Fleet Feet Maine Elite Invitational 2024

Standish, ME

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 57 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Henderson, Mason 11.09 Leavitt Area High School
Feyler, Nolan 11.17 Gorham High School
Tillery, Marcus 11.33 Windham High School
Longstreth, Karl 11.36 Windham High School
Berube, Logan 11.37 Leavitt Area High School
Katroli, Josia 11.40 Lewiston High School
Abdow, Ahmed 11.47 Lewiston High School
Kim, Samuel 11.47 Greely High School
Sioho, Arnaud 11.48 South Portland High School
Gervais, Drew 11.51 Bonny Eagle High School
Kenniston, Henry 11.56 Thornton Academy
Harris, Cameron 11.61 Lewiston High School
Jones, Steven 11.62 Thornton Academy
Lubin, Dimitri 11.65 Westbrook High School
Bartley, Drake 11.70 Leavitt Area High School
Buanza, Gedeao 11.70 South Portland High School
Khelendende, Lamed 11.73 South Portland High School
Thelen, Charlie 11.83 Morse High School
Berry, Matthew 11.84 South Portland High School
Gardner, Sam 11.90 Yarmouth High School
Gomez, Ayden 11.91 Deering High School
Poulin, Brock 11.91 Leavitt Area High School
Wall, Cody 11.93 Freeport High School
Wagner, Teddy 11.95 Winthrop High School
Mbongo, Ben 11.96 Portland High School
Byemba Kilongo, Dimitri 11.99 Lewiston High School
Pham, Aidan 12.00 Scarborough High School
Foster, Ezra 12.01 Windham High School
Russell, Caleb 12.02 Mt. Ararat High School
Fletcher, Ethan 12.03 Windham High School
Assia, Sam 12.06 Scarborough High School
Desrosiers, Wade 12.10 Leavitt Area High School
Ngimbi, Christovao 12.16 Westbrook High School
Lemon, Joseph 12.18 Belfast Area High School
Witham, Connor 12.34 Windham High School
Hutchinson, Sam 12.37 Windham High School
Dotson, Rachean 12.40 Thornton Academy
Hatch, Matthew 12.40 Westbrook High School
Sagaas, Miles 12.61 Belfast Area High School
Gray, Dan 12.67 Cape Elizabeth High School
Roy, Kyle 12.75 Scarborough High School
Bisco, Jason 12.85 Portland High School
Carpenter, Aiden 13.09 Scarborough High School
Mbelolo-Nzita, John 13.18 Portland High School
Saurman, Rourke 13.18 Marshwood High School
Assia, Ethan 13.20 Scarborough High School
Bois, Gabriel 13.25 Windham High School
Morse, Eli 13.48 Cape Elizabeth High School
Missamou, Bennie 13.52 Portland High School
Raymond, Carter 14.00 Belfast Area High School
Williams, Aiden 14.15 Scarborough High School
Mascis, Owen 14.18 Scarborough High School
Mouckounay, Hope 14.20 Portland High School
Siyad Sadak, Salah 14.45 Portland High School
Langley, Michael 14.48 Mt. Ararat High School
Harmon, Riley 14.64 Mt. Ararat High School
Keiter, Sam 20.32 Portland High School
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Landry, Gavin 15.10 Westbrook High School
Pierre, Stephen 15.20 Leavitt Area High School
Lee, Aidan 15.28 Gorham High School
Palmer, Ethan 15.38 Mt. Ararat High School
Guibord, Jonah 15.44 Greely High School
Engelman, Carter 15.61 Windham High School
Therriault, Benjamin 15.93 Mt. Ararat High School
Berry, Devin 16.34 South Portland High School
Hang, Myles 16.50h Portland High School
Edwards, Brady 17.34 South Portland High School
Gibbs, Noah 17.37 Leavitt Area High School
Munye, Abdulkadir 17.46 Deering High School
Saito, Che-Hao 17.51 South Portland High School
Anania, Charles 17.56 Greely High School
Good, Rory 17.63 Windham High School
Watson, Logan 17.88 Portland High School
Forcier, Theodore 18.23 Mt. Ararat High School
Lemieux, Hunter 18.90 Leavitt Area High School
Egan, Finneas 20.09 Scarborough High School
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Boys 1600 Meter Race Walk 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sibley, Trent 10:07.58 Leavitt Area High School
McDonald, Rowan 6:49.42 Bonny Eagle High School
Leggat-Barr, Thomas 7:40.15 Greely High School
Scherrer, Phineas 8:04.73 Leavitt Area High School
Cannon, Devin 8:33.36 Bonny Eagle High School
Bergquist-Guimond, Nathan 8:35.27 Gorham High School
Fougere, Will 8:53.40 Cape Elizabeth High School
Brisson, Noah 9:00.59 Leavitt Area High School
Melvin, Matthew 9:02.62 Sanford High School
Hurder, Everett 9:33.71 Gorham High School
Lemay, Alex 9:35.06 Sanford High School
Arlet, Rigel 9:36.81 Gorham High School
Szakas, Joseph 9:48.96 Winthrop High School
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 59 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Libby, Carter 4:22.03 Gray New Gloucester High School
Lemieux, Xavier 4:25.00 Bonny Eagle High School
Laverdiere, Sam 4:29.15 Lake Region High School
Merriam, Baxter 4:30.50h Scarborough High School
Keller, Ethan 4:32.49 Scarborough High School
Morrison, Landon 4:33.71 York High School
Gilbert, Alex 4:34.05 Freeport High School
Shumway, Colby 4:35.00h Scarborough High School
MERRIAM , ATTICUS 4:35.00h Scarborough High School
Pottle, Christopher 4:35.49 Winthrop High School
Coull, William 4:37.27 Greely High School
Wood , Ellis 4:37.47 Deering High School
Harvey, Tait 4:37.93 Greely High School
Hutchinson, Lucas 4:38.43 Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Rivard, Henri 4:38.98 Marshwood High School
Jacques, Charlie 4:39.62 Portland High School
Giampaolo, Enzo 4:39.78 Lewiston High School
Collins, Tim 4:39.80 Hampden Academy
Smith, Conner 4:40.88 Freeport High School
Johnson, Aran 4:42.51 Portland High School
Gerry, Preston 4:43.43 Gray New Gloucester High School
Durazo, Gabe 4:43.86 Leavitt Area High School
Crosby, Pi 4:45.29 Cheverus High School
Tucker, Bhavnish 4:46.78 Lake Region High School
Morrison, Henry 4:47.50 Portland High School
Barmby, Will 4:52.06 Cheverus High School
Koziell, Nicholas 4:53.43 Scarborough High School
Perry, Jonathan 4:53.91 Thornton Academy
Corey, Gabriel 4:54.37 Winthrop High School
Nudd, Liam 4:55.72 Cape Elizabeth High School
Bouchard, Benjamin 4:59.19 Scarborough High School
Britt, Ian 4:59.41 Mt. Ararat High School
Warner, Brodie 4:59.56 Bonny Eagle High School
Trockman, Dylan 5:00.48 Mt. Ararat High School
Gurcan, Arman 5:01.67 Cheverus High School
Clarke, Michael 5:03.05 Lake Region High School
Hughes, Tristan 5:03.35 Belfast Area High School
Crider, Harvey 5:03.89 Gorham High School
Lund, Connor 5:04.68 Falmouth High School
Rasheed, Noah 5:06.98 Deering High School
Riddell, Joe 5:07.41 Marshwood High School
Gerry, Gavin 5:08.99 Gray New Gloucester High School
Young , Andrew 5:09.76 Windham High School
Trafton, Clay 5:11.00 Mt. Ararat High School
Bouchard, Noah 5:12.38 Scarborough High School
Widerstrom, Jackson 5:18.29 Marshwood High School
Matson, Reid 5:19.03 Mt. Ararat High School
Clarke, Ambrose 5:20.83 Portland High School
Burke, Ezra 5:28.57 Westbrook High School
Bolduc, Ryan 5:32.16 Thornton Academy
Vettese, Miles 5:34.47 Cape Elizabeth High School
Leger, Jack 5:34.58 Scarborough High School
Cole , Landen 5:36.66 Westbrook High School
O'Reilly, Leland 5:38.28 Cape Elizabeth High School
Olins, Emile 5:40.11 Portland High School
Hyland, Ross 5:51.82 Windham High School
Scanlon, Cam 5:59.02 Marshwood High School
Kelley-Cohen, Joshua 6:29.99 Mt. Ararat High School
Bromage, Wyatt 6:37.48 Cape Elizabeth High School
