XC Countdown 2024: Grace Alexander (Waynflete)

#12 Grace Alexander (Waynflete)

Class of 2026

2023 Results

Class C State Meet 7th Place (19:36.83)

Class C Regional Runner-up (20:40.29)

Festival of Champions 53rd Place (20:32.71)

Alexander splits her time between the trails and the pitch in the fall so she doesn't race every week. Last fall she was the Class C Regional runner-up and placed seventh in the Class C state meet helping her team to the runner-up plaque. This fall Alexander will look to lead the Flyers to the tea title as they should be one of the top teams based on returners. On the track this winter Alexander placed fifth in the two-mile, and clocked a personal best of 11:39.06 during the season. This spring Grace placed fifth in the 1600 at the Class A state meet and clocked a personal best of 5:18.23 during the season. Look for Alexander to be one of the top runners in Class C this fall.

Getting to Know Grace

How has your summer training gone? Approximately how many miles have you logged?

Summer training has been going well, I consistently run about 55 miles a week, and with soccer that's about 60+ miles a week.

What are you looking forward to during the 2024 XC season?

I am looking forward to the Festival of Champions and states! I am also looking forward to seeing how my teammates do because they have all improved a lot and put in so much work over the summer! Additionally, my sister Paige is recovering from a stress injury so I can't wait to race with her again!

What are your goals for the season?

My primary goal for the season is for my team to win states and make it to New Englands. Secondly, I want to break 19 minutes and place better at states than last year (7th).

Biggest takeaway from the 2023 XC Season?

Summer training makes all the difference and the importance of racing your race, because I have a very different XC racing strategy than most people.

What's the best piece of advice you've gained from your coaches?

Coach Denari (my track coach) once told me before a race I was nervous for, no one is going to be mad at you if you don't do well, no one will yell at you if you underperform, so just give it what you have right now and that's all you need to do.

Favorite XC Course?

I haven't raced a ton of xc courses because I have to miss a lot of meets for soccer, but my favorite is probably the Belfast course.

Starbucks, Aroma Joe's or Dunkin?


What spikes do you race in?

Nike ZoomX Dragonfly XC spikes

Favorite pre-race meal?

Toast with jam on it is my favorite!!

What was your favorite moment from the Olympics?

The women's 4x4 winning by SO much was amazing to watch!