Athlete Entries

Boys 2 MILE 178 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Laneau, Wesley Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Vorisek, Jett Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Brown, Levi Gray New Gloucester MS
Flynn, Brayden Lake Region MS
Goff, Ellery Gray New Gloucester MS
Chapman, Draven Gray New Gloucester MS
Starr, Kivalena Brunswick Middle School
Edwards, Cooper Waynflete MS
McKenna, Curren Brunswick Middle School
Scribner, Eli Gray New Gloucester MS
Rodriguez, Camden Gray New Gloucester MS
Haines, Ezrah Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Morey, Evin Lake Region MS
Nile, Beckett Gray New Gloucester MS
Jaronczyk, Thomas Lake Region MS
Busque, Mitchell Gray New Gloucester MS
Uschmann, Wyeth Yarmouth Middle School
Schwarz, Steven Brunswick Middle School
Lu, Chen Brunswick Middle School
Wing, Eliot Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Jarvis, Austin Gray New Gloucester MS
Franklin, Aiden Lake Region MS
Worthen, Benjamin Gray New Gloucester MS
Gibson, Gavin Gray New Gloucester MS
Meehan, Brian Seacoast Christian
Albert, Norman Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Ames, Conor Gray New Gloucester MS
Perro, Jean Lake Region MS
Bazinet, Norman Gray New Gloucester MS
Burnett, Michael Gray New Gloucester MS
Dunn, Greyson Bath Middle School
Baitliner, Beckett Yarmouth Middle School
Feeley, Sam Brunswick Middle School
Mason, Colby Gray New Gloucester MS
Hopkins, Chase Lake Region MS
Hatch, Wyatt Gray New Gloucester MS
Hebert, Caiden Gray New Gloucester MS
Dahlgren, Chase Gray New Gloucester MS
Dalton, Tristan Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Wiederkehr, Calla Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Regensburger, Evan Lake Region MS
Boisvert, Oliver Gray New Gloucester MS
Jahna, Gabe Lake Region MS
Welch, Parker Gray New Gloucester MS
Luongo, Anthony Gray New Gloucester MS
Morrill, Maddox Gray New Gloucester MS
Mitchell, Wyatt Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Stewart, Max Gray New Gloucester MS
Miras, Derek Lake Region MS
Zukowski, Alden Gray New Gloucester MS
Gaumont, Liam Lake Region MS
Szczesniak, Elliott Gray New Gloucester MS
Cloutier, Cameron Brunswick Middle School
Riley, Nevin Brunswick Middle School
Garcia, Jackson 12:02.00 Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Moreau, Miles 12:11.15 Jordan Small MS
Pinkham, Luke 12:31.00 Mt. Ararat Middle School
Schofield, Aidan 12:55.00 Brunswick Middle School
SZCZESNIAK , OLIVER 12:56.38 Gray New Gloucester MS
Manganello, Otis 13:01.91 Maine Coast Waldorf MS
McCalmon, Aaron 13:03.09 Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Wilmot, Axel 13:04.15 Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Varney, Josh 13:05.00 Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Zuckerman, Alder 13:06.78 Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Mattson, Ronan 13:10.56 Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Waterman, Noel 13:19.00 Gray New Gloucester MS
DEDEKIAN , SAMUEL 13:31.00 Waynflete MS
Woodruff, Jamie 13:39.00 Brunswick Middle School
Hall, Henry 13:58.00 Maine Coast Waldorf MS
DeBruyn, Charlie 13:58.31 Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Kjeldgaard, Rasmus 14:00.00 Yarmouth Middle School
Wallent, Bridger 14:00.90 Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Emery, Robert 14:24.25 Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Thacker, Nick 14:26.38 Jordan Small MS
Shoemaker, Nathaniel 14:30.00 Brunswick Middle School
Murray, Franklin 14:35.91 Jordan Small MS
McKinnon, Trenton 14:37.62 Brunswick Middle School
West, James 14:39.10 Bath Middle School
Macwilliam, Jackson 14:40.35 Loranger MS (Old Orchard Beach)
Howe, Daniel 14:42.00 Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Hall, Mason 14:45.00 Jordan Small MS
Milazzo, Sebastian 14:49.43 Bath Middle School
Chipman, Tichon 14:50.77 Bath Middle School
Coe, Emrys 14:57.00 Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Hayes, Carter 15:01.00 Gray New Gloucester MS
