Athlete Spotlight #4: Liam Simpson

Athlete Name: Liam Simpson

School: Cape Elizabeth

Year of Graduation: 2014


2012 State Meet Finish: 14th Class A 17:10       


Best time in a 5K race and in which meet:

16:41, Festival of Champions 2012


Tell us how your summer training is going?:

Summer training is going well, doing more mileage than I've done in years past and feeling good.

What are your goals for the upcoming season?:

My goal for the upcoming season is to run sub 16 5k

How long have you been running and how did you get started?:

I have been running cross country seriously since 7th grade, but I did road races and ran for fun before that. I only started doing track my sophomore year in highschool.


Will you be competing anywhere out of state this season?:

Yes, at Manchester for the invitational and New Englands, as well as Van Cortlandt Park for footlocker regionals.

What is your favorite course to run in Maine?:

Twin Brook

What is the toughest course to run in Maine?:

Twin Brook

What meet during the regular season do you put extra emphasize on to compete well at?:

Definitely the Festival of Champions; it's the first large race we do and it's a good time to test your strength against a huge field of runners across the state and beyond.


What is your favorite cross country race so far in your high school career?:

Probably New England's last year. Although the time was nothing special, it was great race for me as I beat some kids I never had before and overall ran pretty smart and confidently

Favorite cross country memory?:

Lots of great memories, but the best one I can think of is running to a tiny mountain pool during our team's preseason camp and jumping into the ice-cold water.


When you are not running what is your favorite thing to do?:

Hiking, camping, skiing, eating out, and baking pizza

Favorite quote?:

"If you want to win a race, you have to go a littler berserk" -Bill Rodgers


What shoes do you train in?:

I switch off between the saucony kinvara 4's and the triumph 10's


What shoes do you race in?:

For cross I race in the nike zoom victory xc, and on the track I wear the saucony endorphin ld 3

What professional athlete would you most like to meet?:

Probably Pre if he was still alive, he changed the face of the sport and brought it into the American mainstream.

What is something that most people don't know about you?

One day I'm going to hike the Appalachian trail