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Name: Conor Morin
Team: Cony
When and how did you get into track and field?
7th grade, when I learned that I can compete in a sport where I get to jump high and far, the one thing I was best at, and compete individually but get the support from an entire team.
Who would you consider your biggest competition over your four years?
Corbin Flewelling of Old Town. He always managed to be one mark ahead, one height up, and one step in front.
What was your greatest accomplishment?
Winning Triple Jump at the 2023 New England meet at Camden Stadium with a school, KVAC, and class B record jump of 47'6".
How has track and field impacted your life?
It made me appreciate the people around me. Whether they're on my team, a different team, my coach, or someone else's coach, everyone wants to support each other and see just how great they can perform, and it's almost like I can call every single athlete I've ever been at a meet with, my teammates even though they wear different jerseys.
What were the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome?
My rolled ankle junior year. I decided to try basketball one last time to see if I could help our team to new heights, but I ended up being always sick, and once I was finally healthy enough to play I rolled my ankle during practice and wound up in a boot for a few weeks. I had to decide to not compete during indoor to save my leg for outdoor, and I'm glad I did as that outdoor season I set my first school record.
How do you prepare for competitions?
I load up on carbs the day before to get a ton of energy in my system, then only eat a protein-heavy breakfast and tiny snacks the day of. I also try to go really light on warmups to try and conserve my body, making sure to do enough to keep my body warm and loose but not enough to break a sweat and feel like a workout before a competition.
What influence has your coach had on your high school career?
They're the greatest motivational speakers I've ever met. A lot of what I do is study the greats in my events and do everything I can to copy them, and the way my coaches react every time I set a new record or personal best makes it feel like it was all worthwhile.
Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of track and field?
I love playing music, studying mathematics, and working on the guitars I own. Every little thing I do gives a lot more knowledge to the things I love, whether it be wiring guitars without a diagram, working with numbers in ways I never understand before, or just being able to play new pieces of music and incorporate the styles of said piece into my own way of playing.
What are your college plans?
To study civil engineering at UMaine. I hope to at some point switch to mechanical engineering and try doing track on top of it, but I'll go with the flow and see where that takes me.
What are your long-term goals?
To land myself a nice job working on the world around me, and to maybe help another generation of jumpers to try and break my records and personal bests.
Who would you like to say thank you to?
Corbin Flewelling and my indoor coach Kevin. Even though I'm older than him, I always looked up to Corbin and wanted to be just like him. He always manages to make a comeback at the last second and break whatever old record he already set, and without that push of seeing him do all these great things, I don't think I would've come as far as I did. Kevin was also always there whenever I did something new and great. During states when I won high jump as a freshman, when I jumped 45'8.25" at Waterville, and when I won New Englands, he's always there with a huge smile ready to give a massive hug, and in Kevin, is where I store half of all my positive emotions.
What advice would you give to younger athletes?
Train hard, but not often. Once I realized that I was practically beating myself up with workouts before meets, I cut back on it and set what I think is an untouchable school triple jump record. As much as I love to sprint as hard as I can, jump as far as I can, and push weights as much as I can, doing all that two days before a meet really takes a toll on your performance. Qualify for the meets that matter early on, and take care of your body with the right diet and tons of rest.