Name: Lydia Gilmore
School: Bangor High School
What was your most memorable race/meet?
My most memorable meet was the 2019 Cross Country Northern Maine Class A Championship.There was immense pressure leading up to the race and I made the anxious rookie mistake of starting off blazing fast. In the last mile, I could hardly breathe and began to die out when my teammate, Erin McCarthy, came up from behind and cheered me on. That gave me a second wind which I used to fly to the finish line and claim the Northern Maine Class A Championship. It was an exciting and eventful day with such a cool moment of camaraderie.
Who would you consider your biggest competition over your four years?
My biggest competition has definitely been Olivia Mosca from Brewer High School. We've had our fair share of shoulder-to shoulder races in cross country and track and the funniest part is that we're really good friends! It feels good to race your heart out against somebody as a competitor and, at the end of the day, get to high five and hang out as friends. We're better runners because of each other.
What was your greatest accomplishment?
Although I feel honored and privileged to have competed in state and New England competitions in both indoor track and cross country, my proudest running accomplishment was receiving the Anne Norton Sportsmanship Award in indoor track. The legacy I leave behind in the league is super important to me and that plaque brought me as much excitement, if not more, than any medal ever has.
If you could do it all over again what would you change about your xc/track&field career in high school?
Looking back on my high school career, I wish I'd had more confidence as an underclassman athlete. Along with anxiety about races, it kept me from running at my full potential. At the end of the day, though, having to overcome that is what made me a stronger athlete. I wouldn't change anything negative about my high school career because it was a journey which taught me a lot.
What were the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome?
The most difficult obstacle I overcame as part of my high school running career was the anxiety I experienced from racing. It once controlled my life, prevented me from competing at my full potential or even reaching the start line at times, and almost drove me to quit running permanently. With the help of Coach Huber and support from my teammates, I've slowly embraced competition and in my senior year, with a new mindset, I competed beyond what I'd ever thought possible.
What will you miss the most?
I'll miss the camaraderie and team atmosphere so much next year. The cross country team felt like a family and it was definitely the best part of the sport. I have so many great friends, funny stories, and fond memories which I'm grateful to have and will miss so much.
What advice would you give to younger athletes?
I always recommend that younger athletes make the most of their four years in high school running. At the time, it feels like there are a hundred races left and it will never end but it eventually goes away and you don't want to end up wishing that you tried harder or enjoyed the team more or pushed your limits a little farther. The harder you have to work, the more rewarding it will be in the end. As my coach always says, "the only thing that gets stronger with age is regret." Don't leave with regrets!
What influence has your coach had with respect to your performance and overall life goals?
Coach Huber has helped me through the toughest mental and physical challenges of my life and taught me that running is about embracing pain as part of something bigger and beautiful. My times have improved dramatically under his coaching, and all due to an overhaul in mental game. Thanks to Coach Huber, I understand the importance of willpower, managing your own thoughts and emotions, and facing your demons head on. The improvement in performance was just a by-product of Coach Huber's teachings. One day I want to coach cross country and have the same effect on another athlete.
How do you feel about missing your senior season due to the coronavirus?
It's really sad to miss a senior season, especially once I realized that I've worn a Bangor jersey for the last time, but I'm happy with the seasons I've gotten to compete in. I'm glad that I gave my all, even though I didn't know at the time that it was my last race.
What are your college plans?
I'm attending the University Of Maine in the fall of 2020 for Mechanical Engineering and I'll be running cross country and track.
Who would you like to say thank you to?
Firstly, thank you to my parents who supported me and cheered me on every step of the way. Thank you so much to Coach Huber and Coach Palmer who coached me sophomore through senior year as well as Coach Goode and Coach Hackett for introducing me to high school cross country my freshman year. Tessa Yardley, a teammate, took me under her wing freshman year and taught me how to have fun while training. Erin McCarthy and Olivia Mosca were my two closest competitors and even closer friends who made cross country that much more special. Thanks guys :)
Is there anything else you'd like to add?
Thanks Maine cross country, it's been a good run :)