Thornton            15-11.00   15-11.00  
  3 Lauren Magnuson              South Portland      15-02.00   15-10.00  
  4 Madison Bolduc               Portland            13-10.00   14-10.00  
  5 Julia Preston                Windham             13-08.50   14-09.00  
  6 Darious Zagon                Deering             14-03.00   14-08.50  
  7 Laurine German               South Portland      14-05.00   14-02.50  
  8 Emma Berry                   Westbrook           13-10.25   13-11.25  
  9 Delaney Shiers               Gorham              14-05.50   13-11.00  
 10 Kristin Benson               Gorham              14-03.75   13-07.75  
 11 Maquila Dimastrantonio       Massabesic          14-00.00   13-03.00  
 -- Brayden Costa                Thornton            15-01.50         ND  
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Brayden Costa                Thornton            32-06.50   33-01.00  
  2 Madison Bolduc               Portland            30-05.00   33-00.75  
  3 Laurine German               South Portland      32-00.50   31-11.00  
  4 Julia Preston                Windham             30-10.25   30-06.75  
  5 Abigail Goodrich             Cheverus            29-06.00   30-03.75  
  6 Olivia Libby                 Thornton            30-03.25   29-09.75  
  7 Meagan Johnson               South Portland      30-04.50   29-09.25  
  8 Matti Marcello               Windham             29-02.00   29-03.50  
  9 Hannah Fields                Noble               30-10.25   28-09.75  
 10 Emma Hornbrook               Noble               28-08.75   28-06.25  
 11 Maquila Dimastrantonio       Massabesic          29-05.50   28-05.50  
 12 Emma Berry                   Westbrook           30-03.00   27-04.50  
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Alana Dube                   Windham             30-11.75   30-07.50  
  2 Akech Allolding              McAuley             27-01.75   28-09.00  
  3 Elizaabeth Provencher        Thornton            30-09.50   28-05.00  
  4 Jaimee Gammon                Bonny Eagle         26-10.00   26-08.50  
  5 Kathryn Lord                 Thornton            23-01.50   24-04.50  
  6 Amberly Delponte             Westbrook           21-10.00   24-01.50  
  7 Jessica Wolfe                Portland            25-10.00   24-00.50  
  8 Megan Baker                  Gorham              21-09.00   24-00.00  
  9 Jamie Cribby                 South Portland      25-07.00   23-06.50  
 10 Madison Aldrich              Cheverus            24-07.00   23-04.50  
 11 Christina Taylor             Deering             23-08.00   22-10.50  
 12 Franquie Hallczuk            Biddeford           23-11.50   22-06.50  
 13 Terrence Galdo               Bonny Eagle         24-03.50   22-02.50  
 14 Juliette Carrier             Windham             21-01.50   22-00.00  
 15 Krystel Nevells              South Portland      22-07.00   21-05.50  
 16 Lamia Laflamme               Biddeford           21-05.00   20-06.50  
 17 Jade Jordan                  Deering             20-09.50   19-05.50  
 18 Sage Van Eckhout             Westbrook           20-07.00   19-00.00  
Girls 55 Meter Dash SENIOR DIVISION
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Meredith Willard             Cheverus                7.65       7.58q  1 
  2 Audrey Weyand                Bonny Eagle             7.73       7.71q  3 
  3 Oliva Jones                  Biddeford               7.67       7.74q  2 
  4 Morgan Rodway                Scarborough             7.78       7.76q  2 
  5 Avery Pietras                Scarborough             7.82       7.81q  1 
  6 Stephanie Sylvester          Deering                 7.77       7.83q  3 
  7 Jessica Warren               Bonny Eagle             7.81       7.84q  1 
  8 Morgan Richmond              Windham                 7.87       7.97q  2 
  9 Samantha Libby               McAuley                 8.01       8.00   3 
 10 Jacqueline Guillemette       Massabesic              8.11       8.04   2 
 11 Erin Bogdanovich             South Portland          8.02       8.06   2 
 12 Alexis Elowitch              Deering                 8.14       8.10   2 
 13 Ashley Ronzo                 Scarborough             8.27       8.12   3 
 14 Lauren Shoemaker             Windham                 8.16       8.16   1 
 15 Erika Lightner               South Portland          8.17       8.17   3 
 16 Whitney Adell                Deering                 8.01       8.19   1 
 17 Monica Reno                  Portland                8.10       8.20   1 
 18 Megan Anderson               Portland                8.17       9.32   3 
Girls 55 Meter Dash SENIOR DIVISION
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals 
  1 Meredith Willard             Cheverus                7.58       7.49  
  2 Audrey Weyand                Bonny Eagle             7.71       7.67  
  3 Oliva Jones                  Biddeford               7.74       7.72  
  4 Morgan Rodway                Scarborough             7.76       7.78  
  5 Avery Pietras                Scarborough             7.81       7.83  
  6 Stephanie Sylvester          Deering                 7.83       7.84  
  7 Jessica Warren               Bonny Eagle             7.84       7.86  
  8 Morgan Richmond              Windham                 7.97       8.05  
Girls 200 Meter Dash SENIOR DIVISION
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Avery Pietras                Scarborough            27.28      27.12   3 
  2 Audrey Weyand                Bonny Eagle            27.24      27.23   3 
  3 Meredith Willard             Cheverus               27.63      27.27   3 
  4 Anne Slattery                Cheverus               27.62      27.88   3 
  5 Morgan Rodway                Scarborough            27.98      28.02   3 
  6 Oliva Jones                  Biddeford              28.26      28.14   3 
  7 Samantha Libby               McAuley                28.57      28.50   2 
  8 Morgan Richmond              Windham                28.47      28.91   2 
  9 Lauren Shoemaker             Windham                28.64      28.94   2 
 10 Nicole Lanoie                Noble                  28.79      28.98   2 
 11 Ashley Ronzo                 Scarborough            29.66      29.15   1 
 12 Mia Lewis                    Noble                  29.11      29.15   2 
 13 Jessica Warren               Bonny Eagle            29.37      29.34   1 
 14 Sophia Desjardins            South Portland         29.20      29.75   1 
 15 Jacqueline Guillemette       Massabesic             29.97      30.00   1 
Girls 400 Meter Dash SENIOR DIVISION
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Audrey Weyand                Bonny Eagle          1:00.73    1:00.42   3 
  2 Lauren Shoemaker             Windham              1:04.35    1:04.39   3 
  3 Elyse Caiazzo                Cheverus             1:04.70    1:04.90   3 
  4 Erin Bogdanovich             South Portland       1:05.36    1:05.38   3 
  5 Karli-An Gilbert             Scarborough          1:05.72    1:05.44   2 
