Name: Griffin Maristany
School: Mount Desert Island High School
What was your most memorable race/moment?
Who would you consider your biggest competition over your four years?
If you could do it all over again what would you change about your running career in high school?
What were the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome?
Injuries were brutal. My hamstrings were my least favorite fan of track. I've had more hamstring injuries than I can count and my junior year (2017) was when I learned that I needed to take an extra 15-20 minutes before practice to truly stretch myself out.

I have had many great coaches including Aaron Long, Ezra Hallett, Brian O'Connell, Brad Witham, and Caleb Roebuck. What made of my coaches so phenomenal was that I was friends with all of them. Each of these guys are invited to my funeral or wedding, whichever may come first. I'd like to say a piece about each of them:
Aaron Long was my outdoor head coach and sprinting coach since 2016 (my sophomore year). I don't even know what to say about this man. The bearded wonder. He has transformed me as an athlete. He expects success because he knows he can coach it. Fortunately, he's right. Unfortunately, we all have to hear about it forever. He is the track guru and can predict athletes futures because he can mold them into whatever creation he chooses. He's quite the artist for a lefty...
Ezra Hallett was our throws coach and also our powerlifting coach. Whenever he entered the weight room it was expected that an extra plate be put on any bar you were lifting. He promoted strength and power. He pioneered a throwing team which became arguably the strongest and deepest throwing team in the state of Maine this year. He encourages greatness and never accepts anything less.
Brian O'Connell was our throws coach and our aesthetics coach. For many, practice ended at 4:30. For a select few, (Croix Albee, Colby Lee, and Owen Mild) this was when bodybuilding practice began. Outdoor track coincides with bodybuilding season, so it was very important we did not neglect the superficial muscles. Brian was there every sunny day to partake in a filthy ab session or crush biceps until we were all stiff armed and could only eat through a straw. It was here were we learned many life lessons such as: a tan makes you look 35% stronger and 80% more defined, eating 8 grams of protein the night before results in a extreme performance boost, and citrulline has many life benefits. Brian was extremely influential in binding our social lifes with our athletic lives, making track so much more enjoyable.
Brad Witham was the outdoor head coach in 2015 (my freshman year) and the indoor head coach for the entirety of my high school career. He is one of the most supporting and encouraging people I have ever met in my life. His priority isn't results, but effort. If you have a poor race, he will be the first to sit down with you and ask what happened and talk about how to remediate it, while if you had a good race he will be the first one to run up and hug you. This encouraging environment has allowed me to flourish as an athlete because at the end of the day he always cared.
Caleb Roebuck or better known as Granola Coach was my indoor and outdoor coach for 2017 (my junior year). He coined the infamous name Granola Coach because during indoor, for the life of me, I couldn't remember his name. To describe him to others I would always just call him Granola Coach. A picture would do better justice:
Nuff said... It all reality he was extremely encouraging in the sense that he was never satisfied in what had been achieved, only in what can be achieved. He also made some granola for our 2017 Indoor State Meet which our win can be entirely attributed to.
Bonus: Natt Hinckley coached my outdoor my freshman year (2015). His arms were absolute cannons, his abs were literal washboards, his legs looked like a foundation to a mansion. To this day you are still my idol.
What are your college plans?
I was recruited by Wesleyan University to continue competing in Track & Field. At Wesleyan I aim to double major economics and philosophy.
I would not be the athlete I am without the coaching staff at MDI. Aaron Long, Brad Witham, Caleb Roebuck, Brian O'Connell, and Ezra Hallett, are attributed with 50% of the credit for all the success I've had in track & field. The other 50% goes to the athletes who I was lucky enough to have on my team. Croix Albee, Micah Hallett, Owen Mild, Billy Kerly, Jose Chumbe, Colby Lee, Elijah Joyce, Josh Bloom, Noah Hutchinson, Ryan Bender, Ralph Magnani and many others. Thank you for making track & field so enjoyable these last four years and if it weren't for you guys I wouldn't have done it.
Is there anything else you'd like to add?
Fact: Return of the Mack is the greatest song of the 20th century.
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