Silas Eastman of Fryeburg cruised to the boys WM title as he was able to ease up over the last half of the race to win in 16:47. On the girls side Greely's Kirstin Sandreuter was the only girl in the race below 20 minutes as she stopped the clock at 19:57. The Cape Boys had a strong performance to win by 46 points while the Falmouth girls had a convincing win on the girls side. Check out our meet coverage and find out who is moving on to the state meet
Cape Boys & Falmouth Girls top WM B races
Oct 21, 2012

Regional XC Championship: Western Maine Preview
Oct 19, 2012
Who is going punch their ticket to the state meet next weekend? Who is going challenge for the individual titles? What teams are the favorites to earn the hardware? Check out MaineTrackXC's previews of all three classes