  6 Mia Lewis                    Noble                1:04.94    1:05.64   3 
  7 Nicole Lanoie                Noble                1:03.76    1:05.65   3 
  8 Ashley Ronzo                 Scarborough          1:07.42    1:06.11   2 
  9 Rayne Whitten                Massabesic           1:07.33    1:06.27   2 
 10 Gaelyn Lindauer              Bonny Eagle          1:10.03    1:07.15   1 
 11 Ali Pelczar                  Scarborough          1:08.77    1:08.32   2 
 12 Maya Letourneau              South Portland       1:09.45    1:08.38   2 
 13 Ashley Gagne                 Biddeford            1:09.52    1:08.90   1 
 14 Katie Granzier               Scarborough          1:10.34    1:09.47   1 
Girls 800 Meter Run SENIOR DIVISION
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Edie Pallozzi                Deering              2:21.10    2:19.50  
  2 Nyajock Pan                  South Portland       2:21.59    2:23.03  
  3 Charlotte Pierce             Thornton             2:21.29    2:23.39  
  4 Samantha Cox                 Bonny Eagle          2:23.67    2:28.99  
  5 Kyaunna Libby                Bonny Eagle          2:27.31    2:30.20  
  6 Vie Nadeau-Carney            Biddeford            2:33.71    2:31.91  
  7 Marisa Agger                 Scarborough          2:35.29    2:32.54  
  8 Eden Monsen                  Cheverus             2:34.50    2:33.90  
  9 Angel Waters                 Massabesic           2:35.96    2:35.38  
 10 Mackenzie Joy                Windham              2:32.19    2:36.34  
 11 Kathleen Duffy               Massabesic           2:39.11    2:40.12  
 12 Angela Tirabassi             South Portland       2:40.10    2:41.53  
 13 Laura Turner                 Gorham               2:41.90    2:44.13  
 14 Meghan Lynch                 Scarborough          2:48.27    2:44.53  
 15 Amanda LeMoulte              Deering              2:42.11    2:49.60  
 16 Sarah Gale                   Portland             2:51.50    2:53.54  
 17 Heather Hodson               Deering              2:55.75    2:59.65  
Girls 55 Meter Hurdles SENIOR DIVISION
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Carly McKenna                Thornton                9.23       9.21q  2 
  2 Amanda Arnold                Thornton                9.12       9.34q  1 
  3 Anne Slattery                Cheverus                9.18       9.46q  2 
  4 Erika Lightner               South Portland          9.55       9.70q  1 
  5 Alyssa DeMario               Thornton               10.25       9.75q  2 
  6 Elsa Curran                  McAuley                 9.91       9.82q  2 
  7 Gaelyn Lindauer              Bonny Eagle            10.07       9.98q  1 
  8 Hannah Southard              Gorham                 10.09      10.13q  1 
  9 Casey Girsch                 Deering                 9.88      10.47   2 
 10 Rayne Whitten                Massabesic             10.58      10.79   1 
 11 Sarah Redman                 Massabesic             11.00      10.87   2 
 12 Victoria Chase               Biddeford              10.94      11.06   1 
 13 Angela Tirabassi             South Portland         10.52      11.09   2 
 14 Jill Wilson                  Noble                  11.34      11.40   2 
 -- Rashad Zagon                 Deering                 9.82         FS   1 
Girls 55 Meter Hurdles SENIOR DIVISION
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals 
  1 Carly McKenna                Thornton                9.21       9.09  
  2 Amanda Arnold                Thornton                9.34       9.11  
  3 Anne Slattery                Cheverus                9.46       9.43  
  4 Erika Lightner               South Portland          9.70       9.53  
  5 Elsa Curran                  McAuley                 9.82       9.87  
  6 Alyssa DeMario               Thornton                9.75       9.92  
  7 Gaelyn Lindauer              Bonny Eagle             9.98      10.00  
  8 Hannah Southard              Gorham                 10.13      10.24  
Girls 4x200 Meter Relay SENIOR DIVISION
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Scarborough High School  'A'                      1:53.03    1:51.86   2 
  2 Deering High School  'A'                          1:53.98    1:53.06   2 
  3 South Portland High School  'A'                   1:53.73    1:53.97   2 
  4 Cheverus High School  'A'                         1:57.93    1:55.30   2 
  5 Biddeford High School  'A'                        1:58.70    2:01.56   1 
  6 Gorham High School  'A'                           2:02.00    2:02.05   1 
  7 Bonny Eagle High School  'A'                      1:55.88    2:03.19   2 
  8 Massabesic High School  'A'                       2:04.00    2:06.50   1 
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Carly McKenna                Thornton             5-02.00    5-02.00  
  2 Natalie Foster               Scarborough          4-10.00    4-10.00  
  3 Rashad Zagon                 Deering              5-00.00   J4-10.00  
  4 Cheyenne Coombs              South Portland       4-10.00    4-08.00  
  5 Paige Greeley                Scarborough          4-06.00    4-06.00  
  5 Kathryn Berry                Westbrook            4-08.00    4-06.00  
  7 Katelyn Lebreux              Biddeford            4-06.00   J4-06.00  
  8 Anne Slattery                Cheverus             4-08.00   J4-06.00  
  9 Mariah Howard                Noble                4-06.00    4-04.00  
  9 Elyse Caiazzo                Cheverus             4-06.00    4-04.00  
 11 Rayne Whitten                Massabesic           4-02.00    4-02.00  
 12 Ashley Gagne                 Biddeford            4-04.00    4-00.00  
 12 Heather Everett              Massabesic           4-02.00    4-00.00  
 -- Rachel Ahern                 Noble                3-10.00         NH  
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Amanda Arnold                Thornton            16-07.00   16-07.25  
  2 Nicole Lanoie                Noble               15-00.75   15-01.75  
  3 Hannah Southard              Gorham              15-00.50   14-07.25  
  4 Morgan Richmond              Windham             13-05.00   14-07.00  
  5 Bridget Campbell             South Portland      14-04.00   13-07.50  
  6 Stephanie Sylvester          Deering             15-05.00   12-11.50  
  7 Alyssa DeMario               Thornton            13-02.25   12-09.25  
  8 Ashley Gagne                 Biddeford           13-00.75   12-07.00  
 -- Carly McKenna                Thornton            16-02.75         ND  
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Amanda Arnold                Thornton            32-09.00   33-02.25  
  2 Hannah Southard              Gorham              31-07.75   31-06.50  
  3 Oliva Jones                  Biddeford           32-02.25   31-03.00  
  4 Bridget Campbell             South Portland      29-06.50   30-01.25  
  5 Vie Nadeau-Carney            Biddeford           29-02.50   29-07.50  
  6 Ali Pelczar                  Scarborough         28-04.00   29-04.00  
