
GNG Track

Venue Records

NOT OFFICIAL RECORDS. These stats are according to our database.

Meets Held Here

Date Meet
2024-05-21 GNG - Throws Meet
2023-05-19 WMC GNG V Freeport, Greely, NYA, Fryburg
2023-05-12 Western Maine Conference GNG Home V Cape Elizabeth, York
2019-05-03 WMC: Cape, Poland, Traip Academy @ GNG
2018-05-11 WMC: NYA, Greely @ Gray-New Gloucester​
2017-05-19 WMC: NYA, Poland,Freeport @ Gray-New Gloucester
2017-04-28 WMC: Greely, Falmouth, Sacopee Valley @ Gray-New Gloucester
2016-05-20 WMC: Freeport, NYA, Poland @ GNG
2014-05-02 WMC: Cape, OOB, Fryeburg @ Gray New Gloucester
2010-05-21 WMC: NYA, Poland, Freeport @ GNG
2010-05-07 WMC: York, Freeport, Sacopee Valley @ GNG

XC Course Rating

The higher the number the more difficult the course statistically.

Conversion Table
15:00 21:00
16:00 22:00
17:00 23:00
18:00 24:00
19:00 25:00
20:00 26:00