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 70 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Henderson, Mason 22.69 Leavitt Area High School
Longstreth, Karl 22.82 Windham High School
Feyler, Nolan 22.87 Gorham High School
Berube, Logan 23.30 Leavitt Area High School
Tillery, Marcus 23.40 Windham High School
Kim, Samuel 23.55 Greely High School
Harris, Cameron 23.61 Lewiston High School
Landry, Gavin 23.74 Westbrook High School
Jones, Cordell 23.74 Portland High School
Desrosiers, Wade 24.13 Leavitt Area High School
Fletcher, Ethan 24.17 Windham High School
Bartley, Drake 24.32 Leavitt Area High School
Silva, Ritangel 24.32 Lewiston High School
Wagner, Teddy 24.33 Winthrop High School
Jones, Steven 24.36 Thornton Academy
Kenniston, Henry 24.36 Thornton Academy
Lubin, Dimitri 24.47 Westbrook High School
Berry, Matthew 24.48 South Portland High School
Dirisi, Elijah 24.50 Thornton Academy
Gervais, Drew 24.56 Bonny Eagle High School
Luis, Josue 24.57 Lewiston High School
Morrison, Shane 24.62 Gorham High School
Wall, Cody 24.67 Freeport High School
Byemba Kilongo, Dimitri 24.67 Lewiston High School
Rowe, Keegan 24.69 Mt. Ararat High School
Buanza, Gedeao 24.70 South Portland High School
Kosoff, William 24.72 Westbrook High School
Lemon, Joseph 24.76 Belfast Area High School
Serrano, Dominic 24.79 Thornton Academy
Gomez, Ayden 24.80 Deering High School
Holifield, Nehemiah 24.81 Lewiston High School
Gardner, Sam 24.84 Yarmouth High School
Cooper, Caden 24.87 Bonny Eagle High School
Khelendende, Lamed 24.90 South Portland High School
Ngimbi, Christovao 24.94 Westbrook High School
Kongolo, Ben 24.96 Portland High School
Hatch, Matthew 24.97 Westbrook High School
Chonko, Benjamin 25.00 Mt. Ararat High School
Pham, Aidan 25.07 Scarborough High School
Dean, Spencer 25.48 Scarborough High School
Tit, David 25.53 Portland High School
Nguala, Hervi 25.74 Portland High School
Davison , Aidan 25.79 Belfast Area High School
Sweet, Ryan 26.09 Mt. Ararat High School
Lufungula, Joao 26.10 Westbrook High School
Jumaah, Sajjad 26.28 Westbrook High School
Douglas, Cameron 26.44 Scarborough High School
Mbelolo-Nzita, John 26.46 Portland High School
Kalanga, Chrisly 26.73 Portland High School
Assia, Ethan 26.95 Scarborough High School
Mcneill, Andrew 27.05 Westbrook High School
Carpenter, Aiden 27.23 Scarborough High School
Roy, Kyle 27.33 Scarborough High School
Kelly, Declan 27.39 Mt. Ararat High School
Doeun, Teydom 27.46 Westbrook High School
Shumway, Colby 27.48 Scarborough High School
MERRIAM , ATTICUS 27.75 Scarborough High School
Ibrahim, Ibrahim 27.79 Westbrook High School
Murray, Irius 27.82 Mt. Ararat High School
Atkinson, Ian 28.05 Portland High School
Mawika, Arthur 28.50 Westbrook High School
Ali, Ali 28.82 Westbrook High School
Lomomi, Sammy 28.88 Westbrook High School
Carignan, Scottie 28.98 Portland High School
Bongomin, Tony 29.10 Westbrook High School
Morris, Lucien 29.10 Portland High School
Sadak, Salah 29.56 Portland High School
Bouchard, Noah 29.92 Scarborough High School
Tomas, Kevin 30.00 Westbrook High School
Nguizani, Tamim 30.36 Westbrook High School
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Boys 2000 Meter Steeplechase 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Marianski, Finn Yarmouth High School
Jaynes, Christopher 6:15.00h Falmouth High School
Catalano, Andrew 6:40.00 Bonny Eagle High School
Durazo, Gabe 7:00 Leavitt Area High School
Tessier, Noah 7:10.00 Marshwood High School
Leger, Jack 7:30.00h Scarborough High School
Clarke, Michael 7:59.00h Lake Region High School
Toscano, Dominick 8:00.00h Leavitt Area High School
Adams, Jack 8:00.00h Gorham High School
Gustin, David 8:20.00 Winthrop High School
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Meas, Maddox Portland High School
Therriault, Benjamin 40.66 Mt. Ararat High School
Wright, Josh 41.47 Gorham High School
Guibord, Jonah 41.64 Greely High School
Pierre, Stephen 41.95 Leavitt Area High School
Landry, Gavin 42.09 Westbrook High School
Anania, Charles 42.58 Greely High School
Johnson, Connor 42.60 Bonny Eagle High School
Hanson, Aiden 43.07 Windham High School
Berry, Matthew 43.67 South Portland High School
Munye, Abdulkadir 44.12 Deering High School
Chalmers , Barrett 44.16 Portland High School
Watson, Logan 44.41 Portland High School
Berry, Devin 45.04 South Portland High School
Flynn, Evan 45.16 Mt. Ararat High School
Edwards, Brady 45.32 South Portland High School
Dube, Antoine 45.80 Gorham High School
Brown, Tyler 46.50 Thornton Academy
Koslosky, Samuel 46.72 Mt. Ararat High School
Cousineau, Mike 46.83 Sanford High School
Mahdi, Shaker 47.56 Lewiston High School
Delaney, Liam 47.85 Gorham High School
Cossaboom, Henry 47.88 Deering High School
Parker, Brody 47.97 Mt. Ararat High School
Mohamed, Osman 48.23 Lewiston High School
Kubwimana-Ganza, Brian 49.30 Cheverus High School
Napijalo, Vladan 49.50 Portland High School
Egan, Finneas 51.17 Scarborough High School
Morgan, Roan 53.52 Scarborough High School
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hutchinson, Lucas 10:05.19 Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Pottle, Christopher 10:10.24 Winthrop High School
Collins, Tim 10:14.05 Hampden Academy
Roberts, Aidan 10:15.69 Lake Region High School
Coull, William 10:23.03 Greely High School
Durazo, Gabe 10:28.81 Leavitt Area High School
Harvey, Tait 10:29.18 Greely High School
Tussing , Asa 10:42.31 Deering High School
Bergquist-Guimond, Nathan 10:44.56 Gorham High School
Morris, Finn 10:50.79 Cape Elizabeth High School
Stratton, Simon 'max' 10:51.22 Deering High School
Harmon, Jacob 10:55.54 Portland High School
Nudd, Liam 11:00.86 Cape Elizabeth High School
Shields, Sebastian 11:01.33 Thornton Academy
Britt, Ian 11:06.92 Mt. Ararat High School
Hughes, Tristan 11:13.01 Belfast Area High School
Price , Alex 11:24.33 Portland High School
Jepson , Graecen 11:39.23 Portland High School
Brousseau, Evan 11:50.69 Lewiston High School
Landry, Jude 12:03.70 Yarmouth High School
Killeen, Oliver 12:17.23 Portland High School
Cardella, Cameron 12:23.16 Mt. Ararat High School
Laverdiere, Sam 9:35.73 Lake Region High School
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Douglas, Cameron 1:00.66 Scarborough High School
Darling, Gus 1:00.97 Marshwood High School
Merriam, Parker 1:01.51 Cape Elizabeth High School
Puccioni, Niccolo 1:01.63 Bonny Eagle High School
Flynn, Marshall 1:03.50 Mt. Ararat High School
Carignan, Scottie 1:07.88 Portland High School
Greenleaf, Aidan 50.14 Mt. Ararat High School
Henderson, Mason 51.26 Leavitt Area High School
Feyler, Nolan 51.37 Gorham High School
Hargesheimer, Jason 51.70h Falmouth High School
Partridge, Owen 51.85 Greely High School
Hoffman, Ethan 52.63 Yarmouth High School
Dirisi, Elijah 52.64 Thornton Academy
Bahuze, Arthur 52.72 Sanford High School
Wagner, Teddy 52.97 Winthrop High School
Revers, Devonti 53.52 Sanford High School
Mendoza, Alexander 53.84 Greely High School
St. Pierre, Emmett 54.05 Bonny Eagle High School
Waterman, Greggory 54.11 Sanford High School
Boone, Caden 54.29 Lewiston High School
