XC Watchlist: Kialeigh Marston- Bonny Eagle HS
Athlete Name: Kialeigh Martson
School: Bonny Eagle HS
Year of Graduation: 2016
2013 State Meet Finish: Class A State Champion 19:34.16
Tell us how your summer training is going?
My summer training is going well. I’ve been doing a lot of trail work which is very enjoyable compared to road running.
What are your goals for the upcoming season?
My goals for this season is to complete the chocolate milk mile and to attempt the flipper mile, which seems to be the new maine craze.
How long have you been running and how did you get started?
I’ve been running outdoor track since 6th grade. I began track to stay in shape for soccer. It was also the only spring sport offered at the school I went to at the time, which kinda helped. I started cross country last year because my teammates convinced me *cough* sam *cough*
Will you be competing anywhere out of state this season?
I hope to be competing in the New England race and maybe Foot Locker regionals.
What is your favorite course to run in Maine?
My favorite course would have to be Belfast’s course. The courses hills and turns make the run very interesting, or it may it just be the music on the course which makes it my favorite.
What is the toughest course to run in Maine?
I have not ran a lot of courses in Maine but i guess the hardest course I have yet to run has to be Twin Brook, the “Pain Cave” gets me every time.
What meet during the regular season do you put extra emphasize on to compete well at?
Festival of Champions would have to be the regular season meet I will focus on the most.
What is your favorite cross country race so far in your high school career & favorite cross country memory?
Festival of Champions has to be my favorite. The whole trip is amazing the early morning bus ride, watching my friends and teammates race, and racing myself. The whole time in between was so much fun last year. My favorite cross country memory has to be after states we got back into our town and were met by a couple fire trucks and other various rescue vehicles and were escorted back through our town back to our school.
Favorite quote?
“The best pace is suicide pace, and today looks like a good day to die.” - Pre
What shoes do you train in?
I am training in New Balance Barringers they are pretty awesome. I actually got them from the LLBean 10k from the raffle. The only reason I know what shoes they are because I legit live in them and it is really easy to read the shoes. If you ever need a good stretch, try to read your shoes, great butt stretch.
What shoes do you race in?
I race in New Balance xc spikes, I can’t really remember which ones but they are quite colorful.
What professional athlete would you most like to meet?
Probably Meb I somehow managed not to see him at b2b last weekend.
What is something that most people don't know about you?
I drank chocolate milk today in preparation for the chocolate milk mile
More on Marston
Personal Bests
- 1,600 Meter Run4:59.04
- Two Mile Run11:45.46
- 3,200 Meter Run11:23.60
- 5,000 Meter Run18:42.94
- 800 Meter Run2:17.73
- One Mile Run5:05.48