
The Caribou Boys broke Western Maine's hold on the Class B team title as it became the first Eastern Maine team since Ellsworth in 1998 to win the title. The Vikings scored 92 to win over runner-up Falmouth by 8 points, Cape Elizabeth nabbed 3rd with 109 points. All 3 teams will move on to the New England Championship meet in two weeks. Individually Silas Eastman (Fryeburg) crossed the finish line first in 16:02, Eastman was 19 seconds in front of runner-up Tim Follo (Falmouth). On the girls side John Bapst broke Cape Elizabeth's 3 year strangle hold on the state title, as they earned a 6 point win over the Capers 72-76. MDI finished 3rd. In the individual girls race Dacie Manion powered to the win in 18:50, as she outdistanced runner-up Abby Mace (Maranacook) by 35 seconds for the win. RESULTS BOYS & GIRLS RECAP posted, SILAS EASTMAN INTERVIEW | Photos by Beth Rand | Girls Race Video | Boys Race Video