Chase Brown Blog #1

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Hi followers of MaineTrackXC,


My name is Chase Brown, I am going to talk a bit about the training I did this summer and am going to do this season if all goes well. This summer I started off with a an easy week around 30 miles or so and then eventually built my way all the way up to 35 miles a week haha. I decided to take this summer pretty easy because by the end of my Championship season last year I was POOPED!!! I will work up to around 50 miles a week in the near future and hold that for several weeks with a rest week in the mix somewhere. I didn’t do that much speed this summer, only 5-6 speed strength type workouts. I ran 3 races: the Friends of Fourth in Winthrop, the Lobster Roll in Boothbay (where I’m from), and the B2B. All are great races with good competition and I would mark those dates for next year if I were you. I went to the Colby and Slovenski  XC camps this summer. Both were great and I would recommend them to all. While there, I talked with some people that were bragging about not running at all during the summer?? There are also people on my team that could be much better if they would run over the summer. I am not recommending that people go run over 50 miles a week and only live XC. I just don’t understand not giving up 30 minutes a day to go for an easy run. Most of the runs I did this summer were easy 5ers. So guys, if you want to be good at running…THEN RUN! (but not too much hah).  In the following weeks I will try my best to hit on some funny things, serious things, and weird things about running to entertain the people who take the time to read this. If you have a question for me don’t hesitate to ask; post it on the side or e-mail me at


Believe in what you do, I think my Coach is great and we train smart and well for the high school level to achieve the goals we have.

Check out Chase's Profile