Dailey, Carlton 54.67 Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Longstreth, Karl 55.0 Windham High School
O'Connor, Avery 55.31 Mt. Ararat High School
Lubin, Dimitri 55.35 Westbrook High School
Holifield, Nehemiah 55.56 Lewiston High School
Graney, Dylan 55.69 Deering High School
Henderson, Finn 55.79 Gorham High School
Newell, Luke 56.50 Deering High School
Silva, Ritangel 56.65 Lewiston High School
Shyka-brown, Simon 56.80 Cape Elizabeth High School
Adams, Justin 56.82 Leavitt Area High School
Dean, Spencer 56.95 Scarborough High School
Tolliver, Miles 56.96 Belfast Area High School
Desrosiers, Wade 57.09 Leavitt Area High School
Shute, Yusuf 57.76 Westbrook High School
Bila Nzau, Edson 58.32 Westbrook High School
Cardella, Alex 58.58 Mt. Ararat High School
Bolling, David 58.62 Westbrook High School
Stocks, Sam 58.75 South Portland High School
Cousins, Owen 58.93 Westbrook High School
Archer, Olin 59.15 Falmouth High School
Gomes Jaque, Jose 59.20 South Portland High School
MacLean, Lukas 59.21 Sanford High School
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 44.03 Lewiston High School
Relay Team A 44.23 South Portland High School
Relay Team A 44.90 Windham High School
Relay Team A 45.60 Bonny Eagle High School
Relay Team A 46.02 Thornton Academy
Relay Team A 47.03 Deering High School
Relay Team A 47.74 Gorham High School
Relay Team A 47.78 Westbrook High School
Relay Team A 48.00 Belfast Area High School
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:37.72 Bonny Eagle High School
Relay Team A 3:40.00h Gorham High School
Relay Team A 3:43.00h Westbrook High School
Relay Team A 3:52.80 Lewiston High School
Relay Team A 3:53.31 Belfast Area High School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hunter, Sam 2:00.55 York High School
Hankins, Evan 2:02.19 Yarmouth High School
Dunne, Harrison 2:04.42 Bonny Eagle High School
Moore, Parker 2:04.42 Bonny Eagle High School
Gear, Will 2:04.86 York High School
Skillin, Connor 2:05.00 Greely High School
Alexander, Liam 2:05.75 Portland High School
Riggs, Levi 2:06.79 Morse High School
Waterman, Greggory 2:08.51 Sanford High School
Nelson, Luke 2:08.92 Marshwood High School
Giampaolo, Enzo 2:09.06 Lewiston High School
McDonald, Rowan 2:10.50 Bonny Eagle High School
Gilbert, Tyler 2:10.65 Bonny Eagle High School
Heath, Noel 2:11.17 Scarborough High School
Hesser, Sebastian 2:11.34 Cape Elizabeth High School
Adams, Jack 2:11.38 Gorham High School
Revers, Devonti 2:11.49 Sanford High School
Bahuze, Arthur 2:12.00 Sanford High School
Cognata, Alfie 2:12.64 Winthrop High School
Burt, Eli 2:12.71 Mt. Ararat High School
Guzman, Ian 2:12.91 Freeport High School
Rank, Peter 2:13.47 Deering High School
Heffernan, Patrick 2:13.47 South Portland High School
LaGrange, Randall 2:14.49 Mt. Ararat High School
Toscano, Dominick 2:14.67 Leavitt Area High School
Sirois, Nate 2:15.00 Bonny Eagle High School
Trockman, Dylan 2:15.87 Mt. Ararat High School
Landry, Daniel 2:15.89 Deering High School
Kasper, Owen 2:17.48 Scarborough High School
Ahmed, Mohammed 2:17.71 Westbrook High School
Dussault, Caden 2:17.89 Thornton Academy
Heath, Griffith 2:20.15 Scarborough High School
Fortuna, Ethan 2:20.85 Lewiston High School
Roush, Charlie 2:21.76 Portland High School
Wallace, Jake 2:23.88 Windham High School
Bencomo, Jose 2:25.00h Scarborough High School
Stockwell, Adam 2:25.00h Scarborough High School
Schwartz, Logan 2:27.33 Cape Elizabeth High School
Meyer, Nolan 2:27.78 Scarborough High School
Hulsey, Colin 2:29.05 South Portland High School
Saucier, Caleb 2:30.61 Windham High School
Wander, Wyatt 2:36.47 Portland High School
Vaillencourt, Nicholas 2:36.52 Belfast Area High School
Wright, Isaac 2:42.94 Mt. Ararat High School
Giordano, Angelo 2:48.00 Portland High School
O'Reilly, Thomas 2:49.99 Cape Elizabeth High School
West, Oliver 2:56.06 Mt. Ararat High School
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Boys Discus 52 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Walker, Tucker 159-4 Sanford High School
Amos, Trevor 150-0 Gray New Gloucester High School
Murray, Nate 148-10 Scarborough High School
Burns, Luke 146-9 Gorham High School
Risch, Henry 145-5 South Portland High School
Klatsky, George 142-1 Falmouth High School
Perry, Reece 135-10 Freeport High School
Aasen, Landon 135-3 Leavitt Area High School
Lamour, DeShawn 132-0 Deering High School
Paradis, Ryker 131-4 Lewiston High School
Reynolds, Hunter 128-10 Winthrop High School
Brown, Dylan 122-1.5 Scarborough High School
Morrison, Rush 121-5 South Portland High School
Ngombe, Agostinho 121-0 Thornton Academy
Tomuschat, Cole 120-10 Scarborough High School
Schulz, Dietrich 118-0 Freeport High School
Sullivan, Kaden 117-7 Bonny Eagle High School
Graham-Jones, Kavon 117-0 Leavitt Area High School
Park-Morong, Avery 116-9.5 Falmouth High School
Howard, Josiah 116-5 Belfast Area High School
Deschambault, Rocco 115-1 Cheverus High School
Soule, Philip 114-8 Gray New Gloucester High School
Brady, Colin 114-8 Cape Elizabeth High School
Peiser, Graham 113-5 Scarborough High School
Leighton, Aiden 112-5 Thornton Academy
Pinkham, Lucas 112-3 Mt. Ararat High School
Ackerman, Taylor 112-0 Thornton Academy
Kulas, Audric 111-5 Mt. Ararat High School
Carrolton, Daniel 108-7 Morse High School
Twitchell, Mason 108-1 Leavitt Area High School
Havu, John 107-1 Bonny Eagle High School
Wetzel, Miles 105-5 South Portland High School
Shur, Mason 104-8 Cape Elizabeth High School
Dures, Noah 104-2 Marshwood High School
Stanley, Ben 103-9 Bonny Eagle High School
Gagnon, Aidan 102-7 Sanford High School
Aldrich, George 101-9 South Portland High School
Rodgriguez, Lissandro 101-3.5 Portland High School
Abdirahaman, Ahmed 100-7 Lewiston High School
Madsen, Daniel 100-6 Mt. Ararat High School
Smith, Leo 93-6 Marshwood High School
Smith, Griffin 91-1 Marshwood High School
Wood, Nathaniel 86-5 Scarborough High School
Watson, Samuel 85-7 Portland High School
Jones, James 84-1 Marshwood High School
DuPont, Erik 83-11.5 Windham High School
Fairbrother, Anthonie 83-3 Belfast Area High School
Stewart, William 81-3 Mt. Ararat High School
Muayad, Abdullah 76-8 Yarmouth High School
Landry, Jack 73-9 Westbrook High School
Heath, Aiden 72-10 Windham High School
Horrocks, Benjamin 70-3 Mt. Ararat High School
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Boys High Jump 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gammon, Griffin 6-9 Gorham High School
Pierre, Stephen 6-5 Leavitt Area High School
Katroli, Josia 6-4 Lewiston High School
Lee, Aidan 6-0.75 Gorham High School
Therriault, Benjamin 6-0 Mt. Ararat High School
Calcagni, Bennett 6-0 Falmouth High School
Bryant, Tyler 6-0 South Portland High School
Lavertu, Griffin 6-0 Portland High School
Abdow, Ahmed 5-10 Lewiston High School
Kabongo, George 5-10 Cheverus High School
Hutchinson, Sam 5-10 Windham High School
Webber, Brady 5-10 Freeport High School
Grant, Craig 5-10 Sanford High School
Mendoza, Alexander 5-10 Greely High School
Verrill, Nick 5-8 Windham High School
Jones, Cordell 5-8 Portland High School
