Salute to Seniors: Emily Tolman Scarborough HS
What was your most memorable race?
My most memorable race was sophomore year during the 4x400 in SMAAs. We had to use our second alternate for the first leg and we were really far behind after the first lap. But each leg after that we moved way up in position, and it came down to the last 100 between two other team's anchors and me. We ended up winning, and it was really cool to watch such a young team accomplish that. And to this day Andrea Tolman, Nicole Kirk, and I watch that video to get us excited for big meets.
Out of all of your high school accomplishments which stands out the most?
Out of my high school accomplishments the one that stands out the most would have to be placing 4th in New Englands in the 600. Freshman year I made it my goal to run that race and place, and it felt really good to finally accomplish that my senior year. It was also a state leading time, I think, which is a great honor.
If you could do it all over again what would you change about your running career in high school?
If I could do it all over again I think I would have trained harder in the off seasons so that I didn't lose my strength and stamina. I also would have liked to take some of the meets a little more seriously, because now looking back, I realize they all help you build up to be a better runner.
What were the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome?
The most difficult obstacles to overcome weren't the physical ones, such as injuries, but the mental ones. I get really nervous before the meets and it sometimes would keep me from getting the performances that I really wanted to achieve. I would tell myself that what I was about to do would be really difficult, and I was scared of failing. Sometimes that would cause me to not do well.
What will you miss the most?
I'll miss the people the most. I've been running with many of these athletes since the days of Maine summer track, so we've been pretty close. It's been fun watching them grow into outstanding athletes and human beings, and it's great having such a supportive group not only on my team, but from other teams. It has been an honor to run with many of these girls.
Do you have any advice for younger athletes?
My advice to younger athletes would be to not leave anything left after a race. You only have so many races you can compete in, so why have any regrets? If you give it your all, I can guarantee you'll be happy with your performance. I would also like to advise them to have fun, because track shouldn't be as stressful as it sometimes seems. Its a great sport which should be enjoyed.
What advice have your coaches had with respect to your performance and overall life goals?
My coaches have given me several pieces of advice which apply to my performance and goals. They have taught me that focus is key, and not to worry about the trivial things such as failing to produce the expected performances. They have shown me that my priority is not myself, but my team. I should work hard not only to appease myself, but to help teach them, and to help us do well as a whole. This focus, relinquishing of fear, and sense of friendship with my team has helped in life situations, and I believe it will prove valuable in reaching goals in and out of track.
What are your college plans?
My plans for college is to study Studio Art and Psychology or Neuroscience. I'm hoping to minor in Russian or Italian as well. I'm planning on running for Colby College indoor and outdoor next year too.
Who would you like to say thank you to?
I want to say thank you to my teammates and friends I've had throughout the years. The friendships I've made in track have provided me with support and guidance, which I am incredibly grateful for. Most importantly, though, I want to thank my coaches. Coach Kelly has been a part of my life since I first started running ten years ago, Coach Ross has helped me since middle school hurdle practices, and Coach Stone has impacted my jumping performances since freshman year. All of the coaches from Scarborough, however have helped me significantly, and there are just so many to list. They all have made me who I am today not only as a runner, but as a person, and I can't thank them enough for all the help and support they've provided me with
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