Athlete Entries

Boys 5000 Meter Run 226 entries

Athlete Seed Team
EICHER , WESLEY Mt. Ararat Middle School
Daniel, Colden NYA MS
Murray, Franklin Jordan Small MS
Hohl, Liam Greely Middle School
Watkinson, Ben Brunswick Middle School
Stone, Theo Brunswick Middle School
Shean, Isaac Brunswick Middle School
Keller, Emmett Yarmouth Middle School
Andersen, Jamesen Molly Ockett Middle School
BARRETT , AIDEN Mt. Ararat Middle School
Reinhart, Lucien Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Dumond, Logan Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Zuiches, Jameson Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Patnaude, Wyatt Sacopee Valley MS
Toews, Wesley Gray New Gloucester MS
Washburn, Carter Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Nelson, Harper Brunswick Middle School
Sylvester, Aidan Yarmouth Middle School
Brisson, James Tripp Middle School
Cline, Luke Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Gapski, Benjamin Bath Middle School
Hayes, Carter Gray New Gloucester MS
Caldera, Angel Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Lopez, Nico Brunswick Middle School
Chase, Max Greely Middle School
Young, Ethan Lake Region MS
Cohen, Jacob Brunswick Middle School
Bacon, Charlie Freeport Middle School
Gilbert, Cooper Gray New Gloucester MS
Lewis, Ethan Greely Middle School
FREYRE , REX Jordan Small MS
Woodcock, Oliver Greely Middle School
Woodruff, Jamie Brunswick Middle School
Freemerman, Benjamin Bath Middle School
Diffin, Chase Gray New Gloucester MS
Cardenas-Chavez, Leo Brunswick Middle School
HOLMES , RYDER Mt. Ararat Middle School
Mosley, Graeme Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Whitten, Ashton Old Orchard MS
Hall, Jamie Greely Middle School
Spofford, Cooper Brunswick Middle School
Martinez, Crawford Brunswick Middle School
Miller, Finnegan Yarmouth Middle School
Riggins, Colin Whittier Middle School (Poland)
MAMONE , MILO Waynflete MS
Coe, Emrys Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Roig, Wilder Brunswick Middle School
Izaryk, Parker Lake Region MS
Bennette, Riley Tripp Middle School
Zuckerman, Alder Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Kamba, Flynn Gray New Gloucester MS
Servidio, Robbie Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Miller, Brody Brunswick Middle School
Emery, Robert Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Jackman, Austin Brunswick Middle School
Bowen, Sam Brunswick Middle School
DUPUIS , JONATHAN Gray New Gloucester MS
Wilson, Simon Greely Middle School
Cianchette, Marco Greely Middle School
Chipman, Tichon Bath Middle School
Anderson, Hutch Gray New Gloucester MS
HOOPER , DOMINIC Mt. Ararat Middle School
Mote, Pete NYA MS
Mendoza, Tyler Greely Middle School
White, Jago Brunswick Middle School
Dudley, Sam Brunswick Middle School
Brown, Clyde Greely Middle School
Shellenbarger, Pierson Brunswick Middle School
Harrison, Trent Brunswick Middle School
Anderson, Logan Molly Ockett Middle School
Pinkham, Luke Mt. Ararat Middle School
Ritter, Zev Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Skelton, Trevor Old Orchard MS
Footman, Camden Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Barsam Cummings, John Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Castillo, Ayumaha Sacopee Valley MS
Campbell, Freeman Gray New Gloucester MS
Palaba, Nathanael Brunswick Middle School
Keller, Jasper Yarmouth Middle School
Westman, Ethan Tripp Middle School
Boutureira, Darwin Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Langmaid, Calvin Bath Middle School
Brassbridge, Owen Gray New Gloucester MS
Craig, Farley Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Martin, Theodore Brunswick Middle School
Gaumont, Liam Lake Region MS
Percy, Wyatt Brunswick Middle School
Weyl, Gavin Freeport Middle School
Aubet, Ian Gray New Gloucester MS
Mattei, Charlie Greely Middle School
GREEN , NOLAN Jordan Small MS
Kearins, Henry Greely Middle School
Wyatt, Bryceson Brunswick Middle School
