MPA Delays Decision on Fall Sports

The Maine Principal's Association has delayed it's a decision on the fall sports season as they seek additional clarification from the state on the differences between the return to school safety guidelines from the Maine Department of Education and the Community Sports return to play guidelines established by the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development.

The Maine Department of Education guidelines for physical education classes came out on July 31st. They stated that if outdoor without masks the activities can occur with 14 feet of distance between individuals with masks activities that can occur with 6 feet of distance between individuals. Additionally, the guidelines call for no close physical contact.

According to an article in the Portland Press Herald this morning. MPA Executive Director Mike Burnham said it would be difficult to offer a fall season under the DOE guidelines, which emphasize strict face mask-wearing and social distancing, but that the MPA could offer sports by following the Community Sports guidelines.

The Community sports guidelines which youth & AAU leagues have been abiding by this summer don't require face masks while engaged in active play. They also broke activities in lower, moderate, and high-risk sports while also not requiring a social distancing mandate.

The decision on the fall sports season will come down to the guidance the MPA receives from the state and CDC as to whether they will be able to follow the community sports guidelines, or if they will have to follow the MDOE guidelines. 

The start of the Fall sports season is set to kick off on September 8th with the first practices. Phase four of the MPA's voluntary summer conditioning program is slated to start on August 24th. To date schools in York & Cumberland county have yet to be able to participate in any in-person activities due to a mutual decision by the superintendents.