XC Watchlist: Carolyn Todd
School: Greely High School
Year of Graduation: 2019
2016 State Meet Finish: 4th in Class B 18:39.71
Tell us how your summer training went?
My summer training went pretty well, I was able to get in three hundred miles before preseason started.
Having the time to really enjoy every mile and be somewhat reflective after runs is something I love about summer training.
What are your goals for the upcoming season?
Cross country is my favorite season and I always go into it excited and with many goals. I hope that my team has success in Class A, and personally, I just want to continue growing as an athlete and pushing myself to work harder.
How long have you been running and how did you get started?
There were many factors that lead up to me becoming a runner, but ultimately, my friend Evelyn (who I hope has an amazing xc season this year at Cheverus) convinced me to join our town's running program in the spring of 5th grade.
What's a typical training week like?
Usually, we have harder workouts on Monday and Wednesday and easier days on Tuesday and Thursday. Then on Friday, we will either have a race, or a long run.
What is your favorite workout?
I like repeats anywhere from 200-800, I feel like I am always able to get a lot out of them.

What is your favorite course to run in Maine?
Twin Brook is by far my favorite, our team is very lucky to be able to have such a beautiful course to train on.
What is the toughest course to run in Maine?
Twin Brook definitely runs slower than most courses, but I think personally NYA is the toughest for me because so much of it is on pavement.
Out of all your running accomplishments so far, which stands out the most?
I'm so proud of everything my team accomplished last year! Winning all three seasons was truly something special to be a part of.
What do you love most about running?
There are so many things that I love about running, but if I had to choose one thing, I would say that the running community is what I love the most. I have been so fortunate as to have raced alongside so many amazing runners who I have looked up to for their poise on and off the track (or xc course). Katherine Leggat-Barr taught me to always race as hard as I can no matter what. Tia Tardy showed me what it meant to be a fierce competitor. And Abby Hamilton and Anna Lastra were easily able to put a smile on my face before each race. All of those lovely ladies are continuing to run in college, and I think that says a lot about how passionate they were/are about the sport! There are many other athletes that have pushed me, and/or became some of my closest friends. I am excited to be able to continue to compete with them in the following years!
When you are not running what is your favorite thing to do?
I enjoy spending time with my friends and family, and I also really like art.

If you could walk in one person's shoes for a day, who would it be and why?
Probably my twin brother. We are complete opposites in every single way, besides our love for running, so I think it would be a very interesting experience, to say the least.
Which actor would play you in a movie about your life and why?
Probably Anne Hathaway, because she was my favorite actress when I was younger.
If you were given a chance to take over as a coach for a day, what would be the workout you'd plan and why?
Definitely hill repeats. As grueling as they may be, I think hills are perfect for working on form and getting in a really good workout.
How have you changed as an athlete from your freshman season to now?
Right now I'm really working hard to get back to the athlete I was freshman year, so in a way, I wish I hadn't changed. Freshman year is so unique because there are no expectations, and every race is an opportunity to see what you can push your body to do. In other ways, however, I have grown as an athlete, and I have learned so many important lessons over the last few years that have helped me fine-tune my race day; meals, strategies, etc.
What kind of legacy do you want to leave before you graduate?
Before I graduate, I hope that I am able to set an example for young runners to always run their hearts out, and never forget what makes running such a special sport.
Personal Records
- 800m - 2:26.62
- 1000y (in) - 3:11.10
- 1600m - 5:14.27
- 1 Mile (in) - 5:16.38
- 3200m - 11:26.12
- 2 Mile (in) - 11:30.80
- 5K (xc) - 18:29.58