Whitehouse, Jackson 5-8 South Portland High School
Leonard, Alden 5-6 Belfast Area High School
Gibbs, Noah 5-6 Leavitt Area High School
Blais, Michael 5-6 Cheverus High School
Murch, Brayden 5-6 Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Roy, Brady 5-6 Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
LaRose, Jared 5-6 South Portland High School
Stewart, Elijah 5-6 Deering High School
Arbour, Mason 5-6 Windham High School
Morrison, Shane 5-4 Gorham High School
Kaczmarek, Kuba 5-4 Gorham High School
Bragdon, Gabriel 5-4 Thornton Academy
Potter, Travis 5-4 Leavitt Area High School
Weymouth, Evan 5-2 Mt. Ararat High School
Hardy, Michael 5-2 Falmouth High School
Lajoie, Abel 5-0 Mt. Ararat High School
Ury, Wyatt 4-10 Marshwood High School
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Boys Javelin 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Klatsky, George 175-2 Falmouth High School
Paradis, Ryker 168-5 Lewiston High School
Gammon, Griffin 166-4 Gorham High School
Brown, Dylan 160-5 Scarborough High School
Berube, Logan 158-6 Leavitt Area High School
Demers, Maddox 152-10 Leavitt Area High School
Carson, Jake 148-11 Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Anania, Charles 146-2 Greely High School
Kezal, Brady 144-1 Thornton Academy
Bryant, Tyler 143-5 South Portland High School
Murch, Brayden 140-0 Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Nelson, Sam 137-9 Thornton Academy
Fairbrother, Andrew 136-5 Belfast Area High School
Palmer, Ethan 135-4 Mt. Ararat High School
Riley, Jared 133-10 Sanford High School
Yazwinski, Brady 132-6 Mt. Ararat High School
Feith, Jacob 132-5 Winthrop High School
Barmby, Will 131-5 Cheverus High School
Sperry, Parker 130-1 Windham High School
Gosling, Landon 128-3 Sanford High School
Ha, Minh 126-5 Belfast Area High School
Cooper, Caden 125-4 Bonny Eagle High School
Witham, Connor 123-7 Windham High School
Stanley, Ben 123-5 Bonny Eagle High School
Wetzel, Miles 123-3 South Portland High School
Ray, Bryce 122-4 Thornton Academy
Levesque, Aiden 121-11 Leavitt Area High School
Rich, Gavin 120-1 Yarmouth High School
Hardin, Oliver 118-2 Cape Elizabeth High School
Tabet, Kaiden 117-7 Leavitt Area High School
Mas, Ronan 115-10 Portland High School
Foster, Ezra 114-10 Windham High School
Brown, Tyler 114-5 Thornton Academy
Breault, William 108-3 Thornton Academy
McGinness, Caleb 103-9 Marshwood High School
Johnson, Isaac 102-1 Portland High School
Hollenbeck , Gaven 101-3 Thornton Academy
Engelman, Carter 100-0 Windham High School
Matthews IV, Clayton 98-1 Mt. Ararat High School
Folger, Lane 95-11 Mt. Ararat High School
Wagner, Gabriel 95-7 Belfast Area High School
Serrano, Dominic 94-9 Thornton Academy
Munsey, Jonathan 94-8 Mt. Ararat High School
DuPont, Erik 86-03 Windham High School
Bluck, Kyle 85-4 Mt. Ararat High School
Beede, Jae 84-6 Mt. Ararat High School
Parsons, Keaton 80-11 Mt. Ararat High School
Degraff, Steven 75-5 Belfast Area High School
Box, Michael 73-4 Belfast Area High School
MacMillan, Ronan 66-0 Scarborough High School
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Boys Long Jump 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sioho, Arnaud 22-9.75 South Portland High School
Thelen, Charlie 20-7.5 Morse High School
Abbott, Brandt 20-4.75 Bonny Eagle High School
Jones, Khalil 20-3.5 Thornton Academy
Mendoza, Alexander 20-2.25 Greely High School
Mbongo, Ben 20-0 Portland High School
Munyaneza, Nick 19-6 Gorham High School
Reaser, Luke 19-4.5 Thornton Academy
Johnson, Connor 19-2.5 Bonny Eagle High School
Turcotte, Aiden 19-2 Leavitt Area High School
Ngimbi, Christovao 19-2 Westbrook High School
Roenisch, Alexander 18-11 Thornton Academy
Jones, Cordell 18-9.25 Portland High School
Tran, Ayden 18-8 Thornton Academy
Rowe, Keegan 18-6 Mt. Ararat High School
Saito, Che-Hao 18-5.5 South Portland High School
Thibault, Max 18-5 Leavitt Area High School
Ruffin, Jaden 18-3.25 Bonny Eagle High School
Arbour, Mason 18-3 Windham High School
Koslosky, Samuel 18-2.25 Mt. Ararat High School
Kaczmarek, Kuba 18-1 Gorham High School
Weymouth, Evan 18-0.5 Mt. Ararat High School
Mugisha, Jordis 18-0.5 Deering High School
Stretch, Preston 17-11.5 Windham High School
Khelendende, Lamed 17-10.25 South Portland High School
Mussassa, Joaquim 17-9.5 South Portland High School
Lufungula, Joao 17-9.5 Westbrook High School
O'Reilly, Kian 17-6.75 Cape Elizabeth High School
Douglas, Cameron 17-3.5 Scarborough High School
Worcester, Jett 17-2.5 Leavitt Area High School
Leeman, Zander 17-1 Mt. Ararat High School
Samuel, Francisco 17-0 Portland High School
Hardy, Michael 16-10 Falmouth High School
Morgan, Roan 16-2 Scarborough High School
Edwards, Caleb 16-1.75 Mt. Ararat High School
Assia, Ethan 14-11.5 Scarborough High School
Williams, Aiden 14-4.5 Scarborough High School
Layton, Matt 14-0.5 Marshwood High School
Horton, Jackson 13-6 Belfast Area High School
Lain, Wake 13-1.75 Cheverus High School
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Boys Pole Vault 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Perry, Reece 14-0 Freeport High School
Holden, Bryce 13-9 Mt. Ararat High School
Engelman, Carter 13-1 Windham High School
Anania, Samuel 13-0 Greely High School
Magoon, Liam 12-6 Greely High School
Hayward, Ashby 12-0 Mt. Ararat High School
Gosling, Landon 11-9 Sanford High School
Roy, Cody 11-6 Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Wengler, Camden 11-6 Greely High School
Johanson, Cole 11-0 Leavitt Area High School
Curtis, Jalen 10-6 Deering High School
Davison , Aidan 10-6 Belfast Area High School
Rydzewski, John 10-6 Greely High School
Kim, Nathan 10-6 Greely High School
Palmlund, Samuel 10-6 Greely High School
Crocker, Kannon 10-6 Greely High School
Burns, Tyler 10-0 Freeport High School
Li, Jinqi 10-0 Windham High School
Tessier, Noah 10-0 Marshwood High School
Marquis, Camden 10-0 Marshwood High School
Roy, Asher 9-6 Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Edwards, Caleb 9-6 Mt. Ararat High School
Michienzi, Zachary 9-6 Sanford High School
Swanson, Devin 9-6 Gorham High School
Forcier, Theodore 9-0 Mt. Ararat High School
VanGieson, Jack 9-0 Sanford High School
Williams, Aiden 8-9 Scarborough High School
Paul, Aaron 8-6 Mt. Ararat High School
Thoreaux, Jordyn 8-6 Sanford High School
Salvaggio, Anthony 8-0 Cheverus High School
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Boys Shot Put 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Paradis, Ryker 54-1 Lewiston High School
Walker, Tucker 50-7.25 Sanford High School
Risch, Henry 48-0 South Portland High School
Amos, Trevor 47-3.5 Gray New Gloucester High School
Demers, Maddox 46-0.5 Leavitt Area High School
Klatsky, George 45-8 Falmouth High School
Sullivan, Kaden 45-3 Bonny Eagle High School
Morrison, Rush 44-10.5 South Portland High School
Ray, Bryce 44-9.5 Thornton Academy
Hoffman, Ethan 44-8 Yarmouth High School
Park-Morong, Avery 44-3 Falmouth High School
Lamour, DeShawn 42-7 Deering High School
Graham-Jones, Kavon 41-9.5 Leavitt Area High School