  7 Leah Carter                  Bonny Eagle         28-07.75   29-01.50  
  8 Kathryn Berry                Westbrook           28-08.00   28-10.00  
  9 Angela Beattie               Westbrook           29-03.00   28-09.75  
 10 Oliva Morrison               Biddeford           28-02.75   27-10.50  
 11 Katelyn Lebreux              Biddeford           28-09.50   27-06.00  
 12 Eden Monsen                  Cheverus            28-08.00   25-11.50  
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Lonnie Staten                Windham             34-04.00   34-01.00  
  2 Ashley Belanger              Biddeford           36-11.50   33-06.00  
  3 Alexis Elowitch              Deering             34-03.50   33-03.00  
  4 Patty Smith                  Gorham              34-10.50  J33-03.00  
  5 Kaeleigh Harrison            Thornton            33-11.50   32-05.00  
  6 Michelle Medici              South Portland      31-10.00   31-05.50  
  7 Gabrielle Capozzi            Thornton            32-02.00   31-05.00  
  8 Lydia Coulombe               Thornton            30-09.00   30-02.00  
  9 Hannah Huntress              Thornton            31-01.50   29-09.50  
 10 Elsa Curran                  McAuley             29-01.50   29-03.00  
 11 Marissa Goodrich             Noble               30-11.50   29-02.50  
 12 Julia LoSciuto               Windham             26-05.50   28-04.50  
 13 Jessica Morris               Noble               27-00.50   27-11.00  
 14 Alexandra Logan              Cheverus            28-08.00   27-08.50  
 15 Marissa Rush                 Gorham              27-03.50   27-03.00  
 16 Lauren Boissonnault          Thornton            25-02.00   26-05.50  
 17 Sophia Swiatek               Gorham              27-06.00   25-06.00  
 18 Ashley Brown                 Westbrook           24-10.00   24-03.00  
Girls 600 Yard Dash OPEN DIVISION
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Kialeigh Marston             Bonny Eagle          1:33.17    1:31.44  
  2 Nyajock Pan                  South Portland       1:33.80    1:31.86  
  3 Vie Nadeau-Carney            Biddeford            1:33.33    1:33.42  
  4 Jessica Meader               Scarborough          1:35.05    1:35.46  
  5 Jackie Turner                Gorham               1:41.27    1:36.46  
  6 Casey Kelley                 South Portland       1:44.38    1:42.40  
  7 Shawna Meserve               Bonny Eagle          1:45.67    1:43.86  
  8 Savannah Bouchard            Thornton             1:44.50    1:44.49  
  9 Victoria Beaulieu            South Portland       1:50.74    1:46.29  
 10 Kayleigh Neyer               Massabesic           1:48.16    1:49.21  
 11 Amy Pass                     Noble                1:47.47    1:49.73  
 12 Ariana Mohammad              South Portland       1:50.44    1:52.27  
 13 Sierra Yost                  Windham              2:01.20    1:54.18  
 14 Hilary Kinney                Bonny Eagle          1:57.24    1:54.55  
 15 Anna Weyand                  Bonny Eagle          1:53.46    1:55.21  
Girls 1 Mile Run OPEN DIVISION
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Charlotte Pierce             Thornton             5:21.26    5:07.49  
  2 Samantha Cox                 Bonny Eagle          5:14.92    5:08.64  
  3 Mary Szatkowski              Bonny Eagle          5:30.48    5:30.94  
  4 Jocelyn Acheson              Massabesic           5:32.41    5:37.33  
  5 Georgia Caso                 Cheverus             5:46.29    5:39.84  
  6 Anna Mininni                 Biddeford            5:54.20    5:54.26  
  7 Emily Wasina                 Massabesic           5:52.40    5:58.95  
  8 Adele Werner                 McAuley              5:54.19    5:59.36  
  9 Laura Volan                  Scarborough          5:55.90    6:00.89  
 10 Keilly Lynch                 Massabesic           6:07.30    6:08.05  
 11 Maria Quartararo             Scarborough          6:30.30    6:24.83  
 12 CiAnne Plummer               Windham              6:17.71    6:24.86  
 13 Kate Sobanik                 Massabesic           6:23.46    6:28.74  
Girls 2 Mile Run OPEN DIVISION
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Charlotte Pierce             Thornton            11:26.09   11:29.07  
  2 Kiera Murray                 Cheverus            11:34.00   11:31.14  
  3 Mary Szatkowski              Bonny Eagle         11:36.08   11:40.81  
  4 Kristen Glennie              Bonny Eagle         12:09.18   11:54.97  
  5 Marisa Agger                 Scarborough         12:02.96   12:13.51  
  6 Gabrielle Johnson            Massabesic          12:09.04   12:15.08  
  7 Alexandra Vayda              Bonny Eagle         12:23.46   12:18.33  
  8 Abby Runnells                Thornton            12:31.36   12:19.77  
  9 Kathleen LeBlanc             Thornton            12:48.03   12:35.29  
 10 Roshelle Morrison            Massabesic          13:02.89   12:57.00  
 11 Mackenzie Joy                Windham             13:09.78   12:57.04  
 12 Adele Werner                 McAuley             13:08.00   13:25.21  
 13 Lauren Linevitch             Windham             13:24.19   13:28.93  
 14 Jessica Childs               Westbrook           14:57.22   14:07.93  
Girls 55 Meter Hurdles OPEN DIVISION
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Chantrea El                  Deering                            9.97  
  2 Claire Kirby                 Portland                          10.06  
  3 Rebecca McNamara             McAuley                           10.80  
  4 Meghan Neyer                 Massabesic                        10.87  
  5 Megan Bailey                 McAuley                           11.03  
  6 Samantha Richard             Bonny Eagle                       11.18  
Girls 4x800 Meter Relay OPEN DIVISION
    School                                               Seed     Finals 
  1 Bonny Eagle High School  'A'                     10:10.76   10:04.85  
  2 Scarborough High School  'A'                     10:57.20   10:10.74  
  3 Massabesic High School  'A'                      10:41.48   10:14.69  
  4 South Portland High School  'A'                  10:52.52   10:39.25  
  5 Cheverus High School  'A'                        10:56.45   10:39.29  
  6 Deering High School  'A'                         11:00.34   10:54.90  
  7 Windham high School  'A'                         10:56.53   10:55.37  
  8 Westbrook High School  'A'                       11:43.24   11:47.92  
  9 Gorham High School  'A'                          11:44.72   13:01.78  
 -- Thornton Academy  'A'                            10:56.20         DQ  
Girls 1600 Sprint Medley OPEN DIVISION
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Bonny Eagle High School  'A'                      4:41.60    4:29.09   2 
  2 Thornton Academy  'A'                             4:36.33    4:30.86   2 
  3 Deering High School  'A'                          5:05.70    4:37.66   1 
  4 Cheverus High School  'A'                         4:41.46    4:38.06   2 
