Week of: August25th - September 1st
Monday: 40 minutes on roads with random surges
Tuesday: 4 miles easy
Wednesday: 2 mile trial type run on road- with warm up, cool down, and exercises
Thursday: 5 miles easy on roads
Friday: Laliberte Invite.- 1.5 mile warm up, 3(?) mile race, 1.5 mile cool down
Saturday: Left for Boston
Sunday: 30 minute tempo-paced run on treadmill w/slight incline, crunch sets + planks
Training this week was actually pretty fun. I was pretty into it because we had a meet Friday and I wanted to be ready for it. I ran a 2 mile time trial type run on Wednesday on the road and ended up doing a 12:55. After doing a 14:16 on the carriage trails at Acadia last week I just wanted to....not do that again. Also I wanted to beat Silver's time from last year, so mission accomplished.
Laliberte at Cony was Friday and I was so excited to see where we would finish as a team (and obviously myself as an individual). Last year was really bad: I hurt my ankle during the race by stepping in a hole and ended up walk-jogging the finish in 24:11. This year I was pretty set on not doing that. I wanted to start out right behind Taylor Burr (completely forgot about Abby Mace even attending the meet), so I did just that. I usually start out too fast so I made myself take it easy at the beginning. I felt great: my pace was good, and I was right where I wanted to be (or so I thought). Staying right on Taylor's heels I thought I was in 2nd. Come to find out that when I get to around the 1.5-2 mile someone yells: “Great job Melody you're in 3rd right now!”. So I'm running this 5k, just finding out I'm not where I want to be, thinking “who the - - - - is in 1st ?”. I thought for a few- Sarah Croston? Well somewhere after the mile Taylor falls behind me a little. I ended up finishing 2nd and then I ran up to some random person that looked like they were timing and asked what the winning time was for girls and he said he wasn't sure but he thought it was around 20:00. All in all- it was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. Well okay it wasn't that bad. I did very well personally. 21:09(?) is I think my 3rd best race (FOC and regionals last year). I was happy with my time, but it's just really absolutely humiliating being the 2nd finisher- finishing more than a minute (1 minute and 3.6 seconds says the newspaper) behind 1st place. I just get upset every time I think about it. Abby had an amazing race though. I was ridiculously happy that we got 2nd as a team to the state champions by only 5 points. Granted it was a mixed race (scored weird, etc.) I was still really surprised and really proud of our team (and happy that Kelton won). Our next race is Great Glen NH on really nice trails and I'm looking forward to that- so I can put this race behind me.
I went to Boston from Saturday until Monday and I had so much fun. We went to the Red Sox game Sunday afternoon which was really fun (the seats were crazy good), except they lost! It was 4-2 in the last inning and they had an opportunity of winning the game (2 people on base) but that didn't happen so it was a little disappointing. We were walking out of the park after and Cocoa Crisp drove by with his wife and it was insane! Also I hope everyone saw our shirts at the meet- we look like a team (and a giant glow stick) this year. Me and my friend got that energy goo stuff you eat- mine is “lemon sublime” flavored. Can't wait until Great Glen.