All-Time Maine State XC Girls Individual Champions...

Maine State XC Girls Individual Champions 1976 - Present...

Maine Boys XC Champions 1970 - Present...

An in-depth breakdown of how many titles each athlete has won, and what schools have had the...

Maine Festival of Champions: Maine Girls Top 1000 Times...

Maine XC Festival of Champions Maine girls all-time top 1000....

Top 500 Girls State Meet Performers at Belfast...

We looked at all the state meets held at the Troy Howard Middle School to come up with the t...

Northern Maine Girls Class C Regional Top 100 Performances...

Top 100 girls times from the Northern Maine Class C Regional held at Troy Howard Middle Scho...

Maine Festival of Champions: Maine Girls Top 1000 Times...

Maine XC Festival of Champions Maine girls all-time top 1000....


More Headlines
COROS MileSplit50: Boys Indoor T&F Rankings (March 6)...

With the indoor track and field season well underway, it's time to update the COROS Milespli...

2024-25 Indoor Track & Field Top Shot Put Teams...

2024-25 Girls' and Boys' Shot Put top programs in Maine....

COROS MileSplit50: Girls Indoor T&F Rankings (March 5)...

With the indoor track and field season well underway, it's time to update the COROS Milespli...