  5 Noble High School  'A'                            4:44.18    4:38.21   1 
  6 Massabesic High School  'A'                       4:44.10    4:41.74   1 
  7 Biddeford High School  'A'                        4:42.29    4:42.43   2 
  8 Windham high School  'A'                          4:42.17    4:49.02   2 
  9 Scarborough High School  'A'                      4:52.01    4:49.53   1 
 10 McAuley High School  'A'                          4:53.89    5:05.71   1 
 11 South Portland High School  'A'                   4:30.63    5:06.93   2 
 12 Westbrook High School  'A'                        5:00.68    5:09.07   1 
Girls Pole Vault OPEN DIVISION
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Sophia Swiatek               Gorham               9-00.00    8-06.00  
  2 Cailley Ledue                Scarborough          9-00.00   J8-06.00  
  3 Sierra Cooper                Bonny Eagle          8-06.00   J8-06.00  
  4 Elizabeth Houston            McAuley              8-00.00    8-00.00  
  5 Kaitlyn Hilton               Thornton             8-06.00    7-06.00  
  5 Mary Szatkowski              Bonny Eagle          7-00.00    7-06.00  
  7 Ali Pelczar                  Scarborough          7-00.00   J7-06.00  
  8 Kristen Glennie              Bonny Eagle          7-06.00   J7-06.00  
  9 Maria Quartararo             Scarborough          6-06.00    7-00.00  
 10 Kim Fisher                   McAuley              7-00.00    6-06.00  
 10 Akossiwa Alognon             South Portland       6-00.00    6-06.00  
 10 Abby Perkins                 Gorham               6-06.00    6-06.00  
 13 Emma Koukos                  Scarborough          5-00.00    5-00.00  
 13 Abbie Morgan                 Scarborough          5-06.00    5-00.00  
 13 Meghan Connolly              Deering              5-00.00    5-00.00  
Boys 55 Meter Dash JUNIOR DIVISION
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Derek Boissonnault           Thornton                6.94       6.89q  2 
  2 Andrew Smith                 Thornton                6.91       7.01q  1 
  3 Cam Johnson                  Noble                   6.97       7.07q  3 
  4 Jake Dixon                   Cheverus                6.98       7.08q  3 
  5 Jerry Kenney                 Scarborough             7.02       7.10q  2 
  6 Razel Gavin                  Deering                 7.12       7.14q  1 
  7 Jacob Cote                   Biddeford               7.16       7.19q  1 
  8 Mitch Rossignol              Gorham                  7.18       7.23q  2 
  9 Tyler Joy                    Noble                   7.28       7.27   2 
 10 Brandon Ford                 Noble                   7.26       7.28   3 
 11 Alix Chandler                Biddeford               7.24       7.30   3 
 12 Dan Baker                    Cheverus                7.41       7.36   3 
 13 Noah Blake                   South Portland          7.42       7.42   2 
 14 Zachary Pitts                Massabesic              7.36       7.45   1 
 15 Jared Wagner                 Noble                   7.40       7.51   2 
 16 Aaron Graves                 Windham                 7.50       7.53   1 
 17 Chris Dionne                 Scarborough             7.62       7.56   2 
 18 Joe Fitzpatrick              Cheverus                7.29       7.62   1 
 19 Kyle Mandell                 Windham                 7.62       7.67   3 
Boys 55 Meter Dash JUNIOR DIVISION
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals 
  1 Derek Boissonnault           Thornton                6.89       6.86  
  2 Andrew Smith                 Thornton                7.01       6.94  
  3 Jake Dixon                   Cheverus                7.08       7.01  
  4 Cam Johnson                  Noble                   7.07       7.04  
  5 Razel Gavin                  Deering                 7.14       7.08  
  6 Jerry Kenney                 Scarborough             7.10       7.10  
  7 Jacob Cote                   Biddeford               7.19       7.18  
  8 Mitch Rossignol              Gorham                  7.23       7.33  
Boys 200 Meter Dash JUNIOR DIVISION
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Jake Dixon                   Cheverus               23.85      23.72   3 
  2 Cam Johnson                  Noble                  24.52      24.33   3 
  3 Derek Boissonnault           Thornton               24.90      24.63   3 
  4 Jerry Kenney                 Scarborough            23.94      24.78   3 
  5 Mitch Rossignol              Gorham                 25.52      24.81   3 
  6 Andrew Smith                 Thornton               24.51      24.88   3 
  7 Hunter Griffiths             Cheverus               25.69      25.14   2 
  8 Alix Chandler                Biddeford              25.67      25.18   2 
  9 Brandon Ford                 Noble                  25.81      25.55   2 
 10 Michael Cuesta               South Portland         25.75      25.60   2 
 11 Razel Gavin                  Deering                26.03      25.64   1 
 12 Noah Blake                   South Portland         26.20      25.68   1 
 13 Jacob Cote                   Biddeford              25.92      25.86   2 
 14 Aaron Graves                 Windham                26.41      25.93   1 
 15 Dan Baker                    Cheverus               26.21      26.16   1 
 16 Zachary Pitts                Massabesic             26.41      26.32   1 
Boys 400 Meter Dash JUNIOR DIVISION
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Cam Johnson                  Noble                  54.36      53.64   2 
  2 Jerry Kenney                 Scarborough            53.42      54.36   2 
  3 Dan Marsh                    Thornton               57.77      55.38   2 
  4 Gerald Wagner                Cheverus               56.18      56.59   2 
  5 Elliot Youth                 Scarborough            58.56      56.74   1 
  6 Aaron Graves                 Windham                57.31      56.88   2 
  7 Jared Wagner                 Noble                  57.57      57.34   2 
  8 Ernie Ruby                   Windham                58.38      58.82   1 
  9 Mike Cohen                   Biddeford            1:00.21    1:01.83   1 
 10 Eddy Tchatat                 Deering              1:02.52    1:02.88   1 
Boys 800 Meter Run JUNIOR DIVISION
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Yahya Hussein                Deering              2:14.43    2:11.65  
  2 Jacob Bloom                  Scarborough          2:09.37    2:12.53  
  3 Henry Hintermeister          Noble                2:14.29    2:13.02  
  4 Lucas Foerster               Scarborough          2:17.66    2:14.29  
  5 Joshua Richards              Westbrook            2:14.10    2:14.49  
  6 Denzel Crocket               Bonny Eagle          2:12.41    2:14.57  
  7 Ian Donnelly                 Windham              2:15.09    2:14.87  
  8 Parker Montano               Cheverus             2:18.28    2:16.12  
  9 Gavin Damian-Loring          South Portland       2:19.83    2:16.41  
