Brunswick Junior High Home Meet 2024

Brunswick, ME

Athlete Entries

Boys 5000 Meter Run 81 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Albert, Norman Whittier Middle School (Poland)
McGillicuddy, John NYA MS
Shoemaker, Nathaniel Brunswick Middle School
Franz, Charles Brunswick Middle School
Macwilliam, Jackson Loranger MS (Old Orchard Beach)
McKinnon, Trenton Brunswick Middle School
DeMartini, Jackson St. John's Catholic School
Otto, Henrik Brunswick Middle School
Skolnekovich, Lyle Freeport Middle School
Woodruff, Jamie Brunswick Middle School
Lavway, Alex Brunswick Middle School
Emery, Robert Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Rathbone, Max Brunswick Middle School
Riggins, Colin Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Schofield, Aidan Brunswick Middle School
Brown, Trystin Durham MS
Stephens Gerry, Elliott Brunswick Middle School
Franz, Henry Brunswick Middle School
Mason, Eliot Brunswick Middle School
Bacon, Charlie Freeport Middle School
McCalmon, Aaron Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Edwards, Cooper Waynflete MS
Dalton, Tristan Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Harrington, Noah NYA MS
Soucy, Rex Brunswick Middle School
Dennis, Isaac Loranger MS (Old Orchard Beach)
Jackman, Austin Brunswick Middle School
Foley, Kyle Brunswick Middle School
Schwarz, Steven Brunswick Middle School
Trahan, Toby Freeport Middle School
Bettinger, Parker Brunswick Middle School
Leeman, Daniel Brunswick Middle School
Servidio, Robbie Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Ring, Ace Brunswick Middle School
Varney, Josh Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Doughty, Rogan Brunswick Middle School
Thomas, Liam Loranger MS (Old Orchard Beach)
Smith, Gunnar Durham MS
Rybny, Max St. John's Catholic School
Sutton, Callen Brunswick Middle School
Harlow, Brycen Brunswick Middle School
McKenna, Curren Brunswick Middle School
Grimm, Noah Freeport Middle School
Webber-Flahive, Will Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Ahmed, Mustafa Waynflete MS
Laneau, Wesley Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Harrington, Isak NYA MS
Watkinson, Ben Brunswick Middle School
Lopez, Nico Brunswick Middle School
Garcia, Jackson Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Dudley, Sam Brunswick Middle School
Sherman, Wilder Brunswick Middle School
Baird, Finn Freeport Middle School
Farmer, Wyatt Brunswick Middle School
Lu, Chen Brunswick Middle School
Shroder, Miles Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Roig, Wilder Brunswick Middle School
Mitchell, Wyatt Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Flaherty, Andrew Brunswick Middle School
Cox, Patrick Loranger MS (Old Orchard Beach)
Ortiz, Oscar St. John's Catholic School
Harvie, Maxwell Brunswick Middle School
Moore, Solomon Brunswick Middle School
Palmer, Freddy Freeport Middle School
Wallent, Bridger Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Farr, Max Waynflete MS
Williams, Isaac Brunswick Middle School
McNutt, John Brunswick Middle School
Howe, Daniel Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Johnson, Nick Brunswick Middle School
Knight, Joseph Durham MS
Speer, Jackson Brunswick Middle School
Patton, Sam Freeport Middle School
Feeley, Sam Brunswick Middle School
Martin, Bret Brunswick Middle School
Mcisaac, Wyatt Freeport Middle School
DeBruyn, Charlie Cape Elizabeth Middle School
King, Camden Waynflete MS
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Girls 5000 Meter Run 81 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hiles, Kinsley Brunswick Middle School
McGraw, Teagan Brunswick Middle School
DeNino, Ava Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Collelo, Cara Cape Elizabeth Middle School
DiRobbio, Claire Durham MS
Phillips, Kenzie Brunswick Middle School
Tillinghast, Fiona Brunswick Middle School
Andrews, Annabelle Waynflete MS
Chang, Anna Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Corso, Miranda Whittier Middle School (Poland)
McCullough, Ari Brunswick Middle School
Bugaj, Bryleigh Loranger MS (Old Orchard Beach)
Coron, Nora Brunswick Middle School
Lusk, Margaret St. John's Catholic School
Hildreth, Moira Brunswick Middle School
Price, Ellery Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Alice, Medlan Durham MS
Hughes, Sage Cape Elizabeth Middle School
O'Neil, Eme Waynflete MS
Guzman, Laura Freeport Middle School
Rankin, Violet Brunswick Middle School
Hynes, Molly Brunswick Middle School
LeBlanc, Emily Brunswick Middle School
Gallagher, Emelia Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Egan, Ruby Cape Elizabeth Middle School
O'brien, Molly Durham MS
Loubier, Allie St. John's Catholic School
Griset, Lucy Brunswick Middle School
Wahlquist, Wynnie Brunswick Middle School
French, Camille Waynflete MS
de Vries, Meadow Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Crouse, Prudence Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Morse, Claire Brunswick Middle School
Tucker, Kiesha Loranger MS (Old Orchard Beach)
Desimio, Olive Brunswick Middle School
Barone, Madeline St. John's Catholic School
Hogan, Sydney Brunswick Middle School
Snow, Victoria Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Wacksman, Emily Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Smith, Sydney Freeport Middle School
Russell, Lucy Brunswick Middle School
Junkins, Claire Brunswick Middle School
Duhamel, Willow Loranger MS (Old Orchard Beach)
Moisan, Jazmin Brunswick Middle School
Gallagher, Brynn Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Duval, Sophie Durham MS
Setchell, Mary Kathleen St. John's Catholic School
Bisson, Margot Brunswick Middle School
Lloyd, Kay Brunswick Middle School
Harris, Margot Waynflete MS
Walsh, Lily Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Mitchell, Patience Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Olehowski, Evelyn Brunswick Middle School
Alsharkh, Amani Loranger MS (Old Orchard Beach)
Fallis, Olivia Brunswick Middle School
Lindsey, Evelyn Brunswick Middle School
Darling, Ava Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Welsh, Fiona Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Labbay, Ada Durham MS
Kitch, Elsa Brunswick Middle School
Greene, Macy Freeport Middle School
Stegeman, Cooper Brunswick Middle School
Southwick, Isla Whittier Middle School (Poland)
Garson, Denali NYA MS
Kanwit, Sloane Brunswick Middle School
Vasiliauskas, Hazel Loranger MS (Old Orchard Beach)
Corkran, Valerie Brunswick Middle School
Greenfield, Betsy Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Abby, Creamer Durham MS
Smith, Gwenyth St. John's Catholic School
Baltes, Jillian Brunswick Middle School
Ikard, Islay Waynflete MS
Beasley, Olive Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Peterson, Anna Brunswick Middle School
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