Athlete Spotlight #4:Carsyn Koch

Athlete Name: Carsyn Koch

School: Washburn

Year of Graduation: 2014


2012 State Meet Finish: 1st in Class C  19:30   


Best time in a 5K race and in which meet:  

My PR is 19:06 run at  Festival of Champions in Belfast last year.

Tell us how your summer training is going?:

As I finished out my junior year, and began my senior summer training, I have very mixed emotions. I was super pumped to have only one year of school to go, but at the same time I knew this would be the final leg in my career as a high school athlete. My summers tend to be just as busy as the days I spend in school. A couple weeks after school ended, summer sports began. It was not uncommon for me to have a basketball tournament, a soccer tournament, running, work, and other things all crammed into a week of so called “vacation.” My summer training was not as consistent as I hoped it would be, but I did my best to build a good base for the upcoming season. I ran a lot this summer with my little sister Tori, an upcoming freshman who will undoubtedly do some serious damage this year.

What are your goals for the upcoming season?:

My goals for this season are two-fold. First and foremost, I am making it an absolute priority to join Abby Leonardi as only the second female runner from Maine to have captured four individual state titles. I feel the pressure to perform and I’m hoping my hard work will pay off. At the same time, I’m nervous that I won’t be able to do it. My Dad always tells me, “Can’t, won’t and don’t do not exist,” and both my parents are constantly reminding me to stop, smell the roses, and be proud of myself. My other goal this season is to break nineteen minutes. My PR is 19.06 (run at F.O.C last year) and I’m hoping to shave off at least fifteen seconds from my time.

How long have you been running and how did you get started?:

If I am completely honest, I hated running at first. I hated my sore muscles and burning lungs at the end of each practice. I didn’t think I was cut out for running and I certainly couldn’t picture myself winning anything. Though it’s sometimes hard for my teenage brain to comprehend, Mom is usually right. She told me I wasn’t allowed to quit because I wouldn’t know if I liked running till I got the full experience. Grudgingly I went with it, and as a result, here I am. Moral of the story: you might think you’re stubborn, but the fact of the matter is, Mom wins in the end. Even though I’ve only been running for three years, my life would not be the same without it.


Will you be competing anywhere out of state this season?:

Sadly I won’t be able to compete in New Englands this year due to a family wedding. I might participate in the Nike footlocker, but I haven’t decided yet.

What is your favorite course to run in Maine?:

So far my favorite course to run on was in North Scituate, Rhode Island. My favorite course to run in Maine, though, is probably Belfast because it holds so many memories for me.


What is the toughest course to run in Maine?:

The toughest course in Maine is hard to choose. Sometimes if I have a bad race on a good course, I automatically dread running that particular course again. If I had to choose, it would probably be at Twin Brooks. Last year during the New England race, there was literally a half a foot of muck everywhere on the course. It was slippery and not very much fun to run on.


What meet during the regular season do you put extra emphasize on to compete well at?:

Festival of Champions is usually the meet I put extra emphasis on, besides the state meet of course! I love having talented runners to push me and I know I can get that at this meet.

What is your favorite cross country race so far in your high school career?:

My favorite cross country race was actually on this course too. Freshman year, at the state meet, I won my first ever state championship. It became a favorite race in my memory because I did something I never thought I could do.


Favorite cross country memory?:

My favorite XC memory ever was at last year’s state meet, when my team captured their first state title. I remember how excited everyone was, and how we proved that just because we go to a small school doesn’t mean we can’t accomplish big things.

When you are not running what is your favorite thing to do?:

When I am not running, my favorite things to do include reading, spending time with my friends and family, singing, and playing other sports. Usually the running season keeps me pretty busy though, so I don’t have a lot of time to do other things. Right now my free time is spent researching colleges, applying for scholarships, and trying to survive until graduation.

What shoes do you train in?:

In order to run, you have to have a good pair of shoes. Personally, I like Adidas. They are well crafted to fit my feet and always ship right on time.

What shoes do you race in?: 

I also race in Adidas spikes. Usually I’m not much of a label snob, but Adidas have always felt good on my feet. I also haven’t had any injuries related to broken down shoes while using Adidas.


What is something that most people don't know about you?

One thing that most people don’t know about me is that I’m very crafty. I love origami and making things homemade. I also love to create things from nothing.