 10 Jacob Maloney                South Portland       2:25.62    2:18.57  
 11 Connor Doherty               Scarborough          2:15.46    2:18.93  
 12 Reese Preston                Windham              2:24.75    2:20.11  
 13 Brandon Banks                Westbrook            2:24.24    2:20.56  
 14 Jeremy Richards              Westbrook            2:21.55    2:22.98  
 15 Branden Kuusela              Gorham               2:25.41    2:25.20  
 16 Jason Webb                   Bonny Eagle          2:21.89    2:25.90  
 17 Sam Elliott                  Scarborough          2:15.76    2:26.03  
 18 Spencer Linscott             Gorham               2:21.24    2:26.99  
Boys 55 Meter Hurdles JUNIOR DIVISION
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Justin Gagnon                Biddeford               8.27       8.19q  1 
  2 Jacob Schott                 Cheverus                8.46       8.47q  2 
  3 Maxim Doiron                 Scarborough             8.89       8.90q  3 
  4 Ernie Ruby                   Windham                 9.42       9.20q  2 
  5 Henry Hintermeister          Noble                   9.06       9.32q  1 
  6 Griffin Madden               Scarborough             8.97       9.39q  3 
  7 Mazin Ahmed                  Westbrook               9.61       9.70q  3 
  8 Blaze Engleman               Cheverus                9.25       9.76q  1 
  9 Tyler Bernier                Gorham                  9.99      10.13   2 
 10 Andrew Burr                  Deering                 9.79      10.15   3 
 11 Nicholas Belanger            South Portland         10.50      10.39   2 
 12 George Lett                  Thornton               10.54      10.42   3 
 13 Ryan Donaldson               Portland               10.18      10.58   1 
 14 Xavier Gagne                 South Portland         10.51      10.71   3 
 15 Travis Pesce                 Windham                10.84      10.77   2 
 16 Tyler Cole                   Windham                11.15      11.09   1 
Boys 55 Meter Hurdles JUNIOR DIVISION
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals 
  1 Justin Gagnon                Biddeford               8.19       8.07  
  2 Jacob Schott                 Cheverus                8.47       8.43  
  3 Maxim Doiron                 Scarborough             8.90       8.77  
  4 Ernie Ruby                   Windham                 9.20       8.90  
  5 Griffin Madden               Scarborough             9.39       9.01  
  6 Henry Hintermeister          Noble                   9.32       9.21  
  7 Mazin Ahmed                  Westbrook               9.70       9.41  
  8 Blaze Engleman               Cheverus                9.76       9.44  
Boys 4x200 Meter Relay JUNIOR DIVISION
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Thornton Academy  'A'                             1:40.98    1:39.84   2 
  2 Noble High School  'A'                            1:42.62    1:40.11   2 
  3 Scarborough High School  'A'                      1:41.50    1:40.88   2 
  4 Cheverus High School  'A'                         1:41.43    1:40.94   2 
  5 Biddeford High School  'A'                        1:44.69    1:43.37   1 
  6 South Portland High School  'A'                   1:47.90    1:44.86   1 
  7 Deering High School  'A'                          1:48.19    1:47.38   1 
  8 Windham high School  'A'                          1:53.99    1:48.37   1 
  9 Bonny Eagle High School  'A'                      1:51.74    1:49.76   1 
 10 Westbrook High School  'A'                        1:43.69    1:54.91   2 
 11 Massabesic High School  'A'                       1:43.09    1:55.88   2 
 12 Gorham High School  'A'                           1:50.55    1:56.38   1 
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Jacob Schott                 Cheverus             6-00.00    5-10.00  
  2 Justin Gagnon                Biddeford            5-08.00    5-08.00  
  3 Griffin Madden               Scarborough          5-04.00    5-04.00  
  4 Michael Granzier             Scarborough          5-02.00    5-02.00  
  5 Jacob Hale                   Thornton             5-02.00   J5-02.00  
  6 Marquestino Miranda          Noble                4-10.00    5-00.00  
  7 Blaze Engleman               Cheverus             5-04.00   J5-00.00  
  8 Jacob Maloney                South Portland       5-00.00   J5-00.00  
  8 Sam Tobin                    Thornton             5-04.00   J5-00.00  
 10 Dan Marsh                    Thornton             5-02.00   J5-00.00  
 11 Gerald Wagner                Cheverus             5-00.00   J5-00.00  
 11 Isaac Houston                Noble                4-10.00   J5-00.00  
 13 Dylan Smith                  Thornton             5-02.00    4-10.00  
 -- Xavier Gagne                 South Portland                       NH  
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Jake Dixon                   Cheverus            18-06.50   19-07.25  
  2 Andrew Smith                 Thornton            20-09.50   19-03.75  
  3 Myles Gamage                 Thornton            17-03.00   17-06.75  
  4 Razel Gavin                  Deering             16-07.75   17-06.00  
  5 Dylan Smith                  Thornton            18-06.00   17-04.00  
  6 Tyler Joy                    Noble               17-08.75   17-03.50  
  7 Michael Granzier             Scarborough         17-07.00   17-00.75  
  8 Hunter Griffiths             Cheverus            16-11.00   16-11.50  
  9 Brandon Ford                 Noble               17-06.25   16-04.00  
 10 Edwin Inness                 Thornton            16-10.50   16-03.50  
 11 Dan Baker                    Cheverus            17-08.00   16-00.25  
 12 Howar Haddadi                Windham             16-10.00   15-11.25  
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Jacob Schott                 Cheverus            37-08.00   39-10.25  
  2 Justin Gagnon                Biddeford           39-11.50   39-02.00  
  3 Michael Cuesta               South Portland      38-05.50   38-08.50  
  4 Tyler Joy                    Noble               37-04.00   38-02.25  
  5 Michael Granzier             Scarborough         40-03.75   37-06.75  
  6 Alex Arnold                  Thornton            35-04.25   35-07.75  
  7 Elliot Youth                 Scarborough         34-09.00   35-06.00  
  8 Hunter Griffiths             Cheverus            35-04.25   33-10.00  
  9 Blaze Engleman               Cheverus            35-06.00   33-09.50  
 10 Howar Haddadi                Windham             34-08.25   33-07.00  
 11 Gerald Wagner                Cheverus            33-10.00   33-06.50  
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Hugh McSorley                Scarborough         44-03.00   44-08.00  
  2 Nick White                   Cheverus            41-08.00   42-11.50  
  3 Anthony Ciampi               Cheverus            40-05.00   39-02.50  
  4 Kyle Mandell                 Windham             33-00.50   37-11.00  
