Laliberte Invitational 2024

Augusta, ME

Athlete Entries

Boys 4000 Meter/2.42 Mile Race 170 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bell, Nick Mt. Blue High School
Fecteau, Zak Monmouth Academy
Ellis, Charles Edward Little High School
Longbottom, Caleb Morse High School
Munyaneza, Kevin Gorham High School
Pouliot, Levi Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Brassard, Logan Gorham High School
Dow, Logan Erskine Academy
Scott, Ben Waterville High School
Chapman, Tristyn Edward Little High School
Newman, Cooper Gardiner High School
LeBlanc, Joe Edward Little High School
Fotter, Nathan Lawrence High School
Roy, Asher Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Pucciarelli, Ozy Cony High School
McCamish, Brey Gardiner High School
Hutchinson, Lucas Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Cote, Lexington Messalonskee High School
Yarbough, Emmett Morse High School
Gibbs, Kolby Winslow High School
Britt, Ian Mt. Ararat High School
Brown, Joe Mt. Blue High School
Gould, Asah Edward Little High School
Smith, Wyatt Morse High School
Poirier, Connor Cony High School
Palme, Abe Gorham High School
Cardella, Cameron Mt. Ararat High School
LeBlanc, Thomas Edward Little High School
Kauffunger, Ren Morse High School
Crider, Harvey Gorham High School
Audette, Isaac Erskine Academy
Wynn, Damian Mt. Blue High School
Desmond, Brady Erskine Academy
Levan, Elijah Waterville High School
Anderson, Gavin Edward Little High School
Boos, David Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Morrill, Ryan Gorham High School
Gray, Jackson Gardiner High School
Lawrence, Jeremiah Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Legawiec, Dashiell Mt. Ararat High School
Kelly, Declan Mt. Ararat High School
Oliver, Wyatt Mt. Blue High School
Coughlin, Pierce Messalonskee High School
Rancourt, Ethan Winslow High School
Francis, Henry Morse High School
Lajoie, Luke Cony High School
Hall, Wyatt Mt. Blue High School
Barker, Tim Monmouth Academy
Bennett, Riley Edward Little High School
Burke, Ephraim Morse High School
Pratt, Colby Gorham High School
Reynolds, Alex Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Bailey, Seamus Gorham High School
Fanjoy, Gavin Erskine Academy
Flees, Jeffrey Waterville High School
Ali, Ahmed Edward Little High School
Wright, Declan Morse High School
Renda, Samuel Gardiner High School
Thistle, Kai Edward Little High School
Garza, Noah Lawrence High School
Miller, Grady Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Poulin, Bryson Cony High School
Carr, Luke Gardiner High School
Kissel, Noah Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Crockett, Evan Messalonskee High School
Vigue, Salmon Winslow High School
Parker, Brody Mt. Ararat High School
Burns, Luka Mt. Blue High School
Howe, Aidan Edward Little High School
Smith, Owen Morse High School
Perry, Cody Cony High School
Quinn, Ian Gorham High School
Wright, Isaac Mt. Ararat High School
Newson, Gabriel Edward Little High School
Hibl, Otto Morse High School
Cummings, Owen Gorham High School
DeMarco, Nick Mt. Blue High School
Chechowitz, Logan Erskine Academy
Withers, Sam Waterville High School
Fogg, Elijah Edward Little High School
DosReis, Judah Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Lavertu, Jackson Gorham High School
Lavigne, Cole Gardiner High School
St. Peter Scott, Quinn Edward Little High School
Menchen, Matthew Lawrence High School
Holme, Carson Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Hayward, Ashby Mt. Ararat High School
Renaud, Teddy Mt. Blue High School
Oliver, Noah Messalonskee High School
Stepp, Eliott Winslow High School
Frohmiller, Wyatt Morse High School
Mooney, Riley Cony High School
Avery, Henry Gardiner High School
Rackliff, Tyler Mt. Blue High School
Helmuth, Levi Monmouth Academy
Borden, Harper Edward Little High School
McEneaney, Ezekiel Morse High School
Lewellen, Noah Gorham High School