Frehmiller, Wyatt Bath Middle School
Mitchell, William Gray New Gloucester MS
Doughty, Rogan Brunswick Middle School
WRIGHT , BOWMAN Mt. Ararat Middle School
Mas, Nico Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Macwilliam, Jackson Old Orchard MS
Moreau, Miles Jordan Small MS
Hall, James Greely Middle School
Vannah, Lincoln Brunswick Middle School
Hatch, Zan Brunswick Middle School
Gerrard, Patrick Yarmouth Middle School
Varney, Josh Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Drexel, Duncan Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Schelble, Nathan Brunswick Middle School
Savage, Lucas Lake Region MS
Mattson, Ronan Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Austin, Owen Gray New Gloucester MS
Shroder, Miles Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Nash, Ewan Brunswick Middle School
Milton, Jonah Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Kilpatrick, Sawyer Brunswick Middle School
Callahan, Jaxson Brunswick Middle School
Scribner, Eli Gray New Gloucester MS
Colianni, Peter Greely Middle School
Levesque, Wyatt Lake Region MS
Hande, Henry Greely Middle School
Lake, Tadhg Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Craney, Noah Bath Middle School
Waterman, Noel Gray New Gloucester MS
Handley, Holden Gray New Gloucester MS
McGillicuddy, John NYA MS
O'Connor, Calvin Greely Middle School
Wiercinski, Ollie Brunswick Middle School
Johnson, Nick Brunswick Middle School
Curran, James Greely Middle School
Shoemaker, Nathaniel Brunswick Middle School
Boron, Brady Brunswick Middle School
MacDougall, Jasper Molly Ockett Middle School
Rawlins, Jonah Waynflete MS
SVENSON , LEIF Mt. Ararat Middle School
Siegel, Maxwell Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Thomas, Liam Old Orchard MS
Garcia, Jackson Whittier Middle School (Poland)
LI, Kaleb Waynflete MS
Bruce, Reuben Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Smith, Kasen Sacopee Valley MS
Berube, Jaxon Gray New Gloucester MS
Rathbone, Max Brunswick Middle School
Chalmers, Jackson Yarmouth Middle School
Poole, Sullivan Tripp Middle School
Manganello, Otis Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Riggs, William Bath Middle School
Nealey, Cameron Gray New Gloucester MS
Kurre, Maddox Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Martinez, Stirling Brunswick Middle School
Priola, James Lake Region MS
Boron, AJ Brunswick Middle School
Guyer, Jackson Freeport Middle School
SZCZESNIAK , OLIVER Gray New Gloucester MS
Scheib, Christian Greely Middle School
Popa, Philip Jordan Small MS
Milliken, Jack Greely Middle School
Amundsen, Isak Bath Middle School
Gill, Kyle Gray New Gloucester MS
McCalmon, Ben Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Flaherty, Andrew Brunswick Middle School
CHASE , CALEB Mt. Ararat Middle School
Thacker, Nick Jordan Small MS
Hankens, Benjamin Greely Middle School
Visco, Brandon Brunswick Middle School
Foley, Kyle Brunswick Middle School
Myers, Charlie Yarmouth Middle School
Thurlow, Colson Molly Ockett Middle School
Hall, Henry Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Schofield, Connor Brunswick Middle School
Yerxa, Ashton Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Sargent, Ryker Lake Region MS
Mooney, Ari Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Gould, Ian Sacopee Valley MS
Lucas, Jack Gray New Gloucester MS
Urbanek, Sam Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Nash, Seamus Brunswick Middle School
Anderson, Leo Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Francis, Henry Bath Middle School
Luongo, Anthony Gray New Gloucester MS
Bevins, James Cape Elizabeth Middle School
LaCasse, Keelson Brunswick Middle School
Cardenas-Chavez, Ben Brunswick Middle School
Handley, Hudson Gray New Gloucester MS
Lester, Diego Greely Middle School
Surma, Braken Lake Region MS
Haugen, Nils Greely Middle School
Lacadie, Christian Gray New Gloucester MS
Dunphy, Jace NYA MS
Swihart, Lucian Greely Middle School
Williams, Isaac Brunswick Middle School
