The beat goes on for the Orono Red Riots. Another race another 1-2-3 finish, this time in the Regional Championship
Northern Maine Class C Regional XC Recap
Oct 26, 2015

John Hassett NM Class C Boys Champion Interview
Oct 24, 2015
John Hassett NM Class C Boys Champion Interview

Tia Tardy and Hannah Steelman NM Class C 1st & 2nd Place Intervi
Oct 24, 2015
Tia Tardy and Hannah Steelman NM Class C 1st & 2nd Place Interview

Northern Maine Class C Regional XC Preview
Oct 22, 2015
The Eastern Regional Cross Country Championship meets will be held at the Troy Howard Middle School in Belfast Maine Saturday October 24th. Class C action is set to start at 1:20pm for the girls and 1:55 for the boys. The weather is predicted to be mostly sunny and in the low 50's. The top 1/2 finishers of teams that start the race qualify for States. The top 30 individuals qualify for States.