Name: Josiah (Jojo) Martin
School: Lincoln Academy
What was your most memorable race/meet?
No meet will ever stick out like XC states my sophomore year. We came in as favorites to win Class B and we knew we had to work. That entire season I was running as the 6th or 7th runner and raced JV at KVAC. I remember so definitively at that state meet, my coach yelling at me to "put it in gear and go, we need you." That race I PR'd at Twin Brooks and ran as the fifth scoring runner for our team as we won states.
Who would you consider your biggest competition over your four years?
I've been lucky to be on a team that has pushed me to be my best. Guys like Cam Nelson and Jarrett Gulden always were right there helping grind at practice. That being said, I have always loved racing at meets with my name twin Josiah Webber. The Brunswick boys have always been right there too, whether it is in a race or running at music festivals. Will Perkins has remained a great training partner and honorary member of LAXC.
What was your greatest accomplishment?
Being LA's top runner at the Camden Hills Invitational.
If you could do it all over again what would you change about your xc/track&field career in high school?
Do more summer running. Run indoor my senior year.
What were the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome?
I don't actually like running that much. I mostly like being social and competing at a high level. This challenged me the most sophomore year when I was also in the school musical and I had to do all of my training by myself after long rehearsals.
What will you miss the most?
I am going to miss the team. I will miss long night runs up the infamous Old County Rd, I will miss meeting my friends and competition at meets all over the state, and I will miss crossing the finish line and being satisfied with how I raced.
What advice would you give to younger athletes?
Do summer running, give the team your all.
What influence has your coach had with respect to your performance and overall life goals?
My coach is my dad so pretty much my life is thanks to him. Thanks Boo! In all seriousness, I did learn so much about setting goals and having a plan going into things. Most importantly, he continues to show how to work hard and have fun at the same time.
How do you feel about missing your senior season due to the coronavirus?
People are dying. Bigger sacrifices are being made in the world right now. I am sad but there are healthcare workers missing their families and people without food or homes. In the grand scheme of things high school outdoor track is hardly the most important.
What are your college plans?
I will be going to Tufts University. I don't really know what I am going to study but hopefully it will involve music and politics/economics of some kind.
Who would you like to say thank you to?
Dad, he pushed me to be the best runner and person.
Is there anything else you'd like to add?
Lincoln Academy was an amazing place to foster not only my athletic side but also my music, academics, and social sides. It is an amazing school and I hope it will come out alright after this whole pandemic. Swole team six will always be.