Riggs, Levi Morse High School
Schaff, Owen Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Bourgoin, Zach Gorham High School
Brann, Aiden Erskine Academy
Civiello, Noah Mt. Blue High School
Flees, Charley Waterville High School
Bigos-Lowe, Nathaniel Edward Little High School
Cotnoir, Jaxson Waterville High School
Doucette, Owen Edward Little High School
Merritt, Parker Lawrence High School
Roy, Bryce Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Anderson, Dylan Gardiner High School
Abbott , William Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Angelini, Rowan Messalonskee High School
Cardella, Milo Mt. Ararat High School
Dumont, Camden Mt. Ararat High School
Hensley, Cridder Mt. Blue High School
Longley, Ethan Edward Little High School
Andersen, Bodhi Morse High School
Sabean, Isaiah Cony High School
Hughes, Tristan Belfast Area High School
McLeod, Teddy Mt. Blue High School
Kunas, Finn Edward Little High School
Brune, Jack Morse High School
Hurder, Everett Gorham High School
Fletcher, Wyatt Gorham High School
Clifford, Collin Erskine Academy
Bennett, Caleb Waterville High School
Vincent, Calvin Edward Little High School
Hill, Lennox Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Moore, Carson Gardiner High School
Howe, Declan Edward Little High School
Young, Noah Lawrence High School
Brown, Ronan Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Holden, Bryce Mt. Ararat High School
Whitmore, Rory Mt. Blue High School
Withee, Max Messalonskee High School
O'Brien, Reese Winslow High School
Tardif, Claude Morse High School
Bassellet, Sam Cony High School
Grant, Deegan Gardiner High School
Bell, Jonny Mt. Blue High School
Mitchell, Liam Monmouth Academy
Demers, Aaden Edward Little High School
Wright, Oz Morse High School
Nicely, Landon Gorham High School
Hill, Carter Edward Little High School
Ryan, Michael Morse High School
Crider, Harrison Gorham High School
Creamer, Daegan Erskine Academy
Hatch, Ben Mt. Blue High School
Choate, William Erskine Academy
Withers, Joaquin Waterville High School
Thorndike, Isaac Edward Little High School
King, Cooper Lawrence High School
Sherhinski, Cam Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Munyaneza, Nick Gorham High School
Manning, Elijah Gardiner High School
Kasperek, William Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Casad, Sawyer Mt. Ararat High School
Burt, Eli Mt. Ararat High School
Medina, Oak Mt. Blue High School
Cote, Beckett Messalonskee High School
Byers, Charles Winslow High School
Varney, Gideon Edward Little High School
Coombs, Sam Morse High School
DeJongh, Reid Cony High School
Kutsy-Durbin, Kai Belfast Area High School
Doscinski, Luke 14:52.00 Mt. Blue High School
McCourt, Henri 15:10.62 Mt. Blue High School
Hoeft, Eli 16:35.14 Mt. Blue High School
Henderson, Finn 19:33.64 Gorham High School
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Girls 4000 Meter/2.42 Mile Run 121 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Grant, Sydney Waterville High School
Hewson, Lauren Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Small, Nichala Erskine Academy
Doleski, June Gardiner High School
Duffy, Wilhelmina Lawrence High School
Coughlin, Ryleigh Messalonskee High School
Strelneck, Rose Morse High School
Denno, Tenny Cony High School
Pierce, Mia Mt. Ararat High School
Vail, Annabelle Gorham High School
Boutwell, Elizabeth Edward Little High School
Legawiec, Lyra Mt. Ararat High School
Lord, Gwen Waterville High School
Davin, Arabella Monmouth Academy
Noblin, Victoria Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Langelier, Gabrielle Edward Little High School
Strickland, Elizabeth Mt. Blue High School
Graham, Penny Waterville High School
Boudreau, Isabella Gardiner High School
Harthorne, Adelaide Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Luchies, Caroline Morse High School
Rolfe, Ruby Gardiner High School
Katz, Adriana Messalonskee High School