Gray, Dan 41-2 Cape Elizabeth High School
Wetzel, Miles 40-6.75 South Portland High School
Aasen, Landon 39-10.5 Leavitt Area High School
Deschambault, Rocco 39-7 Cheverus High School
Schulz, Dietrich 39-1.25 Freeport High School
Twitchell, Mason 39-1 Leavitt Area High School
Dures, Noah 38-6 Marshwood High School
Taylor, Brody 37-5 Bonny Eagle High School
Howard, Josiah 36-8 Belfast Area High School
Rogers, Tadon 36-5 Lewiston High School
Delan, Tucker 36-5 Thornton Academy
Pinkham, Lucas 36-2 Mt. Ararat High School
Vasquez, Anthony 36-2 Westbrook High School
Parker, Alex 36-2 Thornton Academy
Davis, Kingston 35-7 Portland High School
Doughty, Nick 35-3 Mt. Ararat High School
Wildes, Riley 34-5 Portland High School
Richard, Corbin 34-2 Bonny Eagle High School
Cardella, Jacob 32-2.75 Mt. Ararat High School
Christensen, Aiden 28-8.5 Mt. Ararat High School
Al Azzawi, Mohammed 28-0 Westbrook High School
Wood, Nathaniel 27-9.75 Scarborough High School
Foy, Wyatt 27-0.5 Belfast Area High School
Sylvain, Mackey 26-10 Portland High School
Box, Michael 26-2.5 Belfast Area High School
Gilbert, Ozzie 26-2 Marshwood High School
Watson, Parker 26-0 Portland High School
Johnson, Noah 23-4.5 Westbrook High School
MacMillan, Ronan 23-4.5 Scarborough High School
Mascis, Owen 22-11 Scarborough High School
Lerman, Grady 16-4.75 Scarborough High School
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Boys Triple Jump 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sioho, Arnaud 45-8 South Portland High School
Abbott, Brandt 41-4 Bonny Eagle High School
Bryant, Tyler 40-7 South Portland High School
Palmer, Benjamin 40-5 Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Kabongo, George 40-4.5 Cheverus High School
Arbour, Mason 40-4 Windham High School
Turcotte, Aiden 40-1.5 Leavitt Area High School
Mugisha, Jordis 40-0 Deering High School
Forcier, Theodore 39-11.75 Mt. Ararat High School
Lavertu, Griffin 39-10 Portland High School
Thelen, Charlie 39-9 Morse High School
Baird, Colton 39-6 Winthrop High School
Correia, Caetano 39-5 South Portland High School
Munyaneza, Nick 39-0 Gorham High School
Cousineau, Mike 38-8.5 Sanford High School
Weymouth, Evan 38-6 Mt. Ararat High School
Mahdi, Shaker 38-4.5 Lewiston High School
Hanson, Aiden 37-7 Windham High School
Luis, Josue 37-4 Lewiston High School
Grant, Craig 37-3.5 Sanford High School
Mussassa, Joaquim 36-11.5 South Portland High School
Thibault, Max 36-11 Leavitt Area High School
Tran, Ayden 36-10.5 Thornton Academy
Nelson, Sam 36-10 Thornton Academy
Burns, Tyler 36-8 Freeport High School
Koslosky, Samuel 36-2.75 Mt. Ararat High School
Leonard, Alden 36-0 Belfast Area High School
Corson-James, Tafari 35-8 Lewiston High School
Sanborn, Aaron 33-6.5 Windham High School
Saucier, Noah 32-10.75 Windham High School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 56 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Neto, Josefina Portland High School
Drouin, Makenna 11.89 Lewiston High School
Pendleton, Julia 12.62 Bonny Eagle High School
Hammith, Khalysa 12.70 Windham High School
Flynn, Jenni 12.72 Lewiston High School
Noble, Abby 12.90 Yarmouth High School
Jacobson, Abigail 13.12 Greely High School
Marquis, Kaisley 13.52 Leavitt Area High School
Tarbox, Halle 13.52 Belfast Area High School
Turner, Alexis 13.53 Cheverus High School
Graham, Emma 13.57 Freeport High School
Gin, Lara 13.60 Deering High School
Nagel, Molly 13.66 Cape Elizabeth High School
Indenga, Zoe 13.68 South Portland High School
Bisson, Ellie 13.71 South Portland High School
Castagna, Carina 13.72 Leavitt Area High School
Nguema, Moriya 13.72 Deering High School
Swallow, Regan 13.94 Falmouth High School
Rocha, Maria 13.96 Deering High School
Inman, Ashley 13.97 Bonny Eagle High School
Vail, Annabelle 14.02 Gorham High School
Denbow, Abigail 14.04 Scarborough High School
Rogers, Abby 14.06 Gorham High School
Grunewald, Abbie 14.07 Yarmouth High School
Gilbert, Nellie 14.11 Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Ting, Vienna 14.14 Belfast Area High School
Leveille, Sydney 14.19 Marshwood High School
Zansanga, Graca 14.21 Westbrook High School
Eaves, Breanna 14.25 Mt. Ararat High School
Nkongolo, Jovanna 14.28 Cheverus High School
Kamanda, Rejoyce 14.29 Deering High School
Wardwell, Abby 14.37 Cape Elizabeth High School
Deyesso, Olive 14.37 Scarborough High School
Cloutier, Rachelle 14.48 Windham High School
Coen, Krystah 14.71 Mt. Ararat High School
Tuttle, Hannah 14.80 Marshwood High School
Maietta, Berkley 14.84 Scarborough High School
Rossi, Amelia 14.85 Scarborough High School
Lewis, Bella 14.96 Scarborough High School
Lawrence, Emma 15.05 Westbrook High School
Ellis, Britania 15.31 Westbrook High School
Francine, Jesse 15.65 Portland High School
Bradley, Kassidy 15.83 Westbrook High School
Smetana, Gabrielle 16.00 Scarborough High School
Smith, Genesis 16.03 Westbrook High School
Massamba, Chancele 16.03 Portland High School
Mieze-Tunga, Mariana 16.16 Portland High School
Francisco, Sara 16.45 Portland High School
Dianzenza, Adolfina 16.57 Portland High School
Kongolo, Acasia 16.74 Portland High School
Mawein, Aluel 16.85 Portland High School
Garrett, Orley 16.95 Portland High School
Mbongo, Princilla 17.01 Portland High School
Murray, Elieza 17.92 Mt. Ararat High School
Johnson, Tatyanna 18.30 Westbrook High School
Johnson, Kamiera 20.51 Westbrook High School
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pelletier, Tayla 15.28 Windham High School
Breiting-Brown, Saya 15.78 Deering High School
Zandan, Victoria 16.55 Greely High School
Fish, Serae 16.94 Leavitt Area High School
Smith, Riley 17.36 Marshwood High School
Castagna, Carina 17.37 Leavitt Area High School
Moreland, Lindy 17.44 Gorham High School
Alaari, Iman 17.71 Portland High School
Ramus, Claire 17.81 Freeport High School
Tolliver, Morgan 17.83 Belfast Area High School
BENSON, CAROLINE 18.29 Scarborough High School
Guindon, Madalyn 18.31 Thornton Academy
Douglas, Ellie 18.69 Mt. Ararat High School
Hang, Stella 18.72 Cheverus High School
Morey, Nealie 18.99 Windham High School
Serunjogi, Kiana 19.39 Thornton Academy
Tate, Holland 19.41 Scarborough High School
Blanchard , Annese 19.45 South Portland High School
Pijunovic, Elana 19.52 Scarborough High School
Aceto, Megan 19.64 Marshwood High School
Murphy, Samantha 20.59 South Portland High School
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Girls 1600 Meter Race Walk 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Doyon, Olivia 10:22.83 Leavitt Area High School
Farley , Monica 10:41.57 Windham High School
Bisnette, Jeanette 10:47.93 Windham High School
Brown, Maggie 10:55.53 South Portland High School
Sauca, Lubesso 11:37.97 Lewiston High School
Atherton, Paige 11:49.48 Windham High School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Driscoll, Laurel 5:12.70 Scarborough High School
VanRyn, Jenna 5:17.50 Camden Hills Regional High Schoo
Violette, Marina 5:20.00 Bonny Eagle High School
Young, Emma 5:20.40 Cape Elizabeth High School
Tripp, Margaret 5:20.88 Thornton Academy
Houde, Ashley 5:23.53 Thornton Academy
