Check out of our list of how Maine teams have done at the New England XC Championships throughout the history of the meet.
New England High School XC Maine Team Results 1935-2015 |
1945-1955 1956-1967 1968-2005 2006-2014 New England XC HOME
1935 Deering - 9th Caribou-10th Houlton-15th |
1936 Deering - 3rd Portland-13th |
1937 Houlton-10th Deering-16th |
1938 Phillips Academy - 9th Caribou -15th |
1939 Caribou-14th Houlton -17th |
1940 No Teams Competed |
1941 Presque Isle-4th Raymond-16th |
1942 & 1943 No meet due to War |
1944 Traip Academy-7th |
Lincoln Academy-12th
1946 Fryeburg-12th |
1947 Old Town-5th Brunswick-8th(tie) |
1948 York-9th |
1949 Bangor-6th(tie) Presque Isle-10th |
1950 Old Town-8th Lee Academy-9th Bangor-10th |
1951 Bangor-3rd Presque Isle-5th (tie) Deering-12th |
1952 Presque Isle-2nd |
1953 Bangor-8th Presque Isle-10th Houlton-14th |
1954 Lee Academy-3rd Old Town-13th Deering-16th |
1955 Waterville-9th |
Waterville-4th Bangor-7th Lee Academy-10th |
1957 Waterville-1st Thornton Academy-5th Old Town-8th |
1958 Old Town-4th Portland-6th |
1959 Portland-10th Houlton-13th Phillips Academy-15th |
1960 Presque Isle-9th Gorham-14th Morse-16th | 1961 Presque Isle-11th Gould-12th Morse-15th | 1962 Old Town-4th Gorham-6th Cheverus-15th | 1963 Gorham-4th Old Town-10th Cheverus-11th |
1964 Gould-7th Gray-8th Kennebunk-9th
1965 Gould-4th Presque Isle-7th Deering-14th |
1966 Deering-7th Bangor-11th Portland-12th |
1967 Deering-7th Bangor-11th Portland-12th |
Schenck-9th Deering-10th Portland-12th |
1969 Deering-6th Portland-11th |
1970 Mount Blue-8th Gorham-12th Portland-13th |
1971 Cheverus-4th Gorham-8th Cony-12th |
1972 Cheverus-4th Mt. Desert-8th Deering-11th | 1973 Deering-3rd Mt. Desert-5th Portland-7th | 1974 Cheverus-4th Cape Elizabeth-9th Portland-11th | 1975 South Portland-2nd Cheverus-3rd Portland-8th |
1976 Waterville-1st South Portland-2nd Ellsworth-3rd
| 1977 Morse-8th Ellsworth-9th Westbrook-11th
| 1978-2004 No teams allowed to compete 2002 Deering-9th (Qualified 5 individuals so could score as a team) | 2005 Falmouth -9th Cape Elizabeth- 11th Portland- 16th Lisbon- 20th Scarborough- 21st York- 24th |
Cape Elizabeth-3rd Ellsworth-22nd Lisbon-23rd Scarborough-25th Cheverus-28th Lewiston-30th | 2007 Lewiston-18th Ellsworth-24th Greely-26th Caribou-27th Winthrop-29th Medomak Valley-30th
| 2008 Greely-12th Cape Elizabeth-14th Scarborough-18th Cheverus-23rd Lewiston-26th Monmouth Academy-30th | 2009 Greely -9th Scarborough- 12th Cheverus-13th Gorham-18th Massabesic-22nd Boothbay-30th |
Falmouth -20th Scarborough-21st Mt Ararat-23rd Cape Elizabeth-26th Caribou-27th North Yarmouth-28th |
Falmouth -17th Scarborough-23rd North Yarmouth-26th Greely- 27th Caribou-29th York-30th |
Cape Elizabeth -22nd Lewiston -24th Massabesic-25th Falmouth-26th Scarborough-27th Hall-Dale-30th |
Lewiston -8th Cape Elizabeth -11th Ellsworth -21st Scarborough -25th Bangor -29th Boothbay -30th |
2014 Falmouth-13th Massabesic -14th Scarborough -16th Freeport -26th Windham-27th Merriconeag-30th | 2015 Scarborough -21st Falmouth- 22nd Greely -23rd Freeport-26th George Stevens Academy -28th York -30th | 2016 | 2017 |