AVERY, ZOE Morse High School
Clark, Abby Cony High School
McCrillis, Abigail Gorham High School
Quinlivan, Miles Edward Little High School
Thibeault, Ashlyn Mt. Ararat High School
Jackson, Lily Mt. Blue High School
Awil, Fatuma Edward Little High School
Sprague, Estella Belfast Area High School
Dellinger, Zoe Gorham High School
Coy, Solana Edward Little High School
Winchenbach, Oryanna Erskine Academy
Gunter, Andrea Waterville High School
Palmer, Emma Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Erlebach, Bailey Gardiner High School
Bromberg, Cecilia Messalonskee High School
Chabot, Isabel Morse High School
Foster, Emily Cony High School
Young, Ellie Mt. Ararat High School
Babinsky, Raiyah Gorham High School
Bowden Fuller, Kandace Edward Little High School
Goudreau, Evelyn Mt. Ararat High School
provost-hoffman, Maddie Waterville High School
McDermott, Cadence Monmouth Academy
Partridge, Elja Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Madore, Kayliana Edward Little High School
Tinker, Brielle Mt. Blue High School
Gordon, Lily Waterville High School
Mansir, Sarah Gardiner High School
Gilbert, Antonella Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Dostie, Bianca Erskine Academy
Wright, Frida Morse High School
Stanley, Chasity Gardiner High School
Griffith, Sophia Lawrence High School
Leach, Ashley Messalonskee High School
Herman, Mary Morse High School
Kanaris, Thea Cony High School
Crowe, Charlotte Mt. Ararat High School
Mitchell, Leilani Edward Little High School
Jones, Astrid Mt. Blue High School
Ward, Tealah Winslow High School
Mulliner, Raegan Edward Little High School
Rogers, Abby Gorham High School
Studholme, Abbey Erskine Academy
Ker, Josie Waterville High School
Holme, Charlotte Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Grant, Natalie Gardiner High School
McDonough, Alexandria Messalonskee High School
Given, Lily Morse High School
Boothby, Nikita Gardiner High School
Sherwood, Kobe Morse High School
Giguire, Julia Gorham High School
Marconi, Alexis Edward Little High School
Sullivan, Abigail Mt. Ararat High School
Raymond, Alexandria Winslow High School
Theriault, Dakotah Waterville High School
Woodcock, Emma Monmouth Academy
Vance, Lola Gorham High School
May, Azaraya Edward Little High School
McCourt, Nora Mt. Blue High School
Zeimetz, Leah Waterville High School
Marrone, Sophia Gardiner High School
Sanborn, Emily Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Soucy, Khloe Erskine Academy
Michaud, Marcail Gardiner High School
Smith, Kaylie Lawrence High School
Crockett, Lily Messalonskee High School
Forrester, Lily Morse High School
Barrett, Leah Cony High School
Holden, Jemma Mt. Ararat High School
Brawn, Sara Gorham High School
Lamontagne, Jade Edward Little High School
Knowles, Lucy Mt. Blue High School
Timblin, Erryl Mt. Ararat High School
Eames, Ravaka Winslow High School
Daigle, Alyssa Edward Little High School
Studholme, Sabrina Erskine Academy
Liu, Winnie Waterville High School
Merrill, Idella Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Worster, Cedar Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Kruk, Katarzyna Gardiner High School
Hutchings, Finley Morse High School
Nichols, Taryn Gardiner High School
Fuller, Avery Morse High School
Orth, Anabelle Cony High School
Holland, Nara Gorham High School
Morgan, Katie Edward Little High School
Young, Eleanor Mt. Ararat High School
Barron, Brynne Messalonskee High School
Feegel, Elsa Mt. Blue High School
Gibbs, Katelyn Winslow High School
Moreland, Winni Gorham High School
Newson, Payton Edward Little High School
Pellerin, Addison 18:50.32 Winslow High School
Grady, Loralie 20:56.10 Cony High School
Satterfield, Carly 23:17.92 Mt. Ararat High School
Goodwin, Paige 25:32.94 Lawrence High School
Clifford, Claire 27:07.09 Morse High School
Limberger, Greta 28:28.58 Waterville High School
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