2008 MVC Championship 2008 vs 2006 MVC XC Championship 2006

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -44 86 130
Overall Average -1:07.11 22:46.99 23:54.10
1st-10th Place -6.90 17:54.30 18:01.20
1st-25th Place -31.48 18:29.96 19:01.44
1st-50th Place -16.38 19:41.30 19:57.68
1st-100th Place -2:16.48 19:35.61 21:52.09
Common Athletes -- -- 34
Ran Faster 16 25 9
Ran Season Best 2 34 32
Average Time -57.50 20:55.73 21:53.23
Median Time -1:05.00 19:57.00 21:02.00
Middle 80% Times -1:04.39 20:47.82 21:52.21
Top 10% Times -1:09.50 17:37.50 18:47.00
Top 25% Times -1:18.22 18:01.00 19:19.22
Top 50% Times -1:23.12 18:36.59 19:59.70
Bottom 50% Times -31.88 23:14.88 23:46.76
Bottom 25% Times +22.67 25:26.11 25:03.44
Bottom 10% Times +1:04.25 28:02.25 26:58.00
Average Difference -57.50 -- --
Median Difference -53.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:05.57 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:01.25 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:12.88 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:01.00 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:12.88 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -42.12 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +9.44 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:42.00 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Wade Davis Hall-Dale High School -47.00 16:47.00 17:34.00
Matt McCollett Monmouth Academy -1:46.00 17:52.00 19:38.00
Pat Romar Winthrop High School -1:46.00 17:55.00 19:41.00
Ethan Masselli Lisbon High School -59.00 17:56.00 18:55.00
Kevin Leavitt Winthrop High School -1:05.00 18:06.00 19:11.00
Matt Forgues Boothbay Region High School -2:01.00 18:12.00 20:13.00
Alex Cottrell Winthrop High School -1:14.00 18:18.00 19:32.00
Nick Jones Lisbon High School -1:21.00 18:28.00 19:49.00
Wendell Thayer Boothbay Region High School -4:38.00 18:35.00 23:13.00
Dylan Sirois Hall-Dale High School -2:01.00 18:57.00 20:58.00
Kyle Blanchette Hall-Dale High School -1:53.00 19:00.00 20:53.00
Jake Gomberg Winthrop High School -1:51.00 19:04.00 20:55.00
Bradley Whitaker Wiscasset High School -56.00 19:09.00 20:05.00
Patrick Ellis Hall-Dale High School -2:53.00 19:12.00 22:05.00
Ben Garant Hall-Dale High School -1:34.00 19:15.00 20:49.00
Lance Brown Telstar Regional High School +45.00 20:13.00 19:28.00
John Lewis Telstar Regional High School -1:07.00 19:47.00 20:54.00
Zach Nichols Winthrop High School -4:20.00 19:49.00 24:09.00
Jared Snell Wiscasset High School -1:03.00 19:57.00 21:00.00
Mac LeGloahec Lisbon High School -3:03.00 20:07.00 23:10.00
Alex Smelcher Wiscasset High School -53.00 20:09.00 21:02.00
Elliott Kahl Monmouth Academy + 20:20.00 20:20.00
Mat Lauro Telstar Regional High School -1:27.00 21:16.00 22:43.00
Kerstin Grenier Monmouth Academy +4.00 21:53.00 21:49.00
Devon Ayer Monmouth Academy -59.00 22:23.00 23:22.00
Ben Doughty Winthrop High School -2:36.00 22:28.00 25:04.00
Kristi Woods Hall-Dale High School +5:43.00 28:16.00 22:33.00
Gabby Savage Madison Area Memorial High School +2:06.00 24:44.00 22:38.00
Will Chapman Telstar Regional High School -1:04.00 22:40.00 23:44.00
Kayla Moan Lisbon High School +28.00 23:12.00 22:44.00
Jennifer Caton Lisbon High School +31.00 23:42.00 23:11.00
Abby Szotkowski Monmouth Academy -1:01.00 25:07.00 26:08.00
Ariel Brown Wiscasset High School +1:11.00 28:16.00 27:05.00
Emma Kammerer Hall-Dale High School +55.00 30:30.00 29:35.00