How long have you been running and how did you get started?
I started running when I was 8 in summer track.
Do you remember your first real race?
The first race I remember was when I was about 8 or 9 and ran the 800 in the second lane until my coach came on the PA system saying to cut into the first lane. (Milesplit note: the said coach has to be longtime youth coach Ron Kelly)
How did summer training go?
Summer training went well. At the end of the summer I started to run with the older boys on my team to get an idea for how it would feel.
You have started off your HS career with top 5 finishes in all your races, did you expect to have that kind of success already?
Switching over from soccer I didn't know how it would go, but based on my middle school performances I thought I had a good chance.
What has been the biggest adjustment going from middle school to high school running?
The biggest adjustment from middle school to high would be the distance we run in practice because in middle school we ran three everyday, but in high school we're running a lot further with harder workouts.
What is your favorite workout?
My favorite workout is a hill workout that is short and steep. We do ten reps. I like this because of the challenge.
What are your goals for the rest of the cross country season?
One goal I have is to get 16:30 on the Festival of Champions course in Belfast because I heard it is a fast course. I also have a goal to finish my season being the fastest freshman in the state.
What do you love most about running?
What I love most about running is how it's different from a lot of other sports. As a runner you have your own goals and personal records you want to achieve and in other sports it's more you win as a team or you lose as a team.
Do you have a favorite quote?
My favorite quote is from my favorite runner, Mo Farah, "Don't dream of winning, train for it."
What is your favorite food?
My favorite food is mashed potatoes. I don't know why, I have just always liked mashed potatoes.
Do you have any pre-race rituals or routines?
I have a routine where I eat a Protein bar before a race for energy.
What brand of shoes do you train/race in?
I train in Mizuno Wave riders and race in Nike Zoom rivals.
What was the last movie you saw and what did you think of it?
The last movie I saw was "Daddy's Home". It was very funny and I would recommend people who like comedies.
What is something most people don't know about you?
Something that most people don't know about me is that I have Celiac disease which means you can't eat wheat, barley and rye. I have to be on a really strict gluten-free diet so I don't get sick. I think this diet has helped me get stronger and faster in running since being diagnosed in February.
What was your favorite Olympic moment in Rio?
My favorite moment in the Olympics was when Mo Farah won the double-double by winning the 5000 and 10,000.
Lastly, if you were stranded on an island with three things what would they be?
If I was stranded on an island I would bring mashed potatoes, a pillow and bug spray.