Mitch Morris of Cape Elizabeth went to the front from the gun, and pulled away for good after the mile as he triumphed by 26 seconds to win the Class B WM regional title, York used great quality depty to win the team title by 20 points. On the girls side Katherine Leggat-Barr ran the fastest tie fo the day, 19:46 to win the individual title, but it was Yarmouth with 4 runners in the top 7 to win the team title.
Mitch Morris of Cape Elizabeth & Katherine Leggat-Barr rule the roost in WM Class B
Oct 27, 2014

Grace Cowles & Caitlin Teare Yarmouth Interview
Oct 26, 2014
Grace Cowles & Caitlin Teare Yarmouth Interview

Katherine Leggat Barr WM Champion Interview
Oct 26, 2014
Katherine Leggat Barr WM Champion Interview

Pelzer's Look into the WMC (Regional Championship edition)
Oct 23, 2014
Each week, Julian Pelzer will post insightful information about the upcoming races in the WMC
Western Maine Class B Regional Virtual Meet
Oct 22, 2014
With the Western Maine Regional XC Championship coming up on Saturday, let's take a look at the virtual meet based off 5k performances this fall