  5 Nick Conley                  Biddeford           36-03.50   32-11.00  
  6 Garrett Doody                Scarborough         31-10.00   32-09.00  
  7 Drek Dumond                  Cheverus            30-09.00   32-04.50  
  8 Joe Fitzpatrick              Cheverus            34-07.00   31-11.50  
  9 Ashton Lord                  Thornton            39-05.50   31-09.50  
 10 Kyle Dill                    Cheverus            33-11.00   31-06.50  
 11 D'Andre Morgan               Thornton            32-01.00   31-03.50  
 12 Dylan Chalout                Biddeford           30-05.50   31-01.50  
 13 Bryce Reinhard               Cheverus            31-07.50   31-00.50  
 14 Anthony Dean                 Cheverus            33-06.50   30-10.50  
 15 Zachary Pitts                Massabesic          29-09.50   29-05.00  
 16 Jordon Stickles              Biddeford           29-00.50   27-06.50  
Boys 55 Meter Dash SENIOR DIVISION
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Ethan Beaulier               Noble                   6.69       6.79q  1 
  2 James Ociti                  Biddeford               6.85       6.87q  2 
  3 Jackson McMann               Cheverus                6.89       6.89q  2 
  4 Tsz Tai Yuen                 Thornton                6.95       6.89q  1 
  5 Ryan Jamison                 Scarborough             6.86       6.90q  3 
  6 James Campbell               Cheverus                6.88       6.92q  3 
  7 Liam Sullivan                Windham                 7.03       7.02q  2 
  8 Calvin field                 Windham                 7.25       7.13q  2 
  9 Brandon Richard              Noble                   7.04       7.13   3 
 10 Donald Goodrich              Cheverus                7.05       7.15   3 
 11 Austin Doody                 Scarborough             7.19       7.18   2 
 12 Andrew Rose                  Cheverus                7.11       7.20   1 
 13 Dan Allaire                  Massabesic              7.10       7.27   2 
 14 Anthony Green                Portland                7.00       7.28   1 
 15 Drew Martin                  Noble                   7.16       7.31   1 
 16 Damian Gibson                Noble                   7.25       7.32   1 
 17 Seamus Lynch                 Massabesic              7.30       7.37   1 
 18 Branden Pratt                Massabesic              7.32       7.40   2 
 19 James Carter                 South Portland          7.32       7.45   3 
Boys 55 Meter Dash SENIOR DIVISION
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals 
  1 Ethan Beaulier               Noble                   6.79       6.68  
  2 Jackson McMann               Cheverus                6.89       6.80  
  3 Ryan Jamison                 Scarborough             6.90       6.80  
  4 James Ociti                  Biddeford               6.87       6.89  
  5 Tsz Tai Yuen                 Thornton                6.89       6.90  
  6 James Campbell               Cheverus                6.92       7.00  
  7 Calvin field                 Windham                 7.13       7.08  
  8 Liam Sullivan                Windham                 7.02       7.11  
Boys 200 Meter Dash SENIOR DIVISION
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Ethan Beaulier               Noble                  23.53      23.13   3 
  2 Jackson McMann               Cheverus               23.57      23.17   3 
  3 Ryan Jamison                 Scarborough            23.58      23.47   3 
  4 James Ociti                  Biddeford              23.54      23.55   3 
  5 Jake Alofs                   Scarborough            24.57      24.24   2 
  6 Cameron Langlois             Scarborough            24.45      24.36   3 
  7 David Gerard                 Massabesic             24.97      24.48   1 
  8 Brandon Richard              Noble                  24.47      24.50   2 
  9 James Campbell               Cheverus               23.50      24.64   3 
 10 Dan Allaire                  Massabesic             24.94      24.76   1 
 11 David Thibault               Noble                  25.15      24.98   1 
 12 Josh Carland                 Deering                25.04      25.21   1 
 13 Austin Doody                 Scarborough            25.23      25.28   1 
 14 Anthony Green                Portland               24.82      25.38   2 
 15 Damian Gibson                Noble                  25.39      26.07   1 
Boys 400 Meter Dash SENIOR DIVISION
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 James Ociti                  Biddeford              51.15      51.05   3 
  2 Greg Viola                   Scarborough            53.92      52.27   3 
  3 Austin Bell                  Gorham                 54.36      52.64   2 
  4 Elijah Yeboah                Cheverus               52.85      52.81   3 
  5 Ethan Beaulier               Noble                  52.31      53.33   3 
  6 Mike Orne                    Cheverus               53.60      53.83   3 
  7 David Gerard                 Massabesic             54.14      53.84   2 
  8 James Patchel                Bonny Eagle            53.64      54.06   3 
  9 Drew Martin                  Noble                  55.65      55.31   1 
 10 Jonathan Bobe                Portland               55.52      55.78   2 
 11 Tyler Lebel                  Thornton               55.51      55.85   2 
 12 Drew Graham                  Portland               55.45      56.58   2 
 13 Patrick Laliberte            Windham                56.39      56.96   1 
 14 Andrew Rose                  Cheverus               55.40      57.56   2 
 15 Damian Gibson                Noble                  56.10      57.61   1 
 16 Branden Pratt                Massabesic             56.47      58.00   1 
 17 Zach Lund                    Biddeford            1:00.97      59.95   1 
Boys 800 Meter Run SENIOR DIVISION
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Brady Foshay                 Cheverus             2:05.43    2:04.42  
  2 Colin Grove                  Cheverus             2:06.25    2:05.34  
  3 Jon Gray                     Gorham               2:08.42    2:05.82  
  4 Alex Karam                   Scarborough          2:06.08    2:08.66  
  5 Drew Pomerleau               Noble                2:08.99    2:11.47  
  6 Jonathan Bagley              South Portland       2:10.25    2:13.04  
  7 Gsarrett Swett               Bonny Eagle          2:10.89    2:14.32  
  8 Kent Seneres                 Thornton             2:16.45    2:18.45  
  9 Colin Jones                  Scarborough          2:10.16    2:21.52  
 -- Andrew Davis                 Windham              2:13.61         DQ  
Boys 55 Meter Hurdles SENIOR DIVISION
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Ricardo Delgado              Deering                 8.23       8.16q  1 
  2 Cameron Langlois             Scarborough             8.38       8.41q  2 
  3 Travis Grant                 Gorham                  8.30       8.45q  2 
  4 Merrick Madden               Scarborough             8.47       8.47q  1 
