
The Lowest Scores of the Weekend Earn Orono Dual Titles
Oct 21, 2018
The Orono cross-country teams put up the lowest team scores across the state Saturday October 20th, 2018 to dominate the Northern Maine Regionals. Camille Kohtala took the individual title and led the girls team to a win with just 23 points, while the boys pack running netted them just 26 points enroute to the title.
Brunswick Boys Squeak Past Hampden, Camden Girls Repeat
Oct 21, 2018
In the Class A Northern Maine Regional XC Championship scorekeepers need to use the 6th runner as a tie-breaker to award the Brunswick boys their championship as the Dragons and Hampden Broncos both finished with 53 points. In the Girls meet Camden, led by Augusta Stockman, used their depth to take the title.