Salute to Seniors: Ruby Prentiss Falmouth High School

Name: Ruby Prentiss

Team: Falmouth High School

When and how did you get into track and field?

I joined track during the outdoor season of my freshman year after a recommendation from some of my theatre friends. They brought me onto the throwing team and I immediately fell in love with the sport and the wonderful people on the Falmouth throws squad.

Who would you consider your biggest competition over your four years?

Samantha Gaudet, who I admire with all my heart. Not only has she supported and driven me for the last 4 years in track, but she has also been the best friend I could have asked for. Samantha works harder than almost anyone and is a constant calm presence in the sport. She preserves with a quiet determination that makes me a better athlete and person. I am eternally grateful to have shared these seasons with her.

What was your greatest accomplishment?

I would say breaking 40 feet this outdoor season in shot put is the mark I am most proud of this year. The progress I've made in the shot is something I worked tirelessly on and had a great deal of help with. 40 is a barrier many struggle to overcome, and I fought for the mark all indoor season and most of outdoor. To finally hit it felt like a great triumph. I am also very proud to have pulled off a double state championship and to have helped the Falmouth Girls Team place 2nd at the SMAA championship, which had been our goal all season.

How has track and field impacted your life?

Track has altered my life in almost every way. My day is not complete without a practice or lift, and the doors it has opened for me at the collegiate level are ones I will never stop being thankful for. More than just certain marks or hours, however, track gave me a family I love with all of my heart. It has made my high school experience.

What were the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome?

Mentality, 100%. Especially in an individual sport like track, you are your own worst enemy. Learning how to get out of my own way and relax is something I am only beginning to understand 4 years later.

How do you prepare for competitions?

I think sleep is one of the most neglected aspects of prep, so I always try for a solid 8 or more hours the 2 nights before competitions. I eat some high protein high-carb meals early in the day, and then once we are at the track listen to some music and socialize until it's time to focus up. I try and keep things light and fun to alleviate pressure and keep present.

What influence has your coach had on your high school career?

I have been blessed to have had the most wonderful coaches an athlete could ever imagine. Jorma has completely changed my perspective of what it means to care about a sport and team. Everything he does he does to propel us to success. His humor and his sarcasm keeps our team laughing even when we do not perform as we wish to. I can not thank him enough for all he has done for me specifically, and the pride he has instilled in me for my hard work. Without Josh, I quite literally would not have been able to achieve any of this. His coaching has made me the athlete that I am and has allowed me to hit the marks I have, and his emotional support has been equally as instrumental.

Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of track and field?

I love skiing, hiking, and spending time with my family and friends. Lifting is a huge part of my life as well, but this is track adjacent.

What are your college plans?

I will be attending the University of New Hampshire as an undeclared liberal arts major and member of the track and field team.

What are your long-term goals?

I'm not entirely sure what the rest of my life will look like. I think I would like to return to track eventually in a coaching position and transfer my love of the sport onto others.

Who would you like to say thank you to?

Everyone in the Maine track team community. This sport is so overwhelmingly supportive and kind and I am so grateful to have been a part of it.

What advice would you give to younger athletes?

What you put in is what you get out. The harder you work, the more successful you will be. Keep things enjoyable and stay dedicated and you will do everything you wish to. Most importantly, stay humble and supportive of every other athlete around you, karma is a very real thing.