WHITNEY , REID 15:02.00 Gray New Gloucester MS
Gerrard, Patrick 15:03.00 Yarmouth Middle School
Gould, Ian 15:13.18 Sacopee Valley MS
Sargent, Ryker 15:15.00 Lake Region MS
Langmaid, Calvin 15:20.51 Bath Middle School
Shroder, Miles 15:25.00 Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Foley, Kyle 15:25.53 Brunswick Middle School
Rathbone, Max 15:34.00 Brunswick Middle School
Servidio, Robbie 15:37.75 Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Franz, Charles 15:49.00 Brunswick Middle School
Sutton, Callen 15:50.00 Brunswick Middle School
Sawhney, Silas 15:53.06 Yarmouth Middle School
Popa, Philip 15:57.00 Jordan Small MS
Otto, Henrik 15:59.00 Brunswick Middle School
Miller, Finnegan 16:03.00 Yarmouth Middle School
Anton, Alex 16:05.38 Yarmouth Middle School
Toews, Wesley 16:13.00 Gray New Gloucester MS
Jackman, Austin 16:16.00 Brunswick Middle School
Riggins, Colin 16:19.00 Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Emerson, Anton 16:27.09 Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Barsam Cummings, John 16:30.71 Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Thomas, Liam 16:32.84 Loranger MS (Old Orchard Beach)
Dennis, Isaac 16:32.86 Loranger MS (Old Orchard Beach)
Sherman, Wilder 16:33.00 Brunswick Middle School
Coffin, Wesley 16:38.90 Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Handley, Hudson 16:40.00 Gray New Gloucester MS
Strawbridge, Sage 16:41.91 Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Bettinger, Parker 16:44.00 Brunswick Middle School
Johnson, Nick 16:48.00 Brunswick Middle School
Speer, Jackson 16:50.00 Brunswick Middle School
Lucas, Jack 16:54.00 Gray New Gloucester MS
Carson, Tristen 17:21.10 Bath Middle School
Sawyer, Ethan 17:24.00 Jordan Small MS
BATTILANA-PICARD , ELLIS 17:27.00 Waynflete MS
Webber-Flahive, Will 17:29.03 Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Burnham, Clarke 17:33.00 Brunswick Middle School
CRESSEY , BRECKEN 17:34.00 Jordan Small MS
LESSARD , COLETON 17:39.00 Jordan Small MS
Ahmed, Mustafa 17:40.00 Waynflete MS
Myers, Charlie 18:03.84 Yarmouth Middle School
Martin, Bret 18:13.00 Brunswick Middle School
Steele, Hudson 18:28.08 Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Patnaude, Wyatt 18:39.00 Sacopee Valley MS
Knight, Joseph 18:46.69 Durham MS
TELANDER READ , SIXTEN 18:57.00 Waynflete MS
Cox, Patrick 18:58.03 Loranger MS (Old Orchard Beach)
Richardson, Austin 19:09.30 Bath Middle School
Moore, Bentley 19:14.06 Bath Middle School
Reinhart, Lucien 19:34.61 Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Campbell, Freeman 19:35.00 Gray New Gloucester MS
Ritter, Zev 19:35.21 Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Castillo, Ayumaha 19:36.00 Sacopee Valley MS
Anderson, Hutch 19:55.00 Gray New Gloucester MS
King, Camden 20:11.00 Waynflete MS
Lamson-LaPlume, James 20:19.59 Yarmouth Middle School
Monk, Silas 20:20.24 Yarmouth Middle School
Farmer, Wyatt 20:24.00 Brunswick Middle School
Crowell, Charlie 20:39.00 Jordan Small MS
Lively, Elijah 20:52.00 Jordan Small MS
Williams, Isaac 20:58.00 Brunswick Middle School
Harvie, Maxwell 20:58.00 Brunswick Middle School
Dudley, Sam 21:00.00 Brunswick Middle School
Moore, Solomon 21:01.00 Brunswick Middle School
Copsey, Oliver 21:44.25 Yarmouth Middle School
Watkinson, Ben 21:57.00 Brunswick Middle School
Brown, Trystin 22:13.71 Durham MS
McNutt, John 22:20.00 Brunswick Middle School
Leeman, Daniel 22:21.00 Brunswick Middle School
Gill, Kyle 22:42.00 Gray New Gloucester MS
Smith, Gunnar 22:48.61 Durham MS
Lavway, Alex 22:50.00 Brunswick Middle School
O'Brien, Jeremy 23:07.00 Jordan Small MS
Swanson, Cormac 23:12.00 Gray New Gloucester MS
Franz, Henry 23:14.00 Brunswick Middle School
Keller, Emmett 23:28.25 Yarmouth Middle School
GREEN , NOLAN 23:55.00 Jordan Small MS
Ring, Ace 24:23.00 Brunswick Middle School
Flaherty, Andrew 24:34.00 Brunswick Middle School
Smith, Kyler 24:34.88 Yarmouth Middle School
Fox, Jaxson 25:25.00 Jordan Small MS
Soucy, Rex 25:26.00 Brunswick Middle School
Sawyer, Jack 25:28.00 Jordan Small MS
