Salute to Seniors: Landon Morrison York High School

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Name: Landon Morrison

Team: York High School

When and how did you get into track and field?

I got into track to stay in shape for soccer. I always did it for fun because I had friends who also did it, but never took it seriously until high school. I got into XC because I wanted to run track in college and the coaches I spoke with wanted me to make the switch from soccer to XC.

Who would you consider your biggest competition over your four years?

Carter Libby and William Gear.

What was your greatest accomplishment?

WMC 1600m champion 2022 and 13th in the mile at New England's 2024.

How has track and field impacted your life?

It taught me to strive to better myself everyday but also lead my teammates to be their best too. Both sports have pushed my body physically and mentally to levels I could never imagine.

What were the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome?

Hamstring Injuries.

How do you prepare for competitions?

I run 800m warmup, take honey stinger caffeinated gels, and do some strides.

What influence has your coach had on your high school career?

He's disciplined me and taught me to be a much better person.

Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of track and field?

Surfing, soccer, and swimming.

What are your college plans?

I am running Division 1 Cross Country and Track and Field at American University.

What are your long-term goals?

To break 4:00 in the 1600m and eventually complete a marathon.

Who would you like to say thank you to?

My coaches Hutch and Weber and my teammates.

What advice would you give to younger athletes?

Train hard but remember to always have fun.