XC Watchlist: Iris Kitchen
School: Gorham High School
Year of Graduation: 2020
2016 State Meet Finish: 12th in Class A 19:45.93
Tell us how your summer training is going?
I think that my summer training is going very well and I have upped my mileage since last summer.
What are your goals for the upcoming season?
I would like to get a sub 19 5k time and I would also like for my team to make it to states together.
How long have you been running and how did you get started?
I started running in sixth grade and I got started because the group of people doing xc were my friends and I wanted to do the same sport as them, then I just began to love it.
What's a typical training week like?
So our typical training week is: Monday-Circuits, Tuesday, Wednesday- Speed work, Thursday- Longer run and strides, and then over the weekend get in a run about an hour or longer.
What is your favorite workout?
My favorite workout is speed.
What is your favorite course to run in Maine?
My favorite course in Maine is Twin Brook.

What is the toughest course to run in Maine?
The toughest course for me was Belfast.
Out of all your running accomplishments so far, which stands out the most?
When I ran in New Englands my freshman year.
What do you love most about running?
My team and spending time with them, especially on those long runs.
When you are not running what is your favorite thing to do?
Hanging out with my friends and my teammates.
Do you have any pre-race rituals or routines?
My team sings this song that we learned from elementary school girls who are apart of a program called Girls On the Run. It's called Peanut Butter in a Cup. I also always wear a yellow scrunchie on race day for good luck.
Favorite quote?
"Everything happens for a reason" -Unknown

What was the last movie you saw and what did you think of it?
Forrest Gump and it's now my favorite movie.
What shoes do you race/train in?
I train in New Balance 880v7 shoes and I race in Saucony xt-900.
What professional athlete would you most like to meet?
I would like to meet Sydney McLaughlin, because she is an amazing athlete and a strong women.
What is something that most people don't know about you?
Most people don't know that before XC I did field hockey for a couple years.
Lastly, if you were stranded on an island with three things what would they be?
I would bring matches, a good book and a machete.
Personal Records
- 800m (in) - 2:28.64
- 800m - 2:26.82
- 1.x Mile (xc) - 9:54.00
- 2400m (xc) - 8:56.00
- 3200m - 11:30.75
- 2 Mile (in) - 11:59.64
- 2.x Mile (xc) - 16:35.38
- 5K (xc) - 19:37.00