Roig, Wilder 25:53.00 Brunswick Middle School
Doughty, Rogan 26:05.00 Brunswick Middle School
Harlow, Brycen 26:37.00 Brunswick Middle School
Matzke, Stellen 26:43.86 Bath Middle School
Mason, Eliot 27:31.00 Brunswick Middle School
Lopez, Nico 27:37.00 Brunswick Middle School
Stephens Gerry, Elliott 27:46.00 Brunswick Middle School
Gowen, Oliver 28:24.27 Bath Middle School
Nealey, Cameron 28:25.00 Gray New Gloucester MS
Lundin, Declan 29:39.00 Jordan Small MS
Bizier, Ian 29:48.00 Jordan Small MS
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Girls 2 MILE 152 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hargreaves, Liv Lake Region MS
Rizza, Arianna Lake Region MS
Faulstitch, Anna Yarmouth Middle School
Harkins, Hazel Bath Middle School
Haught, Bryn Gray New Gloucester MS
Mitchell, Patience Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Schoff, Ava Seacoast Christian
Seehagen, Olivia Yarmouth Middle School
Sampson, Ella Lake Region MS
Walker, Rose Bath Middle School
Espeaignette, Izabella Gray New Gloucester MS
Hurley, Madelyn Seacoast Christian
Johnson, Addison Lake Region MS
Nguyen, Tien Lake Region MS
Quirion, Addison Bath Middle School
Waterman, Allison Gray New Gloucester MS
Oleksyk-Moore, Evan Brunswick Middle School
Small, Ava Lake Region MS
Smith, Isabelle Bath Middle School
Luongo, Lauren Gray New Gloucester MS
Stegeman, Cooper Brunswick Middle School
Darling, Ava Seacoast Christian
Gibson, Vivian Gray New Gloucester MS
Corso, Miranda Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Russo, Harper Lake Region MS
Snow, Victoria Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Smith, Elizabeth Bath Middle School
Shelton, Lily Yarmouth Middle School
Koehler-Conway, Kennedy Gray New Gloucester MS
Peterson, Anna Brunswick Middle School
Parker, Natalee Seacoast Christian
Almlov, Emily Lake Region MS
LaRochelle, Elle Yarmouth Middle School
Bessey, Margaret Yarmouth Middle School
Perry, Annalise Gray New Gloucester MS
Dunn, Josephine Bath Middle School
Vlassopoulos, Michaela Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Pereira, Izabella Seacoast Christian
Urban, Lily Gray New Gloucester MS
Crouse, Prudence Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Chalmers, Britta Lake Region MS
Anderson, Mango Bath Middle School
Brown, Grace Yarmouth Middle School
Collelo, Cara Cape Elizabeth Middle School
French, Camille Waynflete MS
Strout, Jordan Gray New Gloucester MS
Sholes, Tessa Seacoast Christian
Chang, Anna 12:58.75 Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Prescott, Keira 13:13.15 Gray New Gloucester MS
de Vries, Meadow 13:26.00 Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Strattard, Aylana 13:49.56 Gray New Gloucester MS
Weyenberg, Caroline 13:50.94 Yarmouth Middle School
KRENKEL , RITA 13:56.00 Waynflete MS
Morris, Gemma 13:59.78 Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Gould, Sloan 14:02.53 Gray New Gloucester MS
Walsh, Lily 14:04.84 Cape Elizabeth Middle School
McGraw, Teagan 14:21.00 Brunswick Middle School
DeNino, Ava 14:27.62 Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Hughes, Sage 14:32.00 Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Wing, Hannah 14:35.00 Sacopee Valley MS
Harris, Margot 14:40.31 Waynflete MS
Cameron, Maeve 14:43.00 Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Kitch, Elsa 14:53.15 Brunswick Middle School
HEBERT , KYLIE 14:55.47 Gray New Gloucester MS
Gallagher, Emelia 14:57.59 Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Beasley, Olive 14:58.41 Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Labbay, Ada 15:14.00 Durham MS
Darling, Ava 15:22.18 Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Bernard, Lucie 15:23.87 Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Lake, Saoirse 15:25.24 Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Bernard, Madeleine 15:25.54 Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Scott, Anna 15:36.42 Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Skilling, Ava 15:44.00 Gray New Gloucester MS
Hellstedt, Annika 15:48.47 Yarmouth Middle School