  5 Elijah Yeboah                Cheverus                8.58       8.78q  2 
  6 Joseph Feely                 South Portland          9.95      10.19q  2 
  7 Jake Ledue                   Westbrook               8.64      17.18q  2 
 -- David Terwilliger            Cheverus                8.82        DNF   1 
Boys 55 Meter Hurdles SENIOR DIVISION
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals 
  1 Ricardo Delgado              Deering                 8.16       8.15  
  2 Travis Grant                 Gorham                  8.45       8.19  
  3 Merrick Madden               Scarborough             8.47       8.24  
  4 Cameron Langlois             Scarborough             8.41       8.26  
  5 Elijah Yeboah                Cheverus                8.78       8.28  
  6 Jake Ledue                   Westbrook              17.18       8.64  
  7 Joseph Feely                 South Portland         10.19       9.94  
Boys 4x200 Meter Relay SENIOR DIVISION
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Cheverus High School  'A'                         1:35.13    1:33.69   2 
  2 Scarborough High School  'A'                      1:34.44    1:34.11   2 
  3 Noble High School  'A'                            1:35.93    1:36.69   2 
  4 South Portland High School  'A'                   1:41.00    1:39.87   2 
  5 Westbrook High School  'A'                        1:43.69    1:45.53   1 
  6 Biddeford High School  'A'                        1:42.87    1:47.69   1 
  7 Massabesic High School  'A'                       1:55.00    1:54.39   1 
 -- Deering High School  'A'                          1:39.62         DQ   2 
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Ricardo Delgado              Deering              6-02.00    6-00.00  
  2 Mike Orne                    Cheverus             6-02.00   J6-00.00  
  3 Dillon Burns                 South Portland       5-06.00    5-06.00  
  4 Jayson Martens               Biddeford            5-04.00   J5-06.00  
  5 Alex Drew                    Biddeford            5-02.00    5-00.00  
 -- Stephen Duffy                Massabesic           5-02.00         NH  
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Duncan Preston               South Portland      19-06.00   20-00.50  
  2 Benjamin Michaud             South Portland      19-01.00   19-10.75  
  3 Dillon Burns                 South Portland      18-09.75   19-02.50  
  4 David Gerard                 Massabesic          19-09.25   18-11.00  
  5 Liam Sullivan                Windham             19-03.75   18-09.75  
  6 Ricardo Delgado              Deering             19-08.50   18-09.00  
  7 Travis Grant                 Gorham              20-00.00  J18-09.00  
  8 Greg Viola                   Scarborough         18-11.00   18-06.50  
  9 Tsz Tai Yuen                 Thornton            18-10.25   18-01.00  
 10 Christian Zwirner            Windham             18-09.50   17-08.75  
 11 Hayden Owen                  South Portland      18-03.50   17-04.25  
 -- Donald Goodrich              Cheverus            18-10.75         ND  
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Duncan Preston               South Portland      40-04.50   39-08.00  
  2 Travis Grant                 Gorham              41-11.00   39-04.50  
  3 Benjamin Michaud             South Portland      40-00.50   38-01.50  
  4 Hayden Owen                  South Portland      38-09.75   38-01.25  
  5 Liam Sullivan                Windham             39-07.50   37-05.00  
  6 Connor Dunn                  Gorham              40-04.50   37-00.00  
  7 Patrick Laliberte            Windham             37-07.50   36-10.00  
  8 Ben Lindsay                  Scarborough         36-08.00   36-04.25  
  9 Dillon Burns                 South Portland      39-02.00   36-01.00  
 10 Giles Holmes                 Deering             36-04.75   35-06.00  
 11 Jayson Martens               Biddeford           36-05.50   35-03.75  
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Jared Bell                   Deering             55-04.50   55-02.00  
  2 David LePauloe               Thornton            51-02.00   47-10.50  
  3 Cody Meserve                 Thornton            47-02.00   44-06.00  
  4 Chhay Ouch                   Biddeford           44-08.00   43-10.50  
  5 Ian Paul                     Thornton            44-10.00   43-08.50  
  6 Michael Pino                 Scarborough         42-05.00   43-00.00  
  7 Anthony Verzoni              Scarborough         43-11.00   42-11.00  
  8 Brad Kritzer                 Cheverus            43-03.50   40-11.00  
  9 Matthew Gerry                Noble               39-09.00   40-10.50  
 10 Raymond Ngo                  Thornton            38-04.50   40-04.50  
 11 Matt Cushing                 Cheverus            41-08.50   39-10.50  
 12 Caleb Elsemore               South Portland      41-00.00   39-09.00  
 13 Eric Woodbury                Scarborough         41-00.00   39-05.50  
 14 Joseph Zelasko               South Portland      44-00.00   39-00.50  
 15 Cameron Willette             Gorham              39-05.50   38-11.00  
 16 Tate Gale                    Portland            38-03.50   38-03.50  
 17 Kevin Day                    Cheverus            41-08.00   38-03.00  
 -- Duncan Preston               South Portland      48-02.50         ND  
Boys 600 Yard Dash OPEN DIVISION
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 James Campbell               Cheverus             1:19.01    1:16.74  
  2 Alec James                   Scarborough          1:20.06    1:18.20  
  3 Ben Farino                   Scarborough          1:21.21    1:19.81  
  4 Jake Alofs                   Scarborough          1:21.99    1:20.48  
  5 David Thibault               Noble                1:22.26    1:20.54  
  6 Doug Beahm                   Gorham               1:22.38    1:22.97  
  7 Adam Bucknell                Gorham               1:23.62    1:23.23  
  8 Branden Pratt                Massabesic           1:25.76    1:24.09  
  9 Giles Holmes                 Deering              1:24.98    1:24.29  
 10 Justin Langlois              Massabesic           1:30.21    1:29.56  
 11 Nick Quiram                  Scarborough          1:30.40    1:29.71  
 12 James Carter                 South Portland       1:29.39    1:33.54  
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Robert Hall                  Scarborough          4:33.05    4:40.10  
  2 Colin Tardiff                Scarborough          4:43.89    4:45.66  
  3 Will Fowler                  Scarborough          4:43.69    4:47.00  
  4 George Morrison              Massabesic           4:54.23    4:51.38  
  5 James Phelps                 Westbrook            4:58.45    4:52.99  
  6 Zeb Tarasevich               Cheverus             5:00.96    4:58.83  
  7 John Salamone                South Portland       5:02.69    5:07.26  
  8 Alex Thuotte                 Gorham               4:59.38    5:13.81  
  9 Jacob Guay                   South Portland       5:07.62    5:15.68  
