SCARBOROUGH TRACK @ FIELD RELAY CARNIVAL ORDER OF EVENTS NO LIMIT ON TEAM ENTRIES 3:30pm FIELD EVENTS Long Jump, High Jump(Starting @ 3-10) , Pole Vault(starting @ 5', Shot Put, Discus, Javelin Triple Jump to follow Long Jump 5:00pm - RUNNING EVENTS 4 x 400m Racewalk Relay 4 x 1600m Relay 100m High Hurdle Shuttle Relay(3 runners) Sprint Medley(200,100,100,400) Distance Medley(800, 400, 1200,1600) 4 x 100m Frosh/Soph Relay 4 x 100m Open Relay 4 x 800m Relay 3 x 300m hurdles 4 x 200m Relay(Fresh,Soph,Jr,Sr-one from each grade in that order) 1600m Medley Relay(200,200,400,800) 4 x 400m Relay SCARBOROUGH TRACK & FIELD RELAY CARNIVAL This year Scarborough High School is hosting a girls Track and Field Relay Carnival on Friday, May 6th starting at 3:30pm. Enclosed is the order of events along with an entry form to fax to Ron Kelly(730-5007). Entries are due by Wed. May 4th by 7pm. Entries are also due by hytek and can be e-mailed to: by Wednesday. A hytek file will be e-mailed to all coaches. Limit of 4 events per athlete. Three athletes from your school will form a relay team in field events. Only one team from each school will be scored in all events. Events will be seeded in running events so please put down a seed time(estimate if you must). The 100mhigh hurdle shuttle relay will be run in lanes. Your team will be assigned 2 lanes on the track next to each other. Hurdlers 1 and 3 will start at the starting line with the #2 will start at the finish line. Team plaques will be awarded to the winning and Runner-up teams. Batons will be awarded to the winning teams and ribbons for places 2nd thru 6th. Entry fee is $125 and Check payable to Scarborough Track Boosters. Mail to: Scarborough High School Ron Kelly 11 Municipal Dr. Scarborough, Me 04074 Any questions please contact: Ron Kelly @ or 883-2747-eve. ENTRY FORM SCHOOL________________________________________COACH_______________________ LONG JUMP___________________________________________________________________ TRIPLE JUMP__________________________________________________________________ HIGH JUMP____________________________________________________________________ POLE VAULT__________________________________________________________________ SHOT PUT_____________________________________________________________________ DISCUS_______________________________________________________________________ JAVELIN______________________________________________________________________ 4 x 400m Racewalk______________________________________________________________ 4 x 1600_______________________________________________________________________ Shuttle Relay____________________________________________________________________ Distance Medley_________________________________________________________________ Sprint Medley___________________________________________________________________ 4 x 100 Fr/So___________________________________________________________________ 4 x 100________________________________________________________________________ 3 x 800________________________________________________________________________ 3 x 300m hurdles ________________________________________________________________ 4 x 200(9-10-11-12)______________________________________________________________ 1600 Medley Relay_______________________________________________________________ 4 x 400________________________________________________________________________
Scarborough Relays 2011
Hosted by
Scarborough High School
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