Schofield, Aidan Brunswick Middle School
Strawbridge, Redmond Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Cox, Patrick Old Orchard MS
Douglas, Myles Greely Middle School
Soucy, Rex Brunswick Middle School
Wilson, Andrew Brunswick Middle School
Anderson, Nolan Molly Ockett Middle School
LEGAWIEC , DASHIELL Mt. Ararat Middle School
Cuthbert, Colby Yarmouth Middle School
Howe, Daniel Whittier Middle School (Poland)
LI, Elijah Waynflete MS
Casey, Ellis Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Jones, Hayden Sacopee Valley MS
Ring, Ace Brunswick Middle School
Jaronczyk, Thomas Lake Region MS
Buckingham, Keegan Tripp Middle School
Wilmot, Axel Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Higgins, Samuel Gray New Gloucester MS
Martinez, Ojani Cape Elizabeth Middle School
McNutt, John Brunswick Middle School
Ferrey, Leo Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Franz, Charles Brunswick Middle School
Boron, Alex Brunswick Middle School
WHITNEY , REID Gray New Gloucester MS
Weisz, Jake Greely Middle School
Stretch, Zeke Jordan Small MS
Cardosi, Caden Greely Middle School
Brawn, Braedyn Bath Middle School
Swanson, Cormac Gray New Gloucester MS
Vigue, Bobby 19:27.85 Madison Area Memorial High Schoo
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Girls 5000 Meter Run 156 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cannan, Camille Freeport Middle School
Gould, Sloan Gray New Gloucester MS
Newcomb, Kiana Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Beasley, Olive Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Strauss, Millie Greely Middle School
Watkinson, Rachel Brunswick Middle School
Plummer, Isabel Gray New Gloucester MS
Taylor, Ja’lisa Old Orchard MS
KAFFEL , EMILY Jordan Small MS
McGraw, Teagan Brunswick Middle School
HEBERT , KYLIE Gray New Gloucester MS
Hidier, Zoe Rani Waynflete MS
Frye, Willow Mt. Ararat Middle School
Chalmers, Louisa Yarmouth Middle School
Majewski, Olivia Brunswick Middle School
Cowan, Zoey Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Wilk, Alicja Bath Middle School
Ruane, Lucia Lake Region MS
Soule, Annabel Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Wacksman, Emily Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Dingley, Madison Jordan Small MS
Digiovanni, Alice Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Guzman, Laura Freeport Middle School
Shelley , Cara Gray New Gloucester MS
Bloch, Ellen Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Redlon, Iris Brunswick Middle School
Nile, Madison Gray New Gloucester MS
Brown, Madison Mt. Ararat Middle School
Macosso, Maravilha Old Orchard MS
Smith, Audrina Jordan Small MS
Elliott, Sylvia Greely Middle School
Russell, Anya Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Doyle, Juliet Sacopee Valley MS
Hellstedt, Annika Yarmouth Middle School
Hogan, Sydney Brunswick Middle School
Kitch, Elsa Brunswick Middle School
Lake, Saoirse Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Dunn, Josephine Bath Middle School
Manzo, Braelyn Lake Region MS
Faulkner, Lela Waynflete MS
Labbe, Hayden Tripp Middle School
Cameron, Maeve Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Lowell, Emily Freeport Middle School
Strattard, Aylana Gray New Gloucester MS
Ciarimboli, Juliette Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Fick, Kate Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Chang, Anna Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Osorio, Brianna Gray New Gloucester MS
EMERY , BELL Jordan Small MS
McMahon, Calypso Brunswick Middle School
Darling, Riley Gray New Gloucester MS
Harris, Margot Waynflete MS
Morrell, Kaycee Mt. Ararat Middle School
Carey-Knight, Molly Greely Middle School
Weyenberg, Caroline Yarmouth Middle School
Alsobrook, Charlotte Brunswick Middle School
Comeau, Isabella Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Dobrow, Blyth Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Rogenes, Darling Bath Middle School
Rizza, Arianna Lake Region MS