 10 Mike Lyons                   Cheverus             5:23.04    5:21.26  
 11 Kevin Hall                   Cheverus             5:24.37    5:25.05  
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Robert Hall                  Scarborough          9:50.05   10:11.08  
  2 Ryan Cadorette               Thornton            10:26.12   10:16.81  
  3 Maxwell Knutsen              South Portland      10:30.93   10:36.51  
  4 George Morrison              Massabesic          10:35.87   10:43.67  
  5 Andrew Sholl                 Scarborough         10:42.17   10:47.53  
  6 Alex Hebert                  Deering             11:19.13   11:02.07  
  7 Ben Foster                   Gorham              11:11.12   11:08.79  
  8 Cameron Mondor               Thornton            11:16.55   11:13.04  
  9 John Salamone                South Portland      11:14.36   11:35.98  
 10 Reese Preston                Windham             11:41.72   11:40.38  
 11 Troy Cloutier                Massabesic          11:29.29   11:42.87  
 12 Thomas Harrington            Massabesic          12:01.10   11:43.88  
 13 Jacob Guay                   South Portland      11:29.30   11:48.87  
 14 Tristan Falardeau            Thornton            11:53.69   12:01.43  
 15 Mike Lyons                   Cheverus            12:12.38   12:10.86  
 -- Kevin Hall                   Cheverus            12:12.17         DQ  
 -- Andrew Davis                 Windham             10:52.92         DQ  
Boys 55 Meter Hurdles OPEN DIVISION
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Maxim Doiron                 Scarborough                        9.13  
  2 Griffin Madden               Scarborough                        9.28  
  3 Henry Hintermeister          Noble                              9.39  
Boys 4x800 Meter Relay OPEN DIVISION
    School                                               Seed     Finals 
  1 Scarborough High School  'A'                      8:34.50    8:20.97  
  2 Cheverus High School  'A'                         9:01.52    8:36.83  
  3 South Portland High School  'A'                   9:13.24    9:11.56  
  4 Bonny Eagle High School  'A'                      9:43.33    9:13.56  
  5 Deering High School  'A'                          9:24.30    9:15.10  
  6 Noble High School  'A'                            9:13.55    9:16.16  
  7 Thornton Academy  'A'                            10:03.69    9:37.75  
  8 Biddeford High School  'A'                       10:02.67   10:11.47  
  9 Massabesic High School  'A'                      10:01.00   10:20.36  
 10 Windham high School  'A'                         10:05.19   10:29.06  
Boys 1600 Sprint Medley OPEN DIVISION
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Cheverus High School  'A'                         3:57.54    3:47.07   2 
  2 Gorham High School  'A'                           3:53.08    3:51.33   2 
  3 Scarborough High School  'A'                      3:59.60    3:55.46   2 
  4 Massabesic High School  'A'                       4:12.24    4:00.40   1 
  5 South Portland High School  'A'                   4:02.28    4:02.71   2 
  6 Deering High School  'A'                          4:00.51    4:02.77   2 
  7 Noble High School  'A'                            4:00.40    4:03.08   2 
  8 Biddeford High School  'A'                        4:25.17    4:04.30   1 
  9 Thornton Academy  'A'                             4:09.21    4:07.05   1 
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Alec James                   Scarborough         13-03.00   12-06.00  
  2 Jordan Trafford              Bonny Eagle         12-00.00   12-00.00  
  3 Greg Viola                   Scarborough         10-06.00  J12-00.00  
  4 Edward James                 Scarborough         11-00.00   11-00.00  
  5 Grant Kenning                Thornton            10-06.00  J11-00.00  
  6 Alex Johnson                 Gorham              11-00.00  J11-00.00  
  7 Michael Cuesta               South Portland       9-00.00    9-06.00  
  7 Matthew Stearns              South Portland       9-00.00    9-06.00  
  9 Drew Wells                   Scarborough          8-06.00    9-00.00  
  9 James Jordan                 Biddeford            9-00.00    9-00.00  
  9 Mike Orne                    Cheverus            10-00.00    9-00.00  
 12 Tommy Pequinot               Gorham               9-00.00    8-06.00  
 12 Jayson Martens               Biddeford            8-06.00    8-06.00  
 14 Edward Radley IV             Scarborough          8-00.00    8-00.00  
 14 Luchmoch Bol Jr              South Portland       8-06.00    8-00.00  
 -- Dylan Truong                 Gorham              10-06.00         NH  

                       Team Rankings - Through Event 54                        
                              Female Team Scores                               
            Place School                                          Points
                1 Thornton Academy                   TA              159.5
                2 Bonny Eagle High School            BEHS            107.5
                3 South Portland High School         SP              101.5
                4 Scarborough High School            SCAR             99  
                5 Cheverus High School               CHEV             92  
                6 Deering High School                DEER             55  
                7 Windham high School                WIND             48  
                8 Gorham High School                 GORH             43  
                9 Biddeford High School              BIDD             33  
               10 Westbrook High School              WEST             16.5
               11 Massabesic High School             MASS             14  
               11 McAuley High School                MCAU             14  
               13 Portland High School               PHS              12  
               14 Noble High School                  NOBL             11  
                               Male Team Scores                                
            Place School                                          Points
                1 Scarborough High School            SCAR            200  
                2 Cheverus High School               CHEV            165  
                3 Thornton Academy                   TA               88  
                4 Noble High School                  NOBL             76  
                4 South Portland High School         SP               76  
                6 Biddeford High School              BIDD             59  
                7 Deering High School                DEER             51  
                8 Gorham High School                 GORH             41  
                9 Massabesic High School             MASS             16  
               10 Windham high School                WIND             13  
               10 Bonny Eagle High School            BE               13  
               12 Westbrook High School              WEST              7