Barry, Rowan 5:26.51 Greely High School
Huggett, Lucy 5:27.13 Freeport High School
Alexander, Grace 5:29.92 Cheverus High School
Olson, Lucy 5:32.14 Cheverus High School
Endicott, Maia 5:32.59 Portland High School
Sanzone, Maya 5:32.73 Marshwood High School
Landry , Mya 5:34.56 Deering High School
Warner, Kallie 5:38.00 Bonny Eagle High School
Shaw, Bailey 5:38.00 Bonny Eagle High School
Marston, Haley 5:42.57 Leavitt Area High School
Cummings, Rita 5:44.98 Gorham High School
Frothingham, Hannah 5:45.15 Cape Elizabeth High School
Spurr, Annie 5:46.00h Lewiston High School
Shields, Mackenzie 5:47.58 Thornton Academy
Vinkemulder, Ella 5:48.25 Portland High School
Hesler, Allie 5:50.00 Bonny Eagle High School
Bibula, Chloe 5:52.02 Yarmouth High School
Weisz, Sarah 5:52.18 Greely High School
Sanzone, Ava 5:52.68 Marshwood High School
Williams, Haley 5:54.06 Winthrop High School
Garber, Megan 5:55.13 Westbrook High School
Mills, Norah 5:57.53 Yarmouth High School
Bearce, Beth 5:58.36 Windham High School
Morrison, Kate 5:59.99 Portland High School
Walker, Avelyn 6:02.25 Bonny Eagle High School
Ouellette, Delaney 6:08.41 Lewiston High School
Kingsley, Meg 6:09.00h Cheverus High School
Fox, Emma 6:12.00 Windham High School
Keleher, Grace 6:13.04 Mt. Ararat High School
Curtis, Jane 6:19.01 Cape Elizabeth High School
Doolittle, Audrey 6:20 Westbrook High School
Fremont, Cece 6:23.54 Cape Elizabeth High School
Kasabian, Zabel 6:27.18 Deering High School
Price, Emma 6:28.42 Portland High School
Lee, Hannah 6:29.37 Windham High School
Lewis, Monica 6:30.97 Windham High School
Palmore, Avery 6:32.52 Cape Elizabeth High School
Adler, Willow 6:34.59 Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
DuEst, Emma 6:38.03 Scarborough High School
Gray, Sarah 6:48.24 Mt. Ararat High School
Young, Eleanor 6:59.97 Mt. Ararat High School
LoSacco, Isabel 7:00.41 Scarborough High School
Beede, Angeline 7:03.01 Mt. Ararat High School
Larsen, MaryScott 7:05.00 Mt. Ararat High School
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 62 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chalmers, Maizie Portland High School
Pendleton, Julia 26.32 Bonny Eagle High School
Noble, Abby 26.78 Yarmouth High School
Hammith, Khalysa 27.53 Windham High School
Gin, Lara 27.54 Deering High School
Thelen, Caroline 27.65 Morse High School
Marquis, Kaisley 27.79 Leavitt Area High School
Miller, Olivea 27.91 Leavitt Area High School
Graham, Emma 27.95 Freeport High School
Gin, Anika 28.09 Deering High School
Vincent, Adong 28.13 Portland High School
Tarbox, Halle 28.21 Belfast Area High School
Lauziere, Cayden 28.36 Bonny Eagle High School
Vancelette, Eva 28.49 Windham High School
Franklin, Jacqueline 28.50h Greely High School
Vail, Annabelle 28.64 Gorham High School
Bisson, Ellie 28.98 South Portland High School
Swallow, Regan 29.08 Falmouth High School
Alvarez, Eva 29.16 Scarborough High School
Garrepy, Hannah 29.24 Mt. Ararat High School
Nguema, Moriya 29.35 Deering High School
DiBiase, Faith 29.36 Windham High School
Inman, Ashley 29.37 Bonny Eagle High School
Rogers, Abby 29.38 Gorham High School
Almeida, Joana 29.39 Lewiston High School
Ting, Vienna 29.47 Belfast Area High School
Tuttle, Hannah 29.48 Marshwood High School
Aloegnikou, Holly 29.59 Lewiston High School
Hubacz, Rachel 29.64 Thornton Academy
Herszkopf, Gabriela 29.66 Falmouth High School
Rocha, Maria 29.70 Deering High School
Andoniades, Athanasia 29.76 Lewiston High School
Eaves, Breanna 29.81 Mt. Ararat High School
Grunewald, Abbie 29.9 Yarmouth High School
Gould, Addison 30.03 Thornton Academy
McCarthy, Stella 30.08 Belfast Area High School
Goodwin, Kate 30.21 Scarborough High School
Johnston, Greta 30.22 Scarborough High School
Maier, Eleanor 30.48 Scarborough High School
Zansanga, Graca 30.50 Westbrook High School
Black, Avery 30.56 Portland High School
Deyesso, Olive 30.63 Scarborough High School
Patrick, Keeley 30.77 Portland High School
Guindon, Madalyn 30.79 Thornton Academy
Little, Megan 30.87 Windham High School
Luwati-Vangu, Vivane 30.91 Portland High School
Harris, Annabelle 31.41 Windham High School
Watchiba, Delphia 31.43 Portland High School
Sullivan, Abigail 31.65 Mt. Ararat High School
Lachance, Lily 31.76 Mt. Ararat High School
Middleton, Sarah 31.92 Mt. Ararat High School
Da Silva, Eugenia 32.38 Portland High School
Manzambi, Belvinie 32.52 Portland High School
Ifonge, Maya 32.73 Portland High School
Heath, Jasmynne 32.75 Windham High School
Zigler, Rosie 33.53 Portland High School
Antonio, Helena 33.92 Portland High School
Teachout, Sienna 34.09 Scarborough High School
Bradley, Kassidy 34.19 Westbrook High School
Mussassa, Severina 34.43 Westbrook High School
Schafer, Nina 34.51 Portland High School
Esch, Lulu 37.54 Cape Elizabeth High School
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Girls 2000 Meter Steeplechase 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dunn, Sage 10:00.00 Leavitt Area High School
Doyon, Olivia 10:00.00 Leavitt Area High School
Marston, Haley 8:00.00h Leavitt Area High School
Martson, Abby 8:00.00h Leavitt Area High School
Stein, Emma 8:30.00 Greely High School
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Drouin, Makenna 43.74 Lewiston High School
Pelletier, Tayla 46.50 Windham High School
Zandan, Victoria 48.72 Greely High School
Alvarez, Eva 48.80 Scarborough High School
Fish, Serae 48.98 Leavitt Area High School
Breiting-Brown, Saya 49.76 Deering High School
Dedekian, Amelia 49.91 Cheverus High School
Perry, Hadley 50.33 Falmouth High School
Tolliver, Morgan 50.58 Belfast Area High School
Douglas, Ellie 52.25 Mt. Ararat High School
Castagna, Carina 52.56 Leavitt Area High School
Vercoe, Myla 54.05 Windham High School
Tate, Holland 54.76 Scarborough High School
Smith, Ruby 54.83 Freeport High School
Middleton, Sarah 54.99 Mt. Ararat High School
Denbow, Abigail 55.36 Scarborough High School
Serunjogi, Kiana 55.36 Thornton Academy
Smith, Olivia 55.88 Windham High School
Blais, Gabrielle 56.99 Cheverus High School
Morrell, Josie 58.25 Mt. Ararat High School
Christensen, Ellia 58.40 South Portland High School
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Driscoll, Laurel 10:58.94 Scarborough High School
Thibodeau, Addy 11:15.54 Bonny Eagle High School
Marston, Haley 11:52.60 Leavitt Area High School
Violette, Marina 11:59.00 Bonny Eagle High School
Barry, Rowan 11:59.49 Greely High School
Warner, Kallie 12:12.92 Bonny Eagle High School
Endicott, Maia 12:15.44 Portland High School
Sanzone, Maya 12:18.46 Marshwood High School
Sanzone, Ava 12:37.99 Marshwood High School
Cummings, Rita 12:41.19 Gorham High School
Wentworth, Olivia 12:45.00 Yarmouth High School
Morrison, Kate 12:54.88 Portland High School
Lambert , Grace 13:05.94 Thornton Academy
Williams, Haley 13:09.10 Winthrop High School
Bearce, Beth 13:17.00 Windham High School
Pelletier, Charlotte 13:17.55 Deering High School
Gilmore , Ava 13:22.43 Marshwood High School
Walker, Avelyn 13:25.54 Bonny Eagle High School
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Franklin, Jacqueline 1:01.92 Greely High School