Gallagher, Emmy 15:58.00 Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Gallagher, Brynn 16:05.59 Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Thompson, Hazel 16:09.59 Yarmouth Middle School
Vasiliauskas, Hazel 16:11.43 Loranger MS (Old Orchard Beach)
Robson, Audrey 16:11.78 Yarmouth Middle School
Lindsey, Evelyn 16:25.00 Brunswick Middle School
Torick, Evelyn 16:52.75 Yarmouth Middle School
ECKHARDT , ARDEN 16:55.00 Waynflete MS
Carr, Marne 17:00.63 Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Cowan, Zoey 17:03.29 Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Stephenson, Layla 17:08.81 Maine Coast Waldorf MS
MacGilpin, Harper 17:12.62 Yarmouth Middle School
Higgins, Abby 17:13.12 Yarmouth Middle School
Crowder, Annabel 17:13.18 Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Southwick, Isla 17:22.91 Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Phillips, Kenzie 17:26.94 Brunswick Middle School
McCullough, Ari 17:29.31 Brunswick Middle School
O'brien, Molly 17:35.00 Durham MS
Duhamel, Willow 17:36.55 Loranger MS (Old Orchard Beach)
Griset, Lucy 17:39.59 Brunswick Middle School
Duval, Sophie 17:46.71 Durham MS
Hynes, Molly 17:51.50 Brunswick Middle School
SAAVEDRA SHUBERT , RITI 17:52.00 Waynflete MS
Lloyd, Kay 17:53.41 Brunswick Middle School
Egan, Ruby 17:54.00 Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Abby, Creamer 17:57.55 Durham MS
Darling, Riley 18:10.00 Gray New Gloucester MS
DiRobbio, Claire 18:11.00 Durham MS
Russell, Lucy 18:30.28 Brunswick Middle School
Junkins, Claire 18:38.40 Brunswick Middle School
Desimio, Olive 18:49.00 Brunswick Middle School
Greenfield, Betsy 19:03.66 Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Welsh, Fiona 19:04.31 Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Graham, Isla 19:10.68 Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Wacksman, Emily 19:25.00 Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Hogan, Sydney 19:31.05 Brunswick Middle School
Austin, Elaina 19:40.00 Gray New Gloucester MS
LeBlanc, Emily 19:43.16 Brunswick Middle School
Tucker, Kiesha 19:45.36 Loranger MS (Old Orchard Beach)
Redmond, Stella 20:08.81 Jordan Small MS
Hammond, Myra 20:10.78 Jordan Small MS
POCHUREK , JOSEPHINE 20:12.00 Waynflete MS
Fallis, Olivia 20:14.00 Brunswick Middle School
Tilton, Summer 20:27.00 Yarmouth Middle School
Plummer, Isabel 20:29.00 Gray New Gloucester MS
Baltes, Jillian 20:45.00 Brunswick Middle School
Bisson, Margot 21:10.07 Brunswick Middle School
Tillinghast, Fiona 21:22.29 Brunswick Middle School
Price, Ellery 21:29.31 Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Alsharkh, Amani 21:40.44 Loranger MS (Old Orchard Beach)
Olehowski, Evelyn 21:48.48 Brunswick Middle School
Andrews, Annabelle 21:54.00 Waynflete MS
Sulyandziga, Alina 21:55.44 Yarmouth Middle School
Zitske, Clara 21:58.99 Maine Coast Waldorf MS
ENG-BOTTS , LUCIA 21:59.70 Waynflete MS
O'Neil, Eme 22:02.00 Waynflete MS
Ciarimboli, Annabel 22:09.27 Maine Coast Waldorf MS
PARKER , OLIVIA 22:09.90 Waynflete MS
Bugaj, Bryleigh 22:16.46 Loranger MS (Old Orchard Beach)
Rankin, Violet 22:43.50 Brunswick Middle School
LUTJENS , ELIZABETH 22:44.70 Waynflete MS
Jorgensen, Arielle 22:46.49 Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Wahlquist, Wynnie 23:18.82 Brunswick Middle School
Alice, Medlan 24:29.76 Durham MS
Moisan, Jazmin 24:30.12 Brunswick Middle School
Corkran, Valerie 24:35.02 Brunswick Middle School
Morse, Claire 25:16.00 Brunswick Middle School
Hildreth, Moira 25:41.00 Brunswick Middle School
Kanwit, Sloane 25:46.00 Brunswick Middle School
Soule, Annabel 26:20.30 Maine Coast Waldorf MS
Collet, Grace 26:39.00 Gray New Gloucester MS
Ikard, Islay 26:40.00 Waynflete MS
Birmingham, Olivia 27:07.00 Gray New Gloucester MS
Coron, Nora 27:21.00 Brunswick Middle School
BEAL , OLIVIA 27:52.00 Jordan Small MS
MORRIS , JORDYN 28:04.00 Jordan Small MS
Hiles, Kinsley 28:38.12 Brunswick Middle School
Wiley, Raven 29:17.00 Jordan Small MS
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