Stephenson, Layla Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Welsh, Fiona Cape Elizabeth Middle School
de Vries, Meadow Cape Elizabeth Middle School
DiRusso, Tessa Freeport Middle School
Clark, Lilah Gray New Gloucester MS
Huntington, Maddie Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Severance, Alana Brunswick Middle School
Austin, Elaina Gray New Gloucester MS
Rickett, Ellie Mt. Ararat Middle School
Duhamel, Willow Old Orchard MS
Atchinson, Quinn Jordan Small MS
Lucas, Sophie Greely Middle School
Mason, Alyssa Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Holden, Jemma Mt. Ararat Middle School
Easterbrooks, Tegan Sacopee Valley MS
Shelton, Lily Yarmouth Middle School
Jones, Lilly Brunswick Middle School
Phillips, Kenzie Brunswick Middle School
Schatz, Sadie Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Sherwood, Kiarabelle Bath Middle School
Wellehan, Lila Waynflete MS
Carbary, Maleah Tripp Middle School
Smith, Sydney Freeport Middle School
Barus, Grace Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Wright, Frida Bath Middle School
Hughes, Sage Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Morrison, Lila Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Cahill, Sara Gray New Gloucester MS
Buxton, Jordan Jordan Small MS
Oleson, Tova Brunswick Middle School
Birmingham, Olivia Gray New Gloucester MS
Rosenberg, Elsie Mt. Ararat Middle School
Caiazzo, Rori Greely Middle School
Feldman, Anelise Yarmouth Middle School
Baltes, Jillian Brunswick Middle School
D'Auteuil, Annabella Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Einstein, Brigid Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Geary-Bubie, Maddelyn Bath Middle School
Nguyen, Tien Lake Region MS
Primeau, Idalia Tripp Middle School
Wahlquist, Aerowyn Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Smith, Lillian NYA MS
Walsh, Lily Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Porter, Lyla Freeport Middle School
Prescott, Keira Gray New Gloucester MS
Morris, Gemma Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Shean, Kenzie Brunswick Middle School
Collet, Grace Gray New Gloucester MS
Talbot, Emi Mt. Ararat Middle School
Vasiliauskas, Hazel Old Orchard MS
Golebiewski, Camryn Jordan Small MS
Pike, Maya Greely Middle School
Estes, Evelyn Mt. Ararat Middle School
Arsenault, Ella Yarmouth Middle School
Lindsey, Evelyn Brunswick Middle School
Goldman, Eva Yarmouth Middle School
Griset, Lucy Brunswick Middle School
Scott, Anna Maine Coast Waldorf MS
West, Maria Bath Middle School
MACELHINEY, Porter Waynflete MS
Roy, Emilea Tripp Middle School
Greene, Macy Freeport Middle School
Cabot, Lydia Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Chabot, Isabel Bath Middle School
Mavodones, Lydia Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Hebert, Zoe Jordan Small MS
Rock, Maeve Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Ackley, Haleigh Gray New Gloucester MS
McGuire, Kayla Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Omdal, Lucy Brunswick Middle School
Skilling, Ava Gray New Gloucester MS
Wigmore, Sadie Mt. Ararat Middle School
Mlkern-Woodson, Maddie Jordan Small MS
Blakley, Ariana Greely Middle School
Nye, Eleanor Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Wing, Hannah Sacopee Valley MS
Torick, Evelyn Yarmouth Middle School
Brown, Anastasia Brunswick Middle School
Olcott, Phoebe Brunswick Middle School
Jorgensen, Arielle Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Karambiri, Grace Bath Middle School
Velez, Hannah Lake Region MS
Murphey, Camryn Tripp Middle School
Zitske, Clara Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Hagopian, Bryanna 20:48.23 Madison Area Memorial High Schoo
Harper, Leah 21:40.36 Madison Area Memorial High Schoo
Stevens, Emma 25:59.91 Madison Area Memorial High Schoo
Young, Jade 28:35.67 Madison Area Memorial High Schoo
Pease, Nevaeh 34:10.50 Madison Area Memorial High Schoo
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