Scott Laliberte Invitational 2010

Augusta, ME

Meet Information

2010 Laliberte Coed Invitational

This year�s invitational will be held on Friday, August 27th at Cony High School�s
running trails. I am excited at the prospect of hosting one of the state�s largest races on
our scenic cross country course. It is a challenging 5k loop which includes blueberry
bogs, stone quarries, and a natural amphitheater.

For those of you who are new to this race, I will give you a little background. It is held in
honor of Scot Laliberte, a Cony runner who died tragically in 2000. It follows a unique
format where we combine the scores of the top five boys and top five girls from each
team, so it is a true co-ed format. Boys and girls run together after a mass start (they are
divided at the start to avoid injury) and the team score reflects this. A team plaque,
ribbons to the top ten male and female finishers, plus trophies to the first male and first
female finisher will be awarded. There is also a JV race immediately following the
varsity where there is no team score, but the top ten boys and top ten girls are
recognized *.

The race is a fundraiser for the Laliberte scholarship, which is given to a senior runner
from Cony who �exemplifies compassion, love of life and a joyful desire to make the
most of every day.� The entry fee is $50.00 and this allows us to award a $1000
scholarship to a deserving runner (last year it was awarded to Luke Fontaine) to keep
Scot�s memory alive.

This is a great way to start off your season on a fun note and to allow everyone to
participate. Remember, your top seven boys and girls will be running and scoring
together (#6 and #7 finisher displace) and the team winner will be a combination of your
best five girls� places and top five boys� places.

Race Time: 4 PM for varsity boys and girls
4:40 for junior varsity boys and girls
Awards: 5:30 in the Cony gym

Please print off and send the Entry Form below as soon as possible.
Yours in Running,
Tom Wells
* The junior varsity race is a shorter, double-loop course that has fewer hills. The
distance is approximately 2.25 miles.
Entry Form � Laliberte Invitiational
Please fill out the form below and send to the following address. The entry fee is $50.00.
Tom Wells
Cony High School
60 Pierce Drive
Augusta, ME 04330
Name of School __________________________
Head Coach _____________________________
Phone Number ________________________
Entry Fee Is Enclosed ____________
We Will Send Entry Fee at a Later Date __________
If you have any questions, please call me at home (685-3332) or at Cony (626-2460).