Championship Coaches: Jim Harmon Scarborough HS
We wanted to find out what the set the championship programs apart from the rest of the state, check out our interview with Scarborough Boys Head Coach Jim Harmon who guided the Red Storm to its 8th Class A title in the last 12 years including 2 straight.
What kind of training did your team get in over the summer months leading into the season?
Most of the team started training by the end of June and built up their mileage over the summer so they were ready for speed workouts and races in August and September.
How did you train the team in the final weeks leading up to the state meet?
We kept up some quality speedwork, but cut down on volume so their legs had a little more rest and strength.
What chances or belief did you have in your team's chance and ability to win the state title?
I thought they could definitely win if they ran to their potential and they all did. Of course you never know what other teams are truly capable of on race day until you get there and Falmouth gave us a great race, but our guys fought for it and came out victorious.
What advice or points of emphasis did you give your team prior to the race or the week leading into the state meet?
I just reiterated what they all knew would be the challenges on race day and what they had to do to win. They already knew since we had competed against most of the top teams in The FOC and The Regional Championship Meet.
What was the race plan for the state meet and how did you feel it was executed?
We knew we had to go out in a reasonably paced first mile and then try to stay ahead of Falmouth's runners and that's exactly what we did.
Who do you feel really stepped up individually the most for the team at the state meet?
I'd have to say the whole team did. I think everyone gave 100% and finished the highest they could on race day. Especially for the second week in a row at Twin Brook.
What were your feelings and emotions when you realized your team had won or during the awards?
I was extremely excited and proud. It's one thing to make a plan with your team and work towards it, but it's another thing to actually carry out that plan. There are so many variables you can't control. I think the team showed their maturity, determination and focus along with their racing abilities.
What were the biggest challenges for this year's team?
Staying healthy and staying ahead of Falmouth.
How would you best describe the group of kids that you coach?
Polite and appreciative, but determined and super hard-working student-athletes.
What role do your assistant coaches play with the program?
They're very helpful and supportive of the program.
What role do your parents have with the program?
Also very helpful and supportive.
Who were the leaders on your team and what was the importance to the squad?
We have 3 senior captains (Connor Doherty, Andrew Sholl and Colin Tardiff) who always lead by example. They're great role models who work very hard to achieve their goals athletically and academically.
Every state championship team seems to have a special or unique makeup that makes them state champions. What were some of those characteristics of this year's team?
I think the team had very strong leaders, but also they're all friends who enjoy hanging out together at team dinners or functions and help each other through tough runs and workouts.
What are your expectations for next year's team?
We'll have a young team, but I think we have good depth and will be back in the chase for a championship title.