Perry, Hadley 1:02.83 Falmouth High School
Mcvearry, Meara 1:03.27 Belfast Area High School
Marquis, Kaisley 1:03.55 Leavitt Area High School
Willis, Elena 1:04.34 Mt. Ararat High School
White, Lydia 1:04.83 Mt. Ararat High School
Martson, Abby 1:04.84 Leavitt Area High School
FitzPatrick, Phoebe 1:05.13 Mt. Ararat High School
Brawn, Sara 1:05.20 Gorham High School
Valleau, Jocelyn 1:05.71 Belfast Area High School
DiBiase, Faith 1:05.82 Windham High School
Tuffour, Stefanie 1:05.95 Lewiston High School
Ocampo, Sabrina 1:06.16 Scarborough High School
Lauziere, Cayden 1:06.47 Bonny Eagle High School
Francisco, Jemima 1:06.57 Lewiston High School
Field, Haley 1:06.86 South Portland High School
Vancelette, Eva 1:07.21 Windham High School
Goodwin, Kate 1:07.65 Scarborough High School
Worster, Cedar 1:08.51 Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Hayslip, Paisley 1:08.79 Belfast Area High School
Herszkopf, Gabriela 1:09.23 Falmouth High School
Sibley, Josephine 1:09.54 Windham High School
GRETA, Johnston 1:10.06 Scarborough High School
Daviault, Ava 1:10.74 Cape Elizabeth High School
Mpaka, Victoria 1:11.85 Lewiston High School
Crasnick, Lucia 1:12.48 Scarborough High School
Lindecamp, Olivia 1:15.04 South Portland High School
LaRose, Lila 1:15.50 Mt. Ararat High School
Kennedy, Amia 1:19.10 Mt. Ararat High School
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 52.68 Windham High School
Relay Team A 53.48 Gorham High School
Relay Team A 53.72 Belfast Area High School
Relay Team A 53.85 Deering High School
Relay Team A 54.61 Lewiston High School
Relay Team A 57.44 Westbrook High School
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:19.58 Windham High School
Relay Team A 4:28.75 Belfast Area High School
Relay Team A 4:29.01 Bonny Eagle High School
Relay Team A 4:31.42 Lewiston High School
Relay Team A 4:32.11 Gorham High School
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Girls 800 Meter Run 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Young, Emma 2:21.31 Cape Elizabeth High School
Hall, Lilah 2:25.15 Freeport High School
Koepsell, Bella 2:27.50h Falmouth High School
Stimmell, Annalise 2:29.81 Sanford High School
Ocampo, Sabrina 2:32.44 Scarborough High School
Taylor, Maya 2:32.66 Scarborough High School
Oshetski, Ella 2:33.01 Freeport High School
Anderson, Alice 2:33.44 Portland High School
McClellan, Sarah 2:33.92 Marshwood High School
Gallagher, Samone 2:34.45 Sanford High School
Lee, Grace 2:34.54 Bonny Eagle High School
Schmitt, Allie 2:35.00h Cheverus High School
Bearce, Beth 2:35.21 Windham High School
Bilodeau, Addison 2:36.23 Lewiston High School
Coomey, Aoife 2:36.97 Marshwood High School
Hirschkorn, Hana 2:37 Cheverus High School
Martson, Abby 2:37.19 Leavitt Area High School
Thibodeau, Meredith 2:37.77 Bonny Eagle High School
Lewellen, Meryk 2:38.37 Gorham High School
Breiting-Brown, Elise 2:41.02 Deering High School
Moulton, Anna 2:41.18 Thornton Academy
Broadbent, Sydney 2:41.30 Windham High School
Young, Addison 2:41.80 Cape Elizabeth High School
Scully, Anna 2:41.85 Thornton Academy
Fox, Emma 2:42.19 Windham High School
Fiandaca, Addie 2:43.74 Sanford High School
Keleher, Grace 2:43.75 Mt. Ararat High School
Dellinger, Zoe 2:43.81 Gorham High School
Frothingham, Hannah 2:44.08 Cape Elizabeth High School
Garber, Megan 2:44.63 Westbrook High School
Tompkins, Julia 2:45.00h South Portland High School
Kimball, Annabel 2:46.45 Cheverus High School
Thibeault, Ashlyn 2:48.31 Mt. Ararat High School
Ridge, Lyla 2:49.49 Deering High School
McCall, Bella 2:49.85 Sanford High School
Kelly, Ezabella 2:50.09 Lewiston High School
Beeler, Grace 2:53.43 Cheverus High School
Gagnier, Josie 2:53.81 Lewiston High School
Binette, Madison 2:53.94 Lewiston High School
Smith, Evelyn 2:56.63 South Portland High School
Douglass, Lily 2:58.97 Lewiston High School
Shaw, Olivia 3:00.73 Windham High School
McCullough, Caty 3:02.03 Cheverus High School
Lewis, Alanna 3:04.47 Windham High School
Beede, Angeline 3:04.79 Mt. Ararat High School
Robinson, Maisie 3:05.51 Cheverus High School
Allen, Eliza 3:06.62 Sanford High School
Stoddard, Kimmy 3:14.89 Cheverus High School
Chubbuck, Addison 3:23.88 Mt. Ararat High School
Gleason, Penelope 3:31.86 Scarborough High School
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Girls Discus 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gaudet, Samantha 129-7 Falmouth High School
Elie, Julia 102-7 Thornton Academy
Pelletier, Aubrey 100-3 Mt. Ararat High School
Reynolds, Annabelle 97-3 Gray New Gloucester High School
Sites, Sabine 96-8 Greely High School
Cameron, Ella 95-1 Yarmouth High School
Kluck, Elara 91-10 Gray New Gloucester High School
Jean-Paul, Genevieve 91-6 Sanford High School
Wardrop, Julia 85-7 Scarborough High School
Lizotte, Abigail 84-9 Thornton Academy
Jackson, Lucy 84-7 Mt. Ararat High School
Schwarz, Marina 82-5 Windham High School
Gardner, Sloan 82-2.5 Cape Elizabeth High School
Barkman, Alexis 80-8 Leavitt Area High School
Adande Kinti, Eileen 80-7 Greely High School
Berry, Emma 80-1 Mt. Ararat High School
Hooper, Allison 80-1 Belfast Area High School
Wagner, Madeline 79-7 Winthrop High School
Bates, Lindsay 78-11 Leavitt Area High School
Satterfield, Carly 77-3.5 Mt. Ararat High School
Berry, Cora 76-6.5 Greely High School
Harrington, Michaela 76-4 Leavitt Area High School
Smith, Kayla 76-4 Leavitt Area High School
Champ, Summer 74-4 Bonny Eagle High School
Moores, Stella 72-4 Gorham High School
Vance, Lola 71-9 Gorham High School
Zinser, Elli 70-10 Marshwood High School
Larsen, Elliot 70-8.5 Mt. Ararat High School
Laverriere, Lilly 70-6 Thornton Academy
Chicoine, Piper 70-4 Windham High School
Farwell, Shailyn 66-3 Windham High School
Gagne, Juliana 63-10 Windham High School
Timblin, Erryl 63-8.5 Mt. Ararat High School
Wall, Alexis 63-4 Scarborough High School
Rasquinha, Abigail 59-11 Scarborough High School
Patterson, October 53-11 Belfast Area High School
Legawiec, Lyra 53-3.5 Mt. Ararat High School
Jackson, Sara 52-6 Scarborough High School
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Girls High Jump 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Campbell 5-3 Lake Region High School
Fish, Serae 5-2 Leavitt Area High School
Alaari, Inas 5-0 Portland High School
Deng, Biel 4-10 Lewiston High School
Gin, Lara 4-10 Deering High School
Freeman, Lillia 4-10 Bonny Eagle High School
Ramus, Claire 4-10 Freeport High School
Graham, Emma 4-10 Freeport High School
Morey, Nealie 4-10 Windham High School
Willis, Elena 4-8 Mt. Ararat High School
FitzPatrick, Phoebe 4-8 Mt. Ararat High School
Tate, Holland 4-8 Scarborough High School
Cowan, Stella 4-8 Cheverus High School
Eubanks, Kendra 4-8 Windham High School
Sibley, Josephine 4-8 Windham High School
Hooper, Allison 4-6 Belfast Area High School
Smith, Riley 4-6 Marshwood High School
Aceto, Megan 4-6 Marshwood High School
Middleton, Sarah 4-4 Mt. Ararat High School
Carlson, Story 4-4 Belfast Area High School
Gilbert, Nellie 4-4 Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Walker, Lauryn 4-2 Bonny Eagle High School
