Team Scores

Licensed to Down East Sports Timing - Contractor License
                                                 HY-TEK's Meet Manager 1/5/2017
                         SMAA Week 2 Meet 4 - 1/5/2017                         
                                BE, Port, Scar                                 
                       Team Rankings - Through Event 52                        
                              Female Team Scores                               
            Place Team                                            Points
                1 Scarborough High School            SCAR            118  
                2 Bonny Eagle High School            BE              108  
                3 Portland High School               PTLD             35  
                               Male Team Scores                                
            Place Team                                            Points
                1 Scarborough High School            SCAR            167.5
                2 Bonny Eagle High School            BE               86  
                3 Portland High School               PTLD             17.5