
South Portland Track

Venue Records

NOT OFFICIAL RECORDS. These stats are according to our database.

Meets Held Here

Date Meet
2024-05-17 SMAA: South Portland, Thornton Academy, Gorham
2024-05-02 SMAA: South Portland, Biddeford, Cheverus
2024-04-25 SPMS-KING-SMC
2023-05-17 SMAA: Kennebunk, Marshwood, Portland @ South Portland
2023-04-26 SMAA: Bonny Eagle, Scarborough @ South Portland
2023-04-19 Red Riot Invitational
2022-05-02 SMAA: Deering, Biddeford @ South Portland
2021-05-12 SMAA:Bonny Eagle @ South Portland
2021-05-06 SMAA:Biddeford @ South Portland
2021-04-20 Vacation Invitational
2020-09-25 SMAA: Cheverus @ South Portland
2019-05-17 Cumberland County Championship
2019-04-23 SMAA B: Massabeic , Sanford, TA, Westbrook @ South Portland
2019-04-17 Vacation Invitational
2018-05-18 Cumberland County Championship
2018-05-16 SMAA B: Cheverus, Deering, Portland @ South Portland
2018-04-24 SMAA G: Noble, Portland, Westbrook, Windham @ South Portland
2018-04-18 Vacation Invitational
2017-05-09 SMAA Girls: Massabesic, TA, Windham @ South Portland
2017-04-19 Vacation Invitational
2016-05-16 SMAA Girls: Cheverus, Deering, McAuley & Portland @ SP
2016-05-12 Mahoney MS
2016-05-03 SMAA Girls: Bonny Eagle, Massabesic & Thornton @ South Portland
2016-04-27 SMAA: McAuley, Portland & Bonny Eagle @ South Portland
2016-04-20 Vacation Invitational
2015-05-22 Cumberland County Championship
2015-05-18 SMAA Girls: Deering, Massabesic, Windham @ South Portland
2015-05-13 SMAA Girls: Biddeford, Sanford @South Portland
2015-05-05 SMAA Boys: Cheverus, Deering, Portland @ South Portland
2015-04-22 Vacation Invitational
2013-04-30 Westbrook, Lincoln, Scarborough, Memorial
2013-04-26 MECTA 5K
2012-05-18 Cumberland County Championship
2012-05-14 SMAA G: Kennebunk, Sanford, Westbrook @ South Portland
2012-05-09 SMAA B: Noble, TA, Windham @ South Portland
2011-05-17 SMAA BOYS: Noble, Gorham, Biddeford @ South Portland
2011-05-10 SMAA GIRLS: Windham, Thornton, Sanford @ South Portland
2011-04-27 SMAA Boys: Biddeford, Massabesic ,Westbrook @ South Portland
2010-05-12 SMAA Girls: Gorham, Noble, Thornton @ South Portland
2010-04-27 SMAA Boys: Massabesic, Sanford, Windham @ SP
2009-05-22 SMAA Cumberland County Championship
2009-05-04 SMAA girls week 2 meet 2
2009-04-29 SMAA boys week 1 meet 2

XC Course Rating

The higher the number the more difficult the course statistically.

Conversion Table
15:00 21:00
16:00 22:00
17:00 23:00
18:00 24:00
19:00 25:00
20:00 26:00