Gaudiano, Tessa 4-2 Bonny Eagle High School
Smith, Charlotte 4-0 Marshwood High School
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Girls Javelin 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pelletier, Aubrey 121-1 Mt. Ararat High School
Harrington, Michaela 104-4 Leavitt Area High School
Cameron, Ella 103-1 Yarmouth High School
Andreasen, Lillian 100-9 Gorham High School
LeBlanc, Katherine 100-4 Thornton Academy
Gin, Anika 99-3 Deering High School
Simpson, Abbie 95-8 Leavitt Area High School
Berry, Emma 89-2 Mt. Ararat High School
Bates, Lindsay 85-5 Leavitt Area High School
Wagner, Madeline 85-4 Winthrop High School
Whitman, Georgia 84-9 Sanford High School
Rasquinha, Abigail 84-6 Scarborough High School
Wardrop, Julia 84-6 Scarborough High School
Umland, Emilie 83-6 Cheverus High School
Smith, Kayla 81-5 Leavitt Area High School
Lynch, Katelyn 79-9 Lewiston High School
Berry, Cora 79-7 Greely High School
Bubier, Amaya 78-2 Leavitt Area High School
Brown, Sadie 73-10 Cheverus High School
Dukhey , Maya 72-8 Thornton Academy
Moreland, Lindy 71-2 Gorham High School
Lemon, Kate 70-2 Belfast Area High School
Kennie, Devan 70-0 Windham High School
Anderson, Vivian 66-0 Westbrook High School
Lawrence, Emma 64-10 Westbrook High School
Robbins, Olivia 63-11 Belfast Area High School
Pullen, Cassidy 62-1 Mt. Ararat High School
Mujinga Eduardo, Maguy 59-11 Portland High School
Porter, Lindsay 50-2 Scarborough High School
Ingersoll, Avery 49-4 Scarborough High School
Landry, Lauren 43-3 Mt. Ararat High School
Wardwell, Ava 43-0 Windham High School
Ousback, Katarina 39-8 Scarborough High School
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Girls Long Jump 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pendleton, Julia 17-7.25 Bonny Eagle High School
Hammith, Khalysa 16-6 Windham High School
Lewellen, Meryk 15-11.5 Gorham High School
Lindos, Alisandra 15-9.5 Portland High School
Flynn, Jenni 15-7 Lewiston High School
Hang, Stella 15-6.5 Cheverus High School
Folsom, Isabel 15-6 Winthrop High School
Leveille, Sydney 15-5.75 Marshwood High School
Gin, Anika 15-4 Deering High School
Killion, Hanna 15-3 Mt. Ararat High School
Gerrity , Ava 15-3 Windham High School
Lawwill, Julia 15-2 Yarmouth High School
FitzPatrick, Phoebe 15-1.5 Mt. Ararat High School
Tuttle, Hannah 15-0 Marshwood High School
Eaves, Breanna 14-10 Mt. Ararat High School
Rocha, Maria 14-10 Deering High School
Banguninga, Tracy 14-9.5 Lewiston High School
Miller, Olivea 14-7.25 Leavitt Area High School
Tuffour, Stefanie 14-6 Lewiston High School
Grunewald, Abbie 14-6 Yarmouth High School
McCarthy, Stella 14-6 Belfast Area High School
Ting, Vienna 14-4.5 Belfast Area High School
Lajoie, Lucy 14-4.25 Mt. Ararat High School
Rossi, Amelia 14-4 Scarborough High School
Swallow, Regan 14-3 Falmouth High School
Sprague, Estella 14-2 Belfast Area High School
Moody, Natalie 14-1.25 Leavitt Area High School
Lewis, Bella 14-0.75 Scarborough High School
Moreland, Lindy 13-9 Gorham High School
Wakati, Evana 13-9 Portland High School
Deyesso, Olive 13-7.5 Scarborough High School
Bergeron, Danielle 13-6.75 Leavitt Area High School
Fadrigon, Emily 13-3.25 Gorham High School
Gates, Izzy 13-3 Leavitt Area High School
Hollenbach, Josy 12-10 Mt. Ararat High School
Mitchell, Mya 12-7 Belfast Area High School
Sanchez, Marta 11-0 Cape Elizabeth High School
Sethia, Shirin 10-7 Scarborough High School
Prasad, Aditi 10-0.5 Scarborough High School
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Girls Pole Vault 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ouellette, Sarah 11-5 Morse High School
White, Lydia 9-6 Mt. Ararat High School
Gates, Izzy 9-0 Leavitt Area High School
Satterfield, Carly 8-6 Mt. Ararat High School
BENSON, CAROLINE 8-6 Scarborough High School
Dedekian, Amelia 8-6 Cheverus High School
Garrepy, Hannah 8-0 Mt. Ararat High School
Cameron, Ella 8-0 Yarmouth High School
Smith, Riley 8-0 Marshwood High School
Shanholtz, Addison 7-6 Windham High School
Gilbert, Nellie 7-0 Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Worster, Cedar 6-6 Oxford Hills Comprehensive High
Sprague, Estella 6-6 Belfast Area High School
Pijunovic, Elana 6-6 Scarborough High School
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Girls Shot Put 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Prentiss, Ruby 39-11.75 Falmouth High School
Gardner, Sloan 33-3 Cape Elizabeth High School
Harrington, Michaela 33-2 Leavitt Area High School
Pelletier, Aubrey 31-8.5 Mt. Ararat High School
Elie, Julia 31-6 Thornton Academy
Jean-Paul, Genevieve 31-2 Sanford High School
Snyder, Eleanor 29-9.75 Cheverus High School
Jordan, Bailey 29-5 Lewiston High School
Kamalandua, Joanna 28-10.25 Westbrook High School
Hooper, Allison 28-6 Belfast Area High School
Andreasen, Lillian 28-3 Gorham High School
Jackson, Lucy 27-4 Mt. Ararat High School
Schwarz, Marina 27-3 Windham High School
Cohen, Audrey 27-2 Greely High School
Rush, Evelyn 27-0 Cheverus High School
Wagner, Madeline 26-11 Winthrop High School
Hackleman, Mary 26-8 Cheverus High School
Whitman, Georgia 26-2.25 Sanford High School
Pete, Elizabeth 25-11 Portland High School
Johnson, Lucy 22-10.5 Scarborough High School
Crawford, Morgandy 22-8.5 Mt. Ararat High School
Ousback, Katarina 20-9.75 Scarborough High School
De Vries, Eleanora 13-10.5 Scarborough High School
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Girls Triple Jump 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pelletier, Tayla 36-08.25 Windham High School
Zandan, Victoria 34-10 Greely High School
Lindos, Alisandra 34-5 Portland High School
Leveille, Sydney 34-4 Marshwood High School
Morey, Nealie 34-2 Windham High School
Indenga, Zoe 33-6 South Portland High School
Lawwill, Julia 33-4 Yarmouth High School
Freeman, Lillia 33-1.75 Bonny Eagle High School
Hang, Stella 32-11 Cheverus High School
Johnson, Campbell 32-11 Lake Region High School
Killion, Hanna 32-7.75 Mt. Ararat High School
Folsom, Isabel 32-6 Winthrop High School
Lajoie, Lucy 32-5.25 Mt. Ararat High School
Gerrity , Ava 32-05 Windham High School
Armstrong, Zion 32-4.25 Winthrop High School
Deng, Biel 31-7.75 Lewiston High School
Francisco, Jemima 31-6.25 Lewiston High School
Lewellen, Meryk 31-0.25 Gorham High School
Miller, Olivea 30-3 Leavitt Area High School
Almeida, Joana 30-0.25 Lewiston High School
Bergeron, Danielle 29-7.25 Leavitt Area High School
Sprague, Estella 29-6 Belfast Area High School
Fadrigon, Emily 28-11.75 Gorham High School
Gates, Izzy 28-11 Leavitt Area High School
Rogow, Adriana 28-11 Falmouth High School
Pelletier, Alexis 28-10.5 Windham High School
Sauca, Lubesso 28-8.25 Lewiston High School
Berry, Emma 28-5.5 Mt. Ararat High School
Harjula, Addy 28-3 Gorham High School
Sweet, Madelyn 28-2.25 Mt. Ararat High School
Carlson, Story 28-2 Belfast Area High School
Emerson, Laurel 27-6 Gorham High School
Alaari, Soleil 26-9 Portland High School
Decker, Cassidy 24-7 Mt. Ararat High School
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