
Emily Durgin Blog #2

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Hi Everyone!
I hope everyone who hasn’t started school yet is ready and excited to go back, and to all of you who have been back for almost a week, I hope you had a great start to the 2011-2012 school year!  Also, I would like to congratulate everyone on their awesome performances in the preseason meets. We were at the SMAA relays on Friday at South Portland, but I took some time to look at how everyone else who didn’t attend the relays did in their meets.
I love the SMAA relays, it’s a great race to kick off the season!  The fact that its only 1.5 miles makes it really nice for everyone to get in the racing mode. I also like how instead of adding up the places they add up the times at the end for the final scores. Cheverus girls did amazing, we won the meet and everyone looked great.  Fiona, Shannon, Kiera, and Maddie…our number 2-5 runners all won their heats!  Lizzy, Greta, and Rachel all ran in the JV race and finished in the top 10. Our new freshman Georgia, Haley, and Louise did a great job in the freshman race and all finished up front as well. We are feeling good early in the season and we all are looking very strong. The fact that we have only been doing easy miles, and a few hills shows how much work we have left and how far we can go!
      I personally was just happy to be back competing.  During the whole race all I was thinking about was Freshman year, and running against Abbey for the first time in a high school meet at the SMAA  relays at TA.   It seemed like just yesterday we were posing for the Portland Press Herald for their headline about the “Top Freshman”.  I will never forget that day, and how excited I was to finally be in high school.  The 4 years flew by, and now this is our last season competing at the high school level.  It felt really good to be back competing, and over all I was happy with my performance.  I am really looking forward to having a great last season.
(2008 Freshman year SMAA relays)

    After the meet our team had planned to have a camp out at Maddie's house.  So after Shannon, Kiera, and I were all showered we headed over to meet everyone at Maddie's.  We had Otto’s famous bacon mashed potatoe pizza for dinner, and played Apples to Apples for hours!  It was fun to have a team get together before school starts. Its funny how different all us girls are, but also how much we have in common. It makes it so fun to just relax and hangout together. In the morning Maddie's mom made her awesome pancakes, and then we all went home to sleep for the rest of the day.
(enjoying our pizza!)                                              (Maddie setting up camp)

I can’t believe how fast preseason went, but I’m so excited to start my senior year and get into the cross-country season. Our first meet is this Friday at our home course which will be the first 5k race for many of our freshman.  I still have a lot to do before school starts Tuesday…I have been finishing up my summer reading, and also studying to re-take my ACTS(which I will take next Saturday).  It will be a relief to be done with all my testing so I can focus on my senior year and season.
I wish everyone great luck with school and also running.
“....and always believe in yourself, because if you don’t, then who will, sweetie? So keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life’s a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about.”
-Marilyn Monroe
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