Anna Slager, Kialeigh Martson & Serena McKenzie ran together for 2.5 miles in the Southern Maine Class A Regonal XC Championship at Twin Brook in Cumberland on Saturday.

Girls Class A Western Maine Regional XC Race @ Twin Brooks Cumberland
Watch the Red Storm Boys Finish 1-2-3 @ Southern Maine Class A Regional (via MileSplit)

Anna Slager of Gorham - SM A Girls Champion Interview

Serena McKenzie of South Portland SM A Girls 3rd Place Interview

Kialeigh Marston of Bonny Eagle SM A Girls 2nd Place Interview

Boys Class A Regional Race @ Twin Brooks Cumberland

Connor Doherty SM A Boys 2nd Place Interview

Jesse Southard of Gorham SM A Boys 5th Place Interview

The Class A Southern Maine regional race should be one of the most competitive races in the state on Saturday. There are a handful of individuals that could win the race. Let's take a look at the contenders.