Meet Information
Race Schedule:
A Boys 11:00, Girls 11:35
B Boys 12:10, - Girls 12:45
C - Boys 1:20, - Girls 1:55
Awards: The awards ceremonies will take place at the conclusion of the girls' race in each
Trophies and medals will be presented to the 1st and 2nd place teams. Medals will be
presented to the top 10 finishers in each class.
Qualifications for State Meet:
Team - One half of the teams that start the race will qualify for the State Meet. The exact
number of teams qualifying will be derived at the starting line and announced.
Individual -The top 30 in all classes will qualify for State Meet
General Information:
1) Locker rooms/bathrooms are available for all athletes. Porta-Potties on field.
2) Buses should drop off athletes and park per instructions of parking guide.
3) Races will be run according to the time schedule. Teams are expected to be at the starting
line 15 minutes before the scheduled start time. There will be a Coaches/ Captains (1 per
team) meeting at the starting line 20 minutes before the start of the boys race. All teams must
be represented.
4) Teams may inspect the course upon arrival as long as they don't interfere with races in
progress. Please be careful not to impede a race in progress.
5) To get to the Troy Howard Middle school, go to only light on Route 1 (just past/before
MBNA) and turn on to route 52 heading west. The school is about one half mile down on right,
a large brick building with a green roof.
6) There will be concessions available on site.
7) There will be Eastern regional XC T-shirts on sale, as well as, Sweat shirts. For
reservations call Phil Georgetti: Action Screenprint 795-7786.
8) There will be a trainer available on site.
9) If you would like to view the course before the week of Regionals, you may contact Terry
Kenniston, the Belfast AD (338-1790, ext. 305) of your intentions. Please keep out the way of
any Middle School activity that may be in progress.
A Boys 11:00, Girls 11:35
B Boys 12:10, - Girls 12:45
C - Boys 1:20, - Girls 1:55
Awards: The awards ceremonies will take place at the conclusion of the girls' race in each
Trophies and medals will be presented to the 1st and 2nd place teams. Medals will be
presented to the top 10 finishers in each class.
Qualifications for State Meet:
Team - One half of the teams that start the race will qualify for the State Meet. The exact
number of teams qualifying will be derived at the starting line and announced.
Individual -The top 30 in all classes will qualify for State Meet
General Information:
1) Locker rooms/bathrooms are available for all athletes. Porta-Potties on field.
2) Buses should drop off athletes and park per instructions of parking guide.
3) Races will be run according to the time schedule. Teams are expected to be at the starting
line 15 minutes before the scheduled start time. There will be a Coaches/ Captains (1 per
team) meeting at the starting line 20 minutes before the start of the boys race. All teams must
be represented.
4) Teams may inspect the course upon arrival as long as they don't interfere with races in
progress. Please be careful not to impede a race in progress.
5) To get to the Troy Howard Middle school, go to only light on Route 1 (just past/before
MBNA) and turn on to route 52 heading west. The school is about one half mile down on right,
a large brick building with a green roof.
6) There will be concessions available on site.
7) There will be Eastern regional XC T-shirts on sale, as well as, Sweat shirts. For
reservations call Phil Georgetti: Action Screenprint 795-7786.
8) There will be a trainer available on site.
9) If you would like to view the course before the week of Regionals, you may contact Terry
Kenniston, the Belfast AD (338-1790, ext. 305) of your intentions. Please keep out the way